Men rarely complain about their problems, and this also applies to their well-being. Very often, he alth is characterized by the state of the gonads and testicles. Sometimes, after arousal, the testicles hurt due to increased sensitivity. In this case, you should not sound the alarm. But if such discomfort manifests itself painfully and constantly, then you definitely need to see a doctor.
Erection characteristics

Sexual arousal of the stronger sex depends on the interaction of several systems. Initially, there is irritation of the nerve centers in the brain. Because of this influence, the release of testosterone into the bloodstream is formed. Further, under the influence of the male hormone, a gradual expansion of blood vessels is caused. At this point, the volume of blood increases. The fluid presses on the walls of the sphincters of the genital vein. Further, the cavernous bodies are filled, the density increases and the muscles of the penisstretched. The entire described process is called an erection.
In the case of normal sexual intercourse, an erection always ends in ejaculation. In this case, part of the seminal fluid located in the testes is removed. After this process, the blood moves away from the cavernous bodies in a short time, after which the excitation ends.
In case of irregular contact, a considerable amount of spermatozoa accumulates in the testicles. Then they begin to put pressure on the zones of the paired organ, so the man feels discomfort.
In youth, such a nuisance is eliminated on its own. The body overcomes overexcitation with the help of emission (spontaneous withdrawal of seminal fluid at night). With the normalization of sexual life, the problem disappears. But sometimes self-cleansing does not occur, thereby delivering a lot of negative symptoms.
Similar malaise can also occur in an adult patient when there is no sexual discharge. The partner gets excited, and the partner does not bring the contact to sexual intimacy. In this case, the influx of blood into the cavernous bodies continues, and after failure, the fluid very slowly leaves the cavities of the penis. Due to the action of blood, the cavernous cavities are bursting. Therefore, after arousal, the testicles hurt, since against this background there is an increased movement of sperm along the vas deferens.
All of the above signs are easily eliminated without the participation of specialists. The pain disappears after a few hours after the seminal fluid is removed from the canals. In adolescenceproblems go away after the appearance of stable sexual contacts. But still, if the testicles are very sore after arousal, then pathological changes can also be the reason for this. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor.
Discomfort after arousal may occur due to prolonged abstinence or overexcitation. However, there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into account. Many men wonder why testicles hurt after arousal, the main reasons are:
- testicular or scrotal injury;
- testicular torsion;
- epidiritis;
- orchitis;
- varicocele;
- hernia;
- neoplasms of the reproductive system.
Men also need to pay attention to their underwear. It is not advised to choose models that pull the skin. Synthetic options are dangerous. You also need to try to do without tight jeans and trousers, and choose loose clothes at home.
Men often ask why the balls and groin hurt after arousal. As already known, there can be many reasons for this.
Very often, at the time of physical activity or the usual awkward movement, a blow occurs in the scrotum area. This action causes local hemorrhage. From pain, a man sometimes even loses consciousness, therefore, in this case, you need to consult a doctor. If the injury is minor, then the tissues themselves are restored. When there were violations after the blow and the young person did not seek medical help, this can be detrimental.effect on his sex life.
Testicular torsion

The vas deferens run through the entire testicle, and since it moves freely from side to side, twisting sometimes occurs, as a result of which the nerve endings are often pinched. The presence of this disease is another answer to the question of why guys have testicles after arousal. If this happens, then the man feels a sharp and unbearable pain in the right or left testicle. Because of this, the death of part of the testicle and blood vessels can form. Without timely surgical implementation within 6 hours, the organ will completely lose its reproductive functions. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood, but vasoconstriction, hypothermia and muscle contraction can presumably affect.
Another name for this disease is inflammation of the appendages, which can cause testicles to hurt after arousal. The appendage is located on the back wall in the lower third. Apparently, at the time of inflammation, the scrotum does not change, but the problem area begins to give off with aching pain. It should be noted that in the case of epidermitis, only one testicle will bother a man.
When the disease is not treated, then the inflammation will intensify, swelling will form and the pain will not be sharp, but constant, the presence of heat is possible.

