Devices such as glucometers have recently appeared in our lives and have greatly simplified the lives of diabetics. It is easy to deal with them: just put a drop of blood on the test strip - and the sugar level appears on the display screen. A wide range of glucometers, their parameters and various useful options can confuse a person choosing a device. Help in choosing a device can provide a rating of glucometers. Feedback from people who have used the device can confirm the correct choice.
Measurement method

Photometric type blood glucose meters resemble the human eye, detecting the degree of color change in the test area that occurs when blood glucose reacts with a reagent consisting of glucose oxidase and special dyes.
Electrochemical glucometers tend to use a newer method based on measuring the current that occurs when conducting a similar reaction of blood glucose and glucose oxidase.
The second method is more convenient as it uses a smaller blood drop. The accuracy of the methods is approximately comparable.
Blood drop volume
Blood drop size is an important parameter, especially for children and the elderly. After all, to get a drop of blood in 0.3-0.6 µl, the smallest puncture depth is required, which is less painful and allows the skin to heal faster. Devices that require the smallest drop of blood for analysis top the list of the best glucometers.
Measuring time
Glycometers of the latest generations are characterized by the issuance of results in the shortest possible time - up to 10 seconds. The speed does not affect the accuracy of the result.
Fastest results available in 5 seconds with Accu-Chek Performa Nano and OneTouch Select meters.
If you keep a sugar control log, it is important to be able to store the results of the latest measurements in the memory of the device, from time to time downloading data from the meter memory.
The Accu-Chek Performa Nano has the highest volume for 500 measurements.
Food note
A number of glucometers are able to mark the results of analyzes before and after meals with the possibility of separate statistics. This makes it possible to evaluate fasting and post-meal sugar separately.
This option is available on OneTouch Select and Accu-Chek Performa Nano meters.
If the patient does not keep an electronic diary of self-control with the calculation of averages, the glucometer option can be used. A larger amount of statistical data can be a useful tool for you and your doctor, help to more accurately assess the degree of compensation for the disease and develop an admission strategy.hypoglycemic drugs.
The Accu-Chek Performa Nano meter allows you to get the best statistics.
Coding test strips
A unique code is assigned to each batch of test strips. This code is set differently on different meters:
- manually;
- using the chip inserted into the glucometer and supplied with the package of test strips;
- automatically find out the test strip code.
The most convenient are auto-encoded meters such as the Contour TS.
Pack of test strips

Test strips can be stored in the tube for 3 months after opening. If each test strip is individually packaged, they can be used within the expiration date printed on the package. This is very convenient for relatively infrequent blood measurements.
This packaging is used in the satellite meters "Satellite Plus" and Optium Xceed.
Test strips for the device
The size of test strips and the degree of their stiffness are important for elderly patients who find it difficult to manipulate small objects. For such people, it is better that the test strip is larger and denser.
Test strips are included with the meter. In type 1 diabetes, sugar is often measured several times a day. The cost of the device for such patients will consist of the sum of the cost of the glucometer itself and a set of strips that are needed for a month. Preference at equal price can be given to devices with a large number of test strips in the package. You can also purchase a device that does not have strips.
Additional features

- Instrument warranty. An important feature for long-term use.
- Communication with the computer. If you are preparing to use special analytics programs, this option allows you to quickly enter all statistics into your computer.
OneTouch blood glucose meters come with a special cable to connect to your computer.
- Voice function. The voice glucometer is specifically designed for people with impaired or no vision. The glucometer accompanies by voice all the actions of the patient in preparing the measurement procedure and announces the result of checking the sugar level.
- Type of battery. It is important to choose a meter that can be powered by the owner of the meter.
Classic AAA little finger batteries are used in Bionime Rightest GM300 glucometers.
- Instrument accuracy. A very important parameter. Not all glucometers have high accuracy. The quality rating will help you choose the instrument that gives the most accurate readings.
If we talk about age preferences, then the simplest glucometers with a large screen are closer to the elderly.
For young people who love activity and mobility, it is important to be able to connect to a computer, the compact size of the device and the amount of working memory.

