Women's diseases are as dangerous as men's, and if they are not detected in a timely manner and treated, they can cause serious disorders in the functioning of the genitourinary organs and the entire system. One of these pathologies may be a cyst of the Gartner's passage (vagina). You can learn about it from our article.
General information
Gartner's duct cyst is a benign tumor containing a liquid substance. At the initial stage, this formation in the vagina is not accompanied by any manifestations, so it is problematic to detect the disease. Symptoms of a Gartner's cyst appear when the tumor increases in size, pus begins to appear. All this causes discomfort during an intimate relationship. A benign cyst of the Gartner course is detected by specialists during examinations. Most often, the elimination of the disease is carried out surgically.

Gartner's tract cyst, photo of whichpresented in our article, can be localized on the anterior, posterior or lateral walls, as well as on the eve of the vagina. By regularly visiting a doctor, you can detect the disease in a timely manner, as a result of which unpleasant consequences can be avoided.
What are the causes of Gartner's tract cysts? The most common ones are:
- ectopic endometriosis;
- acute and sluggish inflammatory processes;
- inflammation and blockage in the area of the Bartholin's gland;
- various urogenital infections: papillomavirus, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others;
- intrauterine diseases that affect tissue structure;
- damage to the mucosa with the formation of hematomas in the inner region of the vagina.
Often, women are diagnosed with a cystic tumor after the birth of a baby. In addition, abortion may be the cause of a Gartner's tract cyst.

Disease classification
Depending on the features of the formation, this cyst, formed on the wall in the vagina, may have the following forms:
- Congenital cyst. It occurs in the case of intrauterine development. It is formed from the urethra or certain areas of the vagina. In this situation, the cystic nodes have thin walls, and the formation itself is filled with a clear liquid, reaching no more than 2 cm in size (sometimes it can reach 4-5 cm in diameter). These cystic tumors are diagnosed in newborn babies.
- Traumaticcyst, or acquired. Appears due to any damage. The integrity of tissues is destroyed after the implementation of abortions, as well as carelessly performed gynecological operations, after childbirth.
We continue to consider the classification of the Gartner's tract cyst, the microbial 10 code of which is Q50 (congenital anomaly) and Q50.5 (broad ligament cyst). Classification is made depending on the zone of formation of a benign tumor. There are the following varieties of the disease:
- Cyst on the threshold of the vagina. Located near the vaginal entrance.
- Tumor on the side wall.
- Formation that develops in the anterior wall of the vagina. May be congenital or secondary acquired.
- A benign formation that struck the back wall of the vagina. In most cases, it is formed due to trauma. In this case, women experience pain during intimacy, bleeding is observed.
In addition, experts also identify a cystic endometrioid neoplasm that appears in the vaginal area with endometriosis that has spread far beyond the boundaries of the mucous membrane of the uterine layer.

Symptoms of disease
Symptoms of tumor growth in patients may be different. At the same time, the nature of their severity depends on the area of the appearance of the neoplasm, the size of the tumor. The main signs of the development of a benign vaginal cyst are the following manifestations:
- pain duringemptying your bladder;
- feeling of the presence of some foreign object in the vagina;
- indigestion;
- an increase in a woman's body temperature;
- formation of transparent discharge in a considerable amount, sometimes with pus;
- pain during menstruation.
During the development of a cyst, women experience a deterioration in their general condition in the process of drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, often there are pains in the perineal area during intimacy, as well as when moving.
If the tumor is located close to the exit to the vagina, then an abscess may also be observed, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as the following symptoms:
- regular dizziness;
- feeling weak, feeling unwell;
- nausea.

If a benign tumor has formed on the back wall of the vagina, then it will not manifest itself. Only after increasing the size, the woman will feel some disturbances in the work of her body.
Diagnosis of disease
Due to the fact that this ailment proceeds without any manifestations, it can only be detected during a professional examination. Diagnosis of benign neoplasms is carried out using the following examinations:
- ultrasound;
- colposcopy;
- microscopic, bacteriological examination.
Features of treatment
Vaginal cyst therapy will be in progressits inflammatory process. Marsupialization is the most commonly used. The essence of such an operation is to cut the neoplasm. After the incision, the edges of the cyst remain open, for this, superimposed sutures are used. After a few days, the stitches are removed. Sometimes it is possible to install a special outlet tube into the neoplasm. It is designed to pump out excess fluid. This method of treating a Gartner's tract cyst is called "aspiration".

Removal of a cyst is carried out only in cases where it has already reached a huge size and causes severe pain. Specialists do not always decide to treat cysts surgically, since in some cases these formations disappear on their own. Doctors say that small growths cannot cause harm. If the cyst was removed surgically, the patient should be regularly examined by her doctor, thanks to which she will be able to prevent unpleasant recurrences.
When the growths fester, specialists perform an autopsy of the tumors, remove all purulent clots, and also drain the cavity, then exfoliate, suture.
The postoperative period is a very important stage, in which measures are taken to allow the internal tissues to fully recover. Also at this stage, those tasks that prevent infection are solved. Specialists for this can prescribe the use of medications, as well as antiseptic candles. Buy on your ownmedicines and it is strictly forbidden to use them without the appointment of a specialist.
To get positive recovery time results, you will need:
- temporarily refrain from sex and the use of tampons during menstruation until the healing of the affected tissue;
- do not lift weights, exclude household chores with loads, refuse to go to the gym;
- avoid fried and fatty foods;
- do not go to the bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, do not even take too hot baths;
- replenish your diet with vitamins, means that help improve the regeneration process of tissues.

Folk treatments
It is necessary to start using traditional medicine recipes during treatment only with the permission of a doctor. Women are advised to take sitz baths, in which certain types of products are added. These tools include the following:
- Magnesium sulfate. It is necessary to dilute the Epsom s alt in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. in a basin with a little warm water. These baths should be taken in the morning and evening. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 20 minutes. The course of therapy is 5 days.
- Apple vinegar. Sitz baths are prepared using this ingredient, which is taken in an amount of 250 ml. Vinegar is diluted in warm water. To reduce swelling, soak a cotton pad in vinegar and apply to the tumor for 30 minutes. Procedures should be carried out twiceday.

Disease prevention
Preventive measures have not yet been developed. Therefore, patients are advised to visit the gynecologist regularly.
Cyst can be successfully treated in case of responsible and attentive attitude to one's he alth. It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, not to take independent steps in therapy.