What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?

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What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?
What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?

Video: What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?

Video: What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?
Video: Cervical osteochondrosis. Reasons 2025, January

In the life of almost every family, sooner or later there comes a stage when everyone is waiting for replenishment. This is a very important period of time, since the most favorable conditions for the birth of a child should be created in the family. What kind of child will be born depends on the correct planning and the very period of pregnancy. Pregnancy planning is a combination of research and medication that will affect the he alth of the child. What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy?

There are few women, and indeed people who satisfy all the needs for vitamins and minerals. Therefore, taking additional sources of vitamins for pregnant women is extremely important, since the woman's body consumes more during the formation of the fetus.microelements and their deficiency can negatively manifest itself in the future. A high concentration of vitamins in the blood will allow the mother to feel comfortable, the appearance will be he althy. When planning a pregnancy, taking multivitamin complexes is obviously necessary.

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Vitamins to prepare for conception for the family really necessary?

When raising the question of which vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy, first of all, experts recommend folic acid in the amount of 400 mcg, as this organic compound is actively involved in the formation of the central nervous system in the fetus. This is a prerequisite that begins to operate from the stage of pregnancy planning and up to three months of fetal development. If the pregnancy "crept unnoticed", then you need to start taking it as soon as you know about it. The course can be started even before consulting a doctor.

There are controversies about other vitamins. What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy, and which ones should not be taken? Next, we will talk about the advisability of a course of other vitamin complexes in conjunction with folic acid.

It's no secret that vitamins are an important element of all biochemical processes in the body. Metabolism depends on their balance. But when carrying a fetus, the body needs a larger dosage, since in addition to the mother, vitamins are also needed for the fetus. This implies another function of vitamins and minerals - the normal formation of the child's body. And this is the absence of birth defects and pathologies. Precisely because ofmany controversial situations arise from this.

If a girl before pregnancy had a slight decrease in the balance of vitamins in the body, then the child will still take everything she needs from her mother and be born with a small weight, up to 3 kg. But then the woman will enter a state of hypovitaminosis, as a result, the nails and hair will become brittle, the skin will be weaker. Of course, there is nothing to say about the beautiful appearance. But if a woman was already in hypovitaminosis before pregnancy, then the child can be born with defects. That is why it is important to be responsible about what vitamins to take before planning a pregnancy.

For most girls, for three to four weeks before conception, you need to take multivitamin complexes to make up for the lack of necessary elements. However, doctors in Western countries and Japan believe that taking it is not necessary when the diet is correct and balanced. But it is worth looking at your diet, and it will immediately become clear whether you belong to this category of people. Now there is no shortage of any products, unlike the USSR and the period after its collapse, but few people organized their meals in the right way.

Still, what vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy?

It was said above that this is a very important stage in the life of the unborn child. He has not even been conceived yet, but his fate depends on your actions. Do not forget that the child is obtained thanks to the father. Therefore, his preparation is also important.

For men, preparation is necessary in such a way that his spermatozoa become more active and of high quality. Spermmust quickly fertilize the egg. To do this, you need to find out which vitamins a man should take when planning a pregnancy. Next is the woman's turn.

What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?
What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman and a man?

It is important for a woman to create ideal conditions for the menstrual cycle with periodic ovulation, then the child will be conceived immediately. Plus prepare for a nine-month gestation period.

Both members of a young family are obliged to normalize their diet, reconsider their lifestyle and include sports in their lives. The balance of minerals is also important, which will help replenish vitamin complexes. It is worth taking them for both women and men. So what vitamins should both family members take when planning a pregnancy?

For men

The strong half of the population should start eating right and drinking vitamins 120 days before the date of birth of the child, since it takes about three months for the complete renewal of spermatozoa. The optimal course lasts from three months to six months. The resulting spermatozoa will have excellent genetics without defects and will quickly fertilize the egg.

What vitamins should be taken when planning a pregnancy for a man specifically? These are vitamins and minerals that will increase the quality of the hormonal background:

  • Folic acid - affects sperm motility and structure. Essential ingredient.
  • Vitamin E - increases the strength of cells, reducing the risk of damage. That is, the reaction to environmental factors in spermatozoa becomes minimal. But many are concerned about the question of which vitamin E to take when planning a pregnancy for a man.
  • Vitamin C is a component that promotes the production of "male" hormones, including testosterone. An excellent source would be ascorbic acid.
  • Zinc - increases sexual activity and desire, also involved in the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Selenium - supports the sexual activity of a man even in old age.
What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman
What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman

All of the above elements will prepare a man to conceive a he althy child. They are taken before conception, that is, during preparation for pregnancy. If it is not possible to consume all of the above, then taking folic acid is still required. The same applies to women. 400 mcg per day would be the best option.