British glucometer iCheck by Diamedical. The device is powered by onestandard CR-2032 battery. Its stock is designed for a thousand measurements. Glucometer dimensions - 80х58 mm.
It is possible to set the glucometer to output measurement results according to Western standards in milligrams per deciliter or in millimoles per liter, as was practiced in the USSR. Measurement time - 9 seconds. It requires 1.2 microliters of blood. The meter's memory stores a summary of the last 180 measurements, which are assigned the date and time of the measurement. There are weekly statistics on the average measurement result.
When a new tube of the device is opened, it is necessary to insert the coding chip only once, which is sufficient until the new tube.
The meter has the ability to connect to a computer, however, a connecting cable with a serial RS-232 interface is not included.
Accu-Chek Performa Nano

The German glucometer Accu-Chek Performa Nano from Roche has a compact size. Its dimensions are 69x43 mm. Powered by two classic CR-2032 batteries.
The device needs a very small amount of blood - 0.6 µl. The result is displayed on the screen in turn in two standards: a few seconds per mmol/l and mg/dl.
To be able to communicate with a computer, the device has an infrared port. The meter is not supplied with computer software.
Sensocard Plus

Hungarian glucometer Sensocard Plus company E77 has a voice module and can instruct the patient and inform aboutthe results of the analysis in English and Russian. This option is designed to help people with visual impairments, which is quite common with diabetes. To power the device, two CR-2032 batteries are required, the charge of which is enough for a thousand measurements. Dimensions of the Sensocard Plus glucometer - 90x55 mm.
In order to carry out the analysis, you need a drop of blood 0.5 µl. The time for issuing the result is 5 seconds. You can set the instrument to measure in mg/dL or mmol/L. The instrument's memory is capable of storing the results of the last 500 measurements. You can get average statistics. It is possible to exclude individual results from the calculation of statistics, marking them as incorrect. They are in memory, but do not take part in the calculation of averages.
There is a code card that is inserted into a special slot on the side of the meter. If it is lost, the test strip code, which consists of three characters, can be entered manually. The device is equipped with an infrared controller, but the software is not included.
Optium Xceed

The Optium Xceed device from Abbott has the ability to measure, in addition to blood glucose, the level of ketone bodies, which are a product of the decomposition of fats. If the content of ketone bodies in the blood is increased, this may indicate a serious illness - ketoacidosis.
Glucose and ketone body test strips are required separately and are sold separately.
The device has a small size of 74x53 mm and is attractive compared todesign competitors. The device requires one "watch" CR-2032 battery. Batteries are enough for one thousand tests. Among the Optium Xceed glucometers presented in the review, the only one has a screen backlight.
In glucose tests it is possible to select the unit of measure. It can be set in the device settings to either mg/dl or mmol/l. Measurement of ketone bodies occurs only in mmol / l.
To correctly analyze glucose, you need a drop of blood 0.6 µl, for the study of ketone bodies, a drop is required twice as much - 1.2 µl. In terms of drop size, the device leads the glucometer rating in 2013. Accordingly, the analysis time for these analyzes is 5 and 10 seconds. The memory of the glucometer has a capacity of 450 measurements of various types. It is possible to obtain average values. Some results can be excluded from the overall statistics by marking them as controls.
The device can be connected to a computer. The connection cable can be connected to the test strip connector. However, neither the connecting cable nor the computer programs are included with the meter.
Best glucometers
When choosing a glucometer, it is necessary to start from information about the type of its work. An important role is played by the company that produces the devices. After analyzing the numerous reviews of people with diabetes, you can determine the best glucometers for your case. Recently, the rating of glucometers in terms of accuracy, according to the reviews of diabetics, was led by devices from such manufacturers:
- "Satellite";
- Accutrend;
- "Accu-Chek";
- Optium;
- Ascensia;
- One Touch;
- Biomine;
- Medi Sense.
The same brands lead the rating of glucometers in Ukraine.
Satellite glucometers are manufactured by the Russian company Elta, which specializes in equipment for diabetic patients. The company completes the devices with everything necessary to perform the analysis. The kit includes 10 disposable test strips, a device used to prick a finger, a control strip, a user manual, a case, warranty documents.
The "Accu-Chek" glucometer features a photometric analyzer. This model is characterized by the fact that the volume of blood required for analysis is controlled by the glucometer itself. In addition, the Accu-Chek meter has a large memory of up to 500 measurements, which allows you to bring into the system all the changes in sugar levels that occur in people with diabetes.
The One Touch Horizon and Ultra Smart models have been liked by a large number of patients who regularly measure their blood sugar levels. The device quickly gives high-precision results. It takes 5 seconds for the meter to determine the glucose level. The main disadvantage of One Touch glucometers, noted by users in their reviews, is their high cost.
The Biomine Glucometer has many advantages. This is a high speed analysis: information is displayed on the screen after 8 seconds after the blood is applied to the test strip. The device allowsautomatically calculate the average measurement results for the last week and month. The model has a large screen, on which the results of the analyzes are clearly visible, so it is recommended for older people.
A new generation of glucometers is represented by Ascensia, Accutrend, Optium, Medi Sense. They top the glucometer rating in 2014. When preparing to purchase a device, you need to carefully study the reviews of people who have already used it, about its advantages and disadvantages (a kind of glucometer rating). Of course, when buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the operation of the device by doing a test analysis.