Schisandra (berry): how to use and useful properties

Schisandra (berry): how to use and useful properties
Schisandra (berry): how to use and useful properties

Even in ancient China, lemongrass was first used for medicinal purposes - a berry with a wide range of beneficial effects. Today, entire plantations of this crop are grown for the pharmaceutical industry. Lemongrass is also often found, planted by amateur gardeners on their plots, where it performs a decorative function.


The birthplace of this plant is China, but it has become quite common in Russia (mainly in the Far East), Japan, Korea. It grows most often on the slopes, located at an altitude of 200 to 400 meters above the level of water bodies. Lemongrass is a vine-like shrub whose branching stems are up to 2 cm thick and reach a length of 15 m. They are covered with a reddish-brown smooth bark, which becomes more rough and flaky with age.

lemongrass berry
lemongrass berry

Fleshy leaves of light green color are located on long (up to 3 cm) petioles. Their shape is elliptical, the edges with weakly pronounced teeth. In late May - early June bushcovered with white, dioecious flowers that have a delicate, pleasant aroma.

Later, fruits are formed in their place, which finally ripen in September - October. The berries of Chinese lemongrass are round, bright red. Their pulp is juicy and soft, but the taste is very specific, bitter. The smell, like that of leaves and bark, is lemon, for which the plant got its name. Inside each berry are two kidney-shaped seeds. Fruit yield is up to about 30 kg per 1 ha.

Biochemical composition

The large number of useful components contained in this plant allows it to be widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Their complex and due to its therapeutic effect.

A lot of various medicines have been created today, which include lemongrass. Its berry is rich in catechins, anthocyanins, essential oils, pectin and organic acids. It is an excellent source of vitamin C.

schisandra berries properties
schisandra berries properties

Schisandra fruits are rich in trace elements such as copper (0.1 mg/g), manganese (0.22 mg/g), zinc (0.13 mg/g), nickel (0.33 mg /G). A large amount of potassium (19.2 mg/g), selenium (33.3 mg/g) was found in them. All these components have a positive effect on the human body. No poisonous substances detected.

Healing properties of lemongrass

The popularity of this plant in pharmacology is largely due to its tonic and restorative effects. No wonder the Chinese hunters, setting off on a long journey,Be sure to take lemongrass with you. The properties of these fruits to stimulate the nervous and muscular system helped to keep fit, go without food for a long time and not feel tired.

Schisandra fruits enhance positive reflexes, activate metabolism, increase immunity and photosensitivity of the organs of vision. In addition, they stimulate cardiovascular activity and respiration, increase the motor secretion of the digestive tract, tone the uterus and skeletal muscles. The therapeutic effect is explained by the ability of the fruits to increase blood circulation in the diseased organ, and the biologically active substances in them help the coordinated work of the whole organism as a whole.

lemongrass berries application
lemongrass berries application

Schisandra is an indispensable berry in the process of intense mental work, when concentration, concentration and wholeness of perception are especially needed.

Use in traditional medicine

Mainly, funds based on this plant are used in case of loss of strength, to restore working capacity, in case of overwork. Its fruits are recommended for people who have suffered from severe debilitating diseases. Their tonic properties help to cope with increased mental stress.

The tannins contained in lemongrass contribute to recovery from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The ability to increase blood pressure explains the effectiveness of fruits in hypotension. Therefore, those who suffer from high blood pressure should carefully take lemongrass remedies.

chinese lemongrass berries
chinese lemongrass berries

For asthma, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system, various parts of the named plant are used. Schizandra berries, the use of which is discussed in our article, are effective for myopia, giving excellent results in improving visual acuity.

Tinctures made from lemongrass fruits help with impotence, various types of depressive conditions, in order to prevent flu and colds. Essential oils contained in the plant in large quantities improve the functioning of the liver, heart, and have an antipruritic effect on insect bites.

Schisandra berry has been found to even remove glycogen and lower blood sugar levels.


The fruits of this plant are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in any form - fresh, dried, frozen. There are a large number of ways to prepare various remedies, among which the following are the most popular:

  • Juice from fresh berries. It is used to restore physical strength, adding one spoonful to tea. The collected berries must be washed and squeezed through cheesecloth. The juice is poured into sterilized jars, pasteurized and rolled up for 15 minutes.
  • lemongrass berries recipes
    lemongrass berries recipes
  • Infusion of dried berries. Lemongrass fruits are placed in an enamel pan, poured with water (in the ratio of 1 glass per spoonful of raw materials) and boiled for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. Then the resulting broth is infused, it is filtered and sugar is added to taste.
  • Fortinctures for alcohol need chopped lemongrass berries. How to prepare and how to use this tool - it is worth telling in more detail. Prepared berries are poured into a bottle and poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Cover tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place for 7-10 days. In this case, the bottle must be shaken periodically. Then strain the tincture, squeeze the berries and add the rest back to the resulting filtrate. Insist for another 2 days and filter again. The liquid in the bottle must be completely transparent. Ready-made tincture of lemongrass berries is used to increase efficiency, relieve fatigue, and also to strengthen the immune system. It is taken 30 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
  • Frozen berries with honey. This remedy has not only a healing effect, but also an amazing taste. It is prepared from frozen berries, which are mixed with honey. The ratio is to taste. The combination of these two he althiest foods is very effective against many diseases. All due to the fact that each of them enhances the positive effect of the other. This mixture has an anti-inflammatory, sedative effect, promotes the excretion of bile, lowers cholesterol, and improves overall well-being. It can be taken in a teaspoon per day for both adults and children. Overwork, increased drowsiness, beriberi, anemia - not the whole list of problems that can be solved with the help of such a remedy.
what to do with lemongrass
what to do with lemongrass

Use in cooking

Schisandra fruitssuccessfully used for the preparation of fruit drinks and syrups. These drinks are invigorating and uplifting. In cooking, there are many options for what to do with lemongrass berries. They make delicious jam, jam, marmalade and even marmalade.

Slimongrass for weight loss

There are a lot of main causes of overweight - it can be caused by malnutrition, hormonal disorders, slow metabolism, stress, low physical activity, etc. Lemongrass is a berry that can eliminate many of them, thanks to its amazing properties. It normalizes metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol, and evens out hormonal levels. In addition, by stimulating the body, lemongrass allows you to increase energy expenditure. All this leads to fat burning.

Nutritionists believe that sprinkling lemongrass juice on food reduces the absorption of sugar, the overconsumption of which is one of the causes of obesity. A large amount of vitamin C contained in the fruits of this plant normalizes bowel function. Regular drinking of water with the addition of lemongrass juice or its berries allows you to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

You should not just abuse such a diet. The course should be no more than a month, because otherwise there may be a violation of the functioning of the stomach.


Any remedies used in traditional medicine should be taken only after consulting a doctor, because there are always some contraindications. Even completely harmless, it would seem, lemongrass berries are not recommended for use.people suffering from insomnia, disorders of gastric secretion, having high blood pressure, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Procurement and storage

Schisandra fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe. This usually happens in September, before the onset of frost. The brushes are carefully cut off so as not to damage the vines and scattered on burlap.

tincture of lemongrass berries
tincture of lemongrass berries

For about 2 days they are left in this form under a canopy. Then the berries are picked and placed in a special dryer for 6-8 hours. The temperature should be maintained between 45 and 55°C. Store dried raw materials in hermetically sealed bags.

Schisandra chinensis - a plant with a huge number of useful actions. All of them are quite long in time, so it is advisable to take funds from its fruits in the morning.