For men, it is also important to have enough vitamin E, which is responsible for the regulation of testosterone, which synthesizes spermatozoa. Together with folic acid, this affects the production of high quality sperm. These two trace elements play a major role in pregnancy planning.

All of the above indicates the need for preparation for pregnancy of the male part of the population on an equal basis with women. You can start a course of vitamins in two ways: separately or with one multivitamin complex. What vitamins should be taken when planning pregnancy, which are available in pharmacies? Here is the optimal list: "Alphabet for men", "Profertil","SpermActive", "Viardot", "Viardot forte" and others.

For the fair sex

The further fate of the child and the life of the family depends on women's preparation for pregnancy. High-quality preparation for pregnancy implies that during the pregnancy itself, the number of difficulties will be minimized, and it will pass smoothly and without complications. A course of useful trace elements allows a woman to conceive a he althy fetus, while the mother's condition will be in order. The skin will be smooth and elastic, you should not wait for breaks, hair will fall out less, nails will become less brittle. It is better to start the course six months before conception.

As has been repeatedly repeated, what vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy for a woman, folic acid (up to 400 mcg per day) is a must. The course lasts until the twelfth week after conception. The rest is optional. It is best to take vitamins E, D, K, H, A, C, B during preparation.

Vitamin E is important for all family members. It regulates the hormonal background of a woman, is responsible for the reproductive system and creates ideal conditions for a child. Do not worry about premature termination of pregnancy and miscarriage.

The above trace elements are especially necessary for women during the preparation for conception. These vitamins should be consumed either separately or as one multivitamin complex. However, it is worth taking vitamins during pregnancy. There are even special kits that are designed for the first 3 months of pregnancy. Here are some drugs that are suitable for expectant mothers:"Alphabet for pregnant women", "Gendevit", "Complivit Trimestrum 1", "Bio-Max", "Multimax" and others.

What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy
What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy

Dosage of vitamins when planning pregnancy

It is important not only what vitamins a woman takes when planning a pregnancy, but also in what dosages she does it. Both partners during preparation for the conception of the fetus should consume the following vitamins in certain doses:

  • Folic acid - 400 mcg per day.
  • Vitamin E - 100-400 IU per day.
  • Vitamin D - 400 IU per day
  • Vitamin K - 1 mg per day.
  • Vitamin H - 300 IU daily.
  • Vitamin A - 3000-5000 IU per day.
  • B1 - up to 1.9 mg, B2 up to 1.4 mg, B6up to 2.3 mg per day.

It is worth dwelling on multivitamins, which are highly popular and recommended in preparation for conception.

"Minisan Mama" - a multivitamin kit for preparing for conception

This is an optimally balanced version of the multivitamin complex. The homeland of the drug is Finland. The European manufacturer can be trusted. This complex contains all the above elements. It is worth noting that the manufacturers took care and enriched the mixture with the necessary trace elements: Fe, Mg, I.

Reviews about this drug are very good. The Internet is full of such characteristics. If you briefly convey their essence, you will not have problems with collagen fibers, thenhave hair and skin will be fine. It is noted that after taking the curls become more even and a lively shine appears, the percentage of hair loss decreases. And the price is quite pleasant, anyone can afford this complex without any difficulties.

If we analyze all the reviews in aggregate, then most women consider this drug to be the best, or at least one of the best on a par with Vitrum Prenatal and Elevit Pronatal. What vitamins are better to take when planning a pregnancy besides these?

Let's talk about "Elevit" during pregnancy planning

The same useful complex along with the above "Minisan Mama". It contains trace elements for pregnancy. It is worth noting the presence of such useful elements as calcium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and magnesium. This complex allows the expectant mother to feel confident and not worry about conceiving a child. Folic acid as a separate drug in this case is not needed! It comes in the required dosage along with the complex. But there is also a small minus - iodine is absent here. Therefore, you will need to buy a drug like "Jodomarin" and drink it.

What vitamins should be taken when planning a pregnancy
What vitamins should be taken when planning a pregnancy

In the case of determining which vitamins are best taken when planning pregnancy, this drug is often mentioned. Reviews are almost always positive, as this is a really good complex. Girls and women note that their menstrual cycle becomes periodic andconception occurs almost always the first time. Women rejoice that during pregnancy their hair, nails and skin are in perfect condition and even become better than they were before the start of the intake. These vitamins do not cause vomiting and neutralize toxicosis at the very beginning of pregnancy. But no downsides. The price for this complex is very high, there is no iodine in the composition, although it could be added for that kind of money. After the start of the course, the appetite will increase sharply and there is a desire to eat everything. And this is no longer good. Nutrition must be balanced. The mother-to-be should not forget this.

