Most women only start taking vitamins when they find out they are pregnant. But doctors recommend taking care of the he alth of the child in advance. It is very important to change your diet and start taking vitamins even at the stage of pregnancy planning. This will help to avoid complications and provide the child with everything necessary for normal growth and development. Doctors believe that in today's society it is impossible to compensate for the lack of vitamins with the help of nutrition, therefore they recommend that women take vitamins. There are very few special preparations for planning pregnancy, especially since their composition is different. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, it is better to consult a doctor.
Why take vitamins
The he alth of the child depends heavily on the condition of the mother before conception. Research has shown that most women experience some form ofLack of vitamins and minerals. Now the amount of trace elements in food is reduced. To meet the need for them, even an ordinary person will have to eat a varied diet and eat at least 5 kg of food, and this is impossible. In addition, stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, hormonal disruptions and improper diet further reduce the absorption of essential trace elements.
A woman especially needs additional intake of vitamins and minerals before conception and in the first month of intrauterine development of a child, when the main organs are laid, the baby needs more trace elements. Therefore, it is recommended to take care of filling their deficiency in advance. It is advisable to give up bad habits, treat chronic diseases, change the diet 3-4 months before the intended conception.
Also, doctors recommend starting vitamins at this time. For women planning pregnancy, specially selected multivitamin complexes are most often required. But if you undergo an examination, it may turn out that the body lacks any one vitamin or mineral. In this case, you can take it. Otherwise, the risk of toxicosis, anemia, depression, fetal malformations and even miscarriage increases.
What vitamins are needed for women planning pregnancy
Names of drugs often do not indicate that they are intended for pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to read their composition. Usually, in preparations specially designed for women planning pregnancy, vitamins are selectedwhich are necessary in this case. They are contained in the optimal dosage, usually prophylactic, which makes it possible to prevent their excess. It is better to find out from the doctor which vitamins are necessary for those planning pregnancy. There are several micronutrients that are most often recommended to a woman during this period.
- Folic acid is one of the most important trace elements when planning pregnancy. It is she who stimulates cell division, which is necessary for the normal growth of the fetus. In addition, folic acid is important for the proper formation of the nervous and cardiovascular system of the child.
- Iodine is important for the proper functioning of the mother's thyroid gland and the full development of the child's nervous system. Proper pregnancy depends on a sufficient amount of this microelement.
- Vitamin A in sufficient quantities increases the likelihood of conception. And after it participates in the formation of the placenta. But it is very important not to overdose, as it accumulates in the body and can lead to the development of congenital deformities of the child.
- Vitamin E increases the chances of conception, as it regulates the production of female sex hormones. In addition, it prevents miscarriage.
- Vitamin D is very important for women planning pregnancy, it regulates the reproductive system, and then participates in the formation of the baby's skeleton.
- Vitamin C is necessary to prevent anemia, toxicosis, vascular disorders.
- Magnesium is necessary for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system, normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands. BUTat the stage of preparation for pregnancy, it prevents miscarriage and the development of congenital pathologies.

Vitamin complexes
It is advisable to start taking some drugs only after the examination and determination of the amount of trace elements in the blood. The most commonly recommended supplements are folic acid, vitamin E, or vitamin D3. For those planning a pregnancy, these are the most important trace elements. But now on sale you can find good vitamin complexes that contain the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals needed at the stage of preparation for conception. In addition, they can also be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. The dosage of all trace elements in such preparations is carefully selected taking into account the average need for them.
It is undesirable to buy multivitamin products on your own, it is better to consult a doctor. But still, it is not always possible to immediately successfully choose the right drug. They may differ in the composition and dosage of active substances. But it is impossible to say for sure which vitamins are better for those planning a pregnancy. For each woman, you need to select the remedy individually. To avoid overdose, you can choose natural preparations. In this regard, Iherb vitamins are best for those planning a pregnancy. This company produces preparations containing extracts of plants, berries and herbs, as well as lactobacilli. Therefore, they will not only make up for the lack of vitamins, but also regulate the woman's digestion.
In addition, there are morecommon preparations containing a complex of various microelements. What names of vitamins for those planning a pregnancy are most often found in the recommendations of gynecologists? This is:
- "Femibion";
- "Elevit Pronatal";
- "Vitrum Prenatal";
- "Matern";
- "Pregnoton";
- "Complivit Mom";
- "Mom's He alth Alphabet".
In addition to these, there are several other drugs that are less common. First of all, this is the most expensive complex manufactured in the USA. "Super complex" costs almost 2000 rubles, but its peculiarity is that it fully provides the body with all the necessary trace elements. And the special composition of the tablet in the form of microcapsules, which release individual vitamins and minerals at different times, ensures their better digestibility. Its natural composition also belongs to its advantages. Therefore, some women prefer this particular complex. In addition, sometimes you need to make up for the lack of only certain vitamins. For example, at the stage of pregnancy planning, an additional intake of vitamins A and E is often required. They normalize hormonal levels and increase the possibility of conception. For this purpose, women are sometimes prescribed the drug "Aevit". It should be taken as prescribed by a doctor only before pregnancy.

