Impotence is Impotence in men: causes, symptoms, treatment

Impotence is Impotence in men: causes, symptoms, treatment
Impotence is Impotence in men: causes, symptoms, treatment

It is only once a man fails in bed with a woman, as he is credited with impotence. Although this may be just a temporary disorder due to stress or fatigue, which does not need treatment. Such a diagnosis can be made to a man if 25% or more of his attempts at intercourse fail.

impotence is
impotence is

Impotence is an age-related disease. Men over 60 years of age are more likely to have this disease than young people under 40 years of age. Although according to recent studies, the age of the disease is getting younger, and more common in poorly educated people. Scientists give the following explanation for this: men with a low level of development do not lead a he althy lifestyle, eat the wrong food, have bad habits.

Impotence is erectile dysfunction, impotence, due to which a man cannot perform a full sexual intercourse. It is often the result of another underlying disease associated with endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular disorders, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.

Impotence in men is manifested in the inability to achieve an erection necessary for sexual intercourse to take place at the highest level and for both partners to be comfortable. It is important for a man to feelalpha male, and such problems of men's he alth very often become the causes of deep depressions, complexes and problems in sexual and family life. Fortunately, these days the diagnosis and treatment of impotence is not an unsolvable problem.

Features of physiology and nature of erection

In order to understand where an erection comes from and how it occurs, one should remember the nuances of the anatomical structure of the penis. The penis consists of a spongy and two cavernous bodies. The last 2 bodies are not interconnected by vessels. Each of them has its own artery and veins, through which the inflow and outflow of blood occurs. Due to the fact that the blood collects in the numerous gaps that make up the body, it tenses them, and an erection appears.

impotence treatment
impotence treatment

During arousal, the arteries dilate, and the veins constrict and remain in this state throughout the erection. All tissues of the penis, except for the skin, do not participate in blood circulation, which means they are in an ischemic state, which negatively affects men's he alth. This suggests that prolonged sexual intercourse can be the root cause of sexual impotence and impotence.

Types of erectile dysfunction

Treatment for impotence can vary depending on what is causing the problem, so it is important to find out what type of disorder it is. So, impotence happens:

• Psychogenic. It can be not only permanent, but also temporary, as it is caused by frequentoverwork, stress, hard work, as well as problems with finding a partner. As a rule, as soon as a sexual life is established, these problems go away by themselves. The decrease in the sensitivity of the penis occurs due to the fact that various phobias, complexes and religious prejudices affect the cerebral cortex, as well as the spinal centers. Modern diagnostic methods easily distinguish true impotence from psychogenic. As practice shows, this type is rare.

• Neurogenic impotence in men occurs as a result of injuries and diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. The main problem is that nerve impulses do not reach the cavernous body.

remedies for impotence
remedies for impotence

Statistics show that 75% of all causes of neurogenic erectile dysfunction are associated with spinal cord injuries, and the remaining 25% are due to neoplasms, intervertebral hernia, multiple sclerosis and other neurogenic diseases.

• Arteriogenic impotence is usually an age-related pathology, but sometimes it also occurs in young men who have congenital vascular anomalies, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and also in smokers. Due to insufficient arterial blood flow, disturbances of local metabolic processes occur, sometimes entailing irreversible consequences associated with cavernous tissue.

impotence in men
impotence in men

• Venogenic. It is little studied, but develops in case of an increase in the lumen of the veins. Most often found insmokers and alcoholics.

• Hormonal erectile dysfunction appears in diabetic patients. The problem lies not in the decrease in testosterone produced, but in its improper digestibility.

Illnesses leading to impotence

In men with serious kidney disease, impotence occurs in half of cases, but after a kidney transplant, impotence disappears in more than 60% of patients. Men with asthma and those who have had a heart attack may develop erectile dysfunction amid fears that their condition may worsen during intercourse.

Prostatitis can cause impotence due to a decrease in testosterone in the body, as well as pain during ejaculation, premature ejaculation and because there is a thought that nothing will work.

But prostatitis is not the root cause, as most men believe. It can only aggravate the course of the disease and the manifestation of symptoms.