Vitrum multivitamin complex when planning pregnancy

Another broad-spectrum targeted drug. It is as popular as "Elevit". Used at the stage of preparation for conception and in the early stages.

So what are the best vitamins to take before planning a pregnancy? "Vitrum" and "Elevit" are very similar, but there are slight differences that speak in favor of "Vitrum". This complex contains a full range of essential vitamins in the correct balance. A distinctive feature is the presence of iodine in the composition, which is not in "Elevit". This circumstance forces expectant mothers to buy these vitamins. No need to think about the additional intake of iodine, in the complex it is enough. Also in "Vitrum" the content of zinc, magnesium and copper is increased than in its more expensive counterpart. Hence another plus - the price is lower than that of"Elevita". Consumers noted the presence of a beneficial effect on the hair, nails and skin of this drug. There was no increase in appetite or constipation. Reviews are mostly positive.


Also a highly targeted mineral complex in preparation for conception. However, they can be taken during pregnancy and even during lactation. The best options would be "Alphabet. Mom's He alth" or "Alphabet Mom". Further we will use the usual abbreviation - "Alphabet".

Reviews about him are divided. There are both positive and negative ones. All the same properties were noted by those who took the drug: improvement of nails, hair, skin. The pregnancy proceeded without difficulty. Also, vitamins are divided into groups and are taken in different pills, which are highlighted in color. One tablet of each color palette is consumed per day, but a break of four hours is needed between these tablets. Separate intake is a definite plus, as the risk of allergic reactions and other side effects is reduced. Do not forget that folic acid and vitamin E are there in the right dosage, and there is also calcium and iodine.

What vitamins are better to take before planning a pregnancy
What vitamins are better to take before planning a pregnancy

But, as already mentioned, there are also negative sides. The first factor is rather funny, because many do not like that this is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. Although vitamins will always be dietary supplements, no matter what complex you buy. The bottom line is that for the registration of a medicinal product, a huge amount ofchecks and documents, this causes legal difficulties, so it is easier to register the product as a dietary supplement. Attributing this fact to minuses is at least stupid.

And now the serious cons. Many report worsening he alth, nausea and other side effects while taking it. In these cases, women leave negative reviews, although the reason may simply be a failure to follow the rules and instructions.


If you think about planning pregnancy and what vitamins a woman needs to take, then "Femibion" is definitely not suitable. A complex of vitamins that has earned negative popularity. There are a lot of negative reviews about him. Firstly, this drug is very expensive, although the composition in it is quite ordinary, that is, there is an unreasonable overestimation of the cost of the product, without apparent effectiveness. As a result, women do not observe the desired effect and count the lost money. Secondly, a huge number of people have experienced allergic reactions after taking vitamins. And along with the fact that the desired effect is not visible, in their opinion, the purchase of this drug is just a waste of money with a risk to he alth. Hence the mass of negative reviews. However, there are those who have a positive attitude towards this drug. To summarize all the reviews, they are divided into two opinions exactly in half. Many note the neutralization of toxicosis. Also in the composition there are all the necessary minerals and vitamins in the correct proportions. But whether it is worth buying is up to you.

Vitamins "Aevit"

What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy? ReviewsAevit is definitely not advised, since it is not suitable for preparing for pregnancy. There are too many vitamins A and E. The total excess is more than 20 thousand times the maximum allowable. Large dosages of vitamin A negatively affect the fetus, provoke possible pathologies and congenital deformities. If you take "Aevit", then the course must be stopped three months before conception, so that the accumulated vitamin A can be spent to the desired concentration.

Which vitamins are best for this case?

And yet, what vitamins should be taken when planning a pregnancy based on statistics? Vitamins "Vitrum" and "Elevit" occupy a dominant position in the ranking for expectant mothers. Although they are most likely already mothers in the present.

What vitamins to take before planning pregnancy
What vitamins to take before planning pregnancy

But do not forget that the best is not always the best. If the drug has earned a lot of positive reviews, then it is not a fact that it will suit you. Which vitamins should be taken when planning a pregnancy, you must decide together with your doctor, after a thorough examination and taking into account the tests done, as well as based on the state of your body at the moment. That is, with different pregnancies there will be a different reaction to vitamins, and those that have already helped you may harm the next time. After reviewing the overview information presented in the article, make the right decision together with a specialist.