Elevit Pronatal
This complex of vitamins for women planning pregnancy, doctors recommend more oftenTotal. Gynecologists believe that this drug contains the ideal dosage of trace elements necessary for normal conception and pregnancy.
This complex contains quite a lot of minerals, there are also vitamins necessary for a woman's he alth. It contains an increased amount of folic acid and iron, which are very important in the first weeks of pregnancy. The composition of the drug also includes vitamins A, E, D3, C and vitamins of group B. It contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper. Only iodine and calcium in this preparation is not enough. So some women will have to take additional drugs containing them.
To avoid the lack of essential trace elements, it is recommended to take the Elevit Pronatal complex three months before the intended conception. Women note good tolerability of the drug, rarely nausea or constipation appears on the background of its use. Therefore, many take it during pregnancy.
To prevent an overdose of vitamins, it is recommended to take breaks after 2-3 months of taking. Often it is also recommended to alternate different drugs. But many women prefer the Elevit complex. It has a balanced composition, and you only need to take it once a day.

Femibion drug
Many doctors believe that these are the best vitamins for those planning a pregnancy. They not only provide the body of the future mother with everything necessary for the normal bearing of the child, but also contribute to conception. Manywomen note that after a course of taking this drug, their hair began to grow better, their nails became stronger and their general well-being improved. In addition, "Femibion" helps to strengthen the nervous system and increase efficiency, helps to resist stress and normalizes sleep.
This prenatal vitamin complex gets a lot of positive feedback. After a course of taking the drug, good he alth persists for a long time. It is recommended to take "Femibion" 3 months before conception and during the first trimester. It was at this time that the woman's body experiences an increased need for folic acid and iodine, which are abundant in this preparation. Moreover, folic acid is contained in a special, easily digestible form. In addition, "Femibion" contains other B vitamins, as well as E, C, A, PP. Take the drug one tablet a day, preferably in the morning after meals. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage, as this can lead to an excess of vitamins, which is very harmful during pregnancy.

Centrum Materna
If you ask children's doctors which vitamins are better for those planning a pregnancy, most of them will unequivocally answer that "Centrum Materna". This is a balanced complex of trace elements necessary for the normal development of the child. There are almost no contraindications to taking this drug, it rarely causes side effects, mainly allergic reactions. But a lot of positive feedback from women who took this complex. They note that they did not feel toxicosis during pregnancy, and the child was born without defects and pathologies. In addition, it is very important that Centrum Materna helps to maintain he althy hair, nails and teeth, which is very important for pregnant women, as their condition often worsens after the birth of a child.
This complex contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It contains almost all the B vitamins, as well as B, E and A. In addition, it contains all the necessary minerals. These are zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, iodine, selenium. Therefore, the drug "Centrum Materna" helps to prepare a woman's body for conception, contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and the proper development of the child.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte
Many believe that these are the best vitamins for those planning a pregnancy. They contain a balanced complex of all essential vitamins and minerals. The advantages of the drug include the fact that it can be taken for a long time and not be afraid of an overdose. All trace elements are contained in it in preventive doses, but they are able to support the woman's body and ensure the normal development of the child. There is especially a lot of calcium and iodine in the preparation, which are necessary at the initial stages of intrauterine development. It also contains iron, zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, chromium and all the necessary vitamins.
Take the drug "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" 1 tablet per day. It helps prepare a woman's body for conception, and then during pregnancyprevents the appearance of toxicosis, anemia, lack of calcium and other pathologies. For a child, this drug ensures the normal development of all organs and systems. It is also good to take the drug during breastfeeding. It helps a woman keep her teeth, nails and hair he althy.