Impotence symptoms

Symptoms of sexual impotence are any disorders in the process of sexual intercourse. This may be a lack of desire and orgasm, or a premature ending. Men complain that it takes more time and effort to bring the penis into an excited state. Others suffer from the fact that the erection passes quickly. Symptoms, the course of the disease, and which remedies for impotence should be used in a particular case depend on the predominant problem. If the causes of impotence are of an organic nature, then the disease proceeds for a long timeasymptomatic. In the beginning, only minor failures may appear, but gradually the situation will worsen, regardless of the conditions in which intercourse takes place. At the same time, night and morning arbitrary erections will disappear.

If the disease is due to psychogenic causes, then it occurs abruptly and suddenly. Dysfunction accompanies not every intercourse, but depending on where and how it is performed. In most cases, morning and night erections remain.

Disease detection

The main goal of all diagnostic procedures is to identify the causes of the disorder, ways to restore a full sexual life and find the necessary cure for impotence.

Basic diagnostic methods

The first thing to do is a hormonal study. It is necessary to trace in what quantities the body produces estrogen, prolactin, testosterone and LH (luteinizing hormone). Next, pharmacodopplerography is performed - this is an ultrasound of the blood circulation that occurs in the penis under the influence of various drugs. Another method in which impotence is detected is pharmacocavernosography, which examines the blood vessels of the penis using X-rays. Also, one cannot do without visiting a psychotherapist and self-control of morning and night spontaneous erections.

Which doctors can help?

It is impossible to choose the right pills for impotence on your own, and you should not do this, because unprofessional self-treatment can only aggravate the situation and start the disease. There are doctors who know aboutimpotence firsthand: endocrinologists, cardiologists, traumatologists, psychologists and sexologists, but the first to whom you should contact is an andrologist and a urologist. They will prescribe the necessary studies, decipher their meanings and select the appropriate remedies for impotence just for you.

Methods for treating erectile dysfunction

There are 2 methods of dealing with male ailment. The first is conservative: pills for impotence, vacuum stimulation, and the second is a surgical intervention, which refers to the surgical method of treatment.

impotence pills
impotence pills

Usually, they resort to it if there is damage to the vessels and arteries of the male organ, and the operation is aimed at restoring them. Sometimes, during a surgical procedure, prostheses are inserted into the penis to prevent it from becoming flaccid and impotence.

If the cause of erectile dysfunction lies in vascular changes, then treatment includes diet and drugs for impotence that lower cholesterol. If the matter is in insufficient elasticity of the veins, then medications are prescribed to increase it. It takes time to restore the normal functioning of blood vessels. Treatment of prostatitis is an integral part of therapy. If problems are associated with low testosterone levels, then replacement drugs containing the male hormone are prescribed.

Cure for impotence

Inhibitors are currently popular drugs that provoke an erection, such as tablets "Viagra", "Cialis", "Levitra", but they are not able to cure impotence, their action is temporarycharacter.

drugs for impotence
drugs for impotence

Prostaglandin-based drugs are injected into the cavernous body of the penis, resulting in arousal. If the disease is based on mental disorders and phobias, then the treatment consists in increasing tactile contacts, foreplay. If this does not bring results, then it is necessary to turn to sexual therapy.


Drug therapy helps a maximum of 30% of patients, so it is not prescribed for everyone. In case of venous insufficiency or problems with vessels, penile prosthesis is the only effective method that has a number of advantages:

• quick result;

• lasting effect;

• no painful injections;

• No need to take medicine for a long time.

Home treatment for impotence

Traditional medicine does not bypass any disease, and erectile dysfunction is no exception. In addition, it has been proven that the alternative treatment of impotence is very effective, and the result persists for a long time. Pine nuts are recommended for use.

folk treatment for impotence
folk treatment for impotence

Decoction of parsnips is one of the most effective methods of treatment. It is necessary to boil half a liter of water, add a tablespoon of seeds and insist for 2 hours. Consume 100 ml 3 times a day.

Artemisia tincture on vodka is recognized as an excellent tool for increasing potency. 5 tablespoons of seeds are poured with a bottle of vodka and removed for 20 days in a dark place. Strained solution is consumed in 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals.

And the use of motherwort will not only have a beneficial effect on male strength, but also relieve various heart ailments.

To make the treatment as simple and fast as possible, men need to be attentive to their he alth and body, at the first alarming bells, you should immediately consult a doctor.