Quite often, such a disease is a complication after infectiousailments - rubella, mumps. For men, it can reward the loss of reproductive function. With the disease, the inflamed testicle turns red and swells, as a result of which the production and excretion of sperm is disrupted, which further threatens infertility. Most often, only the right or left testicle is affected. After arousal, the pain is very severe, as the sperm does not form correctly and is not released.
The disease is characterized by gradually increasing, aching pain and swelling of one of the testicles. There may be discomfort in the perineum, lower back, lower abdomen, as well as headaches. Often the patient has a fever and chills.
This disease occurs due to chronic dilatation of the veins in the ovaries. Among the factors of appearance can be noted excessive physical activity and circulatory disorders.
If, after arousal, the testicles hurt, they become dark and swell, then we can talk about the presence of the disease.
Inguinal hernia is formed in the lower abdomen and in the case when the loop becomes large, the intestine can descend into the scrotum. Sometimes both the right and left testicles suffer from this. The problem is formed due to the compression of such a hernia of the seminal canals and ducts. Only surgery will help to correct the situation.
If, after a long excitement, the testicles hurt and increase in volume, then this does not only mean that the man has epidermitis or orchitis. All these signs are present in cancerous tumors. In the event of a neoplasmthere is also constant discomfort in the testicle, seals, nodules are formed, the scrotum swells and local body temperature increases.
Often, men do not pay attention to this and are completely confident in their he alth. But the sooner the patient listens to the symptoms of his body, the more chances to guarantee a successful recovery.
When you need to urgently see a doctor

The first questions that men can ask a specialist are as follows. If testicles hurt after arousal, what should I do? Is it possible, in general, to refuse medical care? Sometimes, this is possible, but only if the symptoms are rare, pass on their own and quickly enough. When one of the following symptoms is present, then self-treatment should be completely abandoned:
- body changed shape or size;
- a slight touch on the testicles causes unbearable pain;
- acute pain present;
- There is an incomprehensible tuberosity on the organ, which was not there before;
- there is not severe, but constant pain in the scrotum, but it gets worse over time;
- pain in the ovary after injury did not go away after a few hours.

To understand why the testicles hurt after arousal, a thorough medical examination is required. Diagnostics includes several methods. The first is palpation, in which the specialist carefully feelstesticles and scrotum. Palpation helps to reveal the texture of the testicle and the presence of unwanted growths in it.
Next, an ultrasound is performed. With the help of modern devices, it is possible to measure the size of paired glands and their qualitative characteristics. If in the case of examination in the scrotum no changes were detected, then the prostate gland is subjected to diagnosis. In case of suspicion of oncological neoplasms, they may additionally prescribe computed or magnetic resonance imaging, as well as diaphanoscopy and biopsy. Sometimes a spermogram and a blood test are prescribed.
Only after the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe some drugs.
Who should I contact?
When, after arousal, the balls hurt, what every man should know what to do. This is the first sign of a visit to the doctor. Most often, the patient is referred to a urologist. At the first session, the doctor will clarify the duration of the alarming symptoms, and what signs of malaise are present. If the problem is serious, the patient may be sent to a hospital for therapy. Most often, it takes several days to stabilize he alth. Modern drugs and methods are quite effective for both injuries and other diseases.
Medical solutions

If, after arousal, the right testicle and the left one hurt as a result of long abstinence or overexcitation, then such a pathology is resolved quickly after the normalization of sexual life. To do this, you need to finish your sexual intercourse with ejaculation. If, for medical reasons, a man needs to abstain from sex, then you can resort to masturbation. Pain after prolonged abstinence will disappear after 4-6 hours. If pathology is present, then the problem can only be restored with medical help.
After an injury, a thorough examination is necessary. Doctors prescribe cold compresses and bed rest. Pain medications are often injected. In the event of a serious injury and unbearable pain, inpatient therapy is required, as such an injury can lead to the accumulation of blood in the scrotum. In this case, the problem requires immediate surgical intervention.
When torsion of the testicles is observed, surgery is indispensable, and in the shortest possible time, otherwise it will be problematic to save the organ.
When epidermitis is observed, timely and adequate antibiotic therapy will be needed, since the infection can reach other organs. I also need immunotherapy, physiotherapy, and pain relief on demand.
Treatment of orchitis must be done quickly, as complications are possible, which manifest themselves in the form of atrophy of the gonads and inflammation of the appendages. Therapy consists of antibiotics, tight-fitting underwear, bed rest, and on-demand pain relief.
As with other ailments, varicocele must be treated very quickly with the use of surgical methods that involve ligation and removal of the affected vein. With proper therapy, the functions of the organ are fully restored.
After the end of anytreatment, the patient requires constant therapeutic monitoring. This is done to avoid possible complications. If the symptoms of the disease become more pronounced, then you should definitely contact your doctor. Only adequate and timely therapy can guarantee the prevention of complications.

In order to maintain your he alth, you need to know simple tips.
- Perform self-examination at least once a week.
- In case of a prolonged increase in pain after an injury, be sure to consult a doctor.
- Finish any arousal with sexual intercourse with ejaculation or try not to get overexcited.
- Have sex regularly and try to avoid prolonged abstinence.
- Prevent stagnant urine and avoid hypothermia.
- Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics and change it regularly.
- Protect testicles from injury, especially with sharp objects.