This complex differs from all vitamins for those planning pregnancy in that it has almost no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it can be drunk even by women who do not tolerate other drugs. It is this remedy that many women prefer when planning pregnancy. It helps prepare the body for conception. The drug prevents a lack of vitamins, which can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. In addition, when taking Pregnavit, a woman maintains the normal condition of her hair and nails, since calcium is enough to form the baby's skeleton.
The benefits of this drug include the fact that it is able to normalize the level of hemoglobin and maintain it during pregnancy. This is important to prevent the development of anemia. It is necessary to take the drug strictly according to the instructions in order to prevent an overdose of some trace elements. It is recommended to drink before conception and in the first trimester 1 capsule per day, in the second trimester - 2 capsules, then - 3 capsules per day.

Complivit Mom
According to popular belief, these are the best vitamins for women,planning pregnancy. Most young mothers write about this. Its advantages include a balanced composition, high efficiency, good tolerability. And all this at a rather low price - no more than 250 rubles for a monthly course. Therefore, the drug is so popular. "Complivit Mama" contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals - all the trace elements needed at this time.
It is taken before conception to prepare the body for pregnancy, then during fetal development, it provides the child with all the necessary trace elements, preventing a woman from lacking them. It can also be taken while breastfeeding and rarely causes side effects. Women note that against the background of its intake, working capacity has increased, the condition of the skin and hair has improved, the nails have become stronger, and sleep is calmer. Moreover, you need to take the drug only 1 tablet a day.

These prenatal vitamins come in the form of powder for solution. This is important for some women who cannot swallow pills, especially since these multivitamins are often large. Another advantage of the drug is that it contains a lot of those trace elements that are necessary for pregnancy. It is with their lack that conception often becomes impossible. These are folic acid, zinc, selenium and magnesium. They normalize the hormonal background and improve the functioning of the genital organs. But it is important for a woman to remember that this drug can only be taken before conception, afterpregnancy, it is better to switch to another remedy.
Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine. You can’t drink it if a woman has thyroid pathologies or a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. In addition to helping women get pregnant in many cases, Pregnoton can have side effects. These are allergic reactions, as well as menstrual irregularities.

Mom's He alth Alphabet
Good vitamins for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy is the drug "Alphabet Mom's He alth". Its peculiarity is that the microelements are correctly arranged taking into account their combination with each other. This increases their digestibility. But because of this, you need to take the drug 3 times a day, tablets of different colors. Some women refer to this as a disadvantage of the remedy.
The composition of the drug is properly balanced. It contains folic acid, zinc, calcium, selenium and iodine, all the necessary vitamins. But the drug does not contain retinol, an overdose of which is dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, in addition to preparing a woman's body for conception, this complex can serve to compensate for the lack of essential trace elements during pregnancy.

Vitamins for planning pregnancy: reviews
It is impossible to definitely say which vitamin complex is better. Each woman has her own needs for trace elements, so not always a drug that suits one woman is suitableanother. The doctor who will conduct the examination will help you choose the right remedy. Most positive feedback from experts about the preparations "Elevit Pronatal" and "Femibion". It is believed that they help women who have had problems getting pregnant. And the women themselves prefer the preparations Centrum Materna, Vitrum Prenatal Forte and Complivit Mom. They have a balanced composition, you can also take such funds throughout the entire period of pregnancy. And those who care about the price prefer to take the Alphabet of Mom's He alth. This is an inexpensive but effective vitamin complex that prevents anemia and beriberi and ensures the normal development of the child.