Glucometer "Kontur TS" - reviews. Glucometer "Kontur TS": instructions

Glucometer "Kontur TS" - reviews. Glucometer "Kontur TS": instructions
Glucometer "Kontur TS" - reviews. Glucometer "Kontur TS": instructions

Glucometer “Contour TS” (Contour TS) is a device for measuring the level of sugar in the blood, which was developed by the German pharmaceutical concern Bayer. The device itself is manufactured in Switzerland and Japan at automated high-tech enterprises and is intended for home use.

Key Features

Glucometer “Kontur TS”, consumer reviews of which have only positive content, allows you to measure blood sugar and get an accurate result 8 seconds after the start of the test. Unlike other devices of this kind, this device does not require the user to enter a special digital code or install an encrypted chip for each new set of test strips. This greatly simplifies the operation of a technical device and avoids a number of errors associated with its incorrect use.

glucometer contour TS reviews
glucometer contour TS reviews

The device also has a memory of 250 records with the date of measurement, which allows you to track your blood glucose statistics over a long period.

Glucometer“Bayer Kontur TS”, reviews of older consumers about which are also only positive, has a large display and large print. This makes it indispensable for use by people who have age-related problems with changes in the quality of vision. In addition, very little blood is required to obtain a result, making it convenient for testing children and those in poor he alth.

glucometer circuit TS instruction
glucometer circuit TS instruction

Glucometer “Kontur TS”, reviews of which are quite numerous, is also used for testing different types of blood: capillary, venous and arterial. In any case, the device shows accurate data, based on the special characteristics of the analyzed material.

Features & Benefits

Glucometer “Kontur TS”, consumer reviews of which are most often positive, has a number of advantages that allow the technical device to get ahead of other similar devices:

  • high accuracy readings;
  • uses biosensor technology in its work, which allows the device not to react to the percentage of oxygen in the blood;
  • Requires only 0.6µl of blood for analysis, eliminating the need for tissue damage;
  • ability to test multiple people;
  • simple and easy to use.

Additional features

In addition to the above characteristics, the technical apparatus has additional indicators:

  • automatic on/off mode;
  • warning signal aboutlow battery of the device;
  • ability to transfer test data to a personal computer using a special cable and software;
  • automatic start of the device when a test strip is inserted;
  • convenient and clear design.

This is not a complete list of the positive qualities possessed by the "Kontur TS" glucometer. A user manual, a set of 10 lancet needles and a convenient case for carrying and storing a technical device are included in the device.

strips for glucometer contour ts
strips for glucometer contour ts


Before starting testing, you should carefully check the strips for the glucometer “Kontur TS” for visible damage and exceeding the expiration date. Next, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Take the strip out of the bottle and insert it into the corresponding hole in the device, which is marked in orange.
  2. Wait for the meter to turn on and the warning signal that the meter is ready for use. This is evidenced by the image on the monitor in the form of a drop of blood.
  3. Next, you should pierce your finger with a needle, press it lightly and wait for the formation of a drop of blood. After that, immediately apply it to the test strip.
  4. The strip is installed in the device and stays there until a warning signal appears. After that, an 8-second timer starts. After this time, the test result is displayed on the device monitor.
  5. Analysis information data automaticallystored in the memory of the technical apparatus.

Test values

The interpretation of tests depends on the parameters of the user's state of he alth, the time of testing, as well as other special circumstances. A person who has diabetes, in the absence of normal pregnancy, can expect the following data:

  • Pre-meal blood sugar is 5.0 to 7.2 mmol/liter.
  • Blood sugar levels a few hours after eating - no higher than 10.0 mmol/liter.

Especially dangerous is a very low glucose content (less than 0.6 mmol/l) and high (more than 33.3 mmol/l). This is evidenced by the signals of the glucometer Low and Hi, respectively. If such warning information appears, the blood test should be repeated. If the results do not change, then you should immediately consult a doctor, since such indicators pose a serious threat to life.

Device flaws

Glucometer “Kontur TS”, reviews of which are mostly positive, however, has some minor drawbacks. These are the relatively high cost of a set of test strips, which is close to the cost of the device itself, which is typical for many devices of this kind, and the laborious process of transferring test data to a computer.

glucometer contour TS reviews price
glucometer contour TS reviews price

Approximate cost

The price of this device depends on the supplier and the seller and is on average at the level of 900 rubles. As for a set of 10 test strips, it costs something like thissame - 800-900 rubles.

In this regard, there are ambiguous reviews about the device “Kontur TS” glucometer. The price and functionality of the device itself are optimal.

glucometer bayer contour ts reviews
glucometer bayer contour ts reviews

The glucometer "Kontur TS" of the German company "Bayer" has a number of advantages, including ease of operation, accuracy of results and the absence of a coding system and the presence of encrypted chips. The optimal ratio of price and quality makes this device one of the most popular and in demand among similar devices.
