Vitamins for the eyes "Complivit Oftalmo": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

Vitamins for the eyes "Complivit Oftalmo": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews
Vitamins for the eyes "Complivit Oftalmo": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

"Complivit Oftalmo" is a complex of vitamins and other useful substances. It is developed according to a special formula and is designed to improve the functioning of the organ of vision. Ophthalmologists recommend taking this remedy for people with myopia and hyperopia, as well as when working with increased eye strain. The drug helps to preserve vision and helps even the elderly.

Composition and useful properties of the drug

Complivit Ophthalmo contains vitamins and minerals. Also, the drug contains carotenoids - substances necessary for the normal functioning of the visual analyzer. All components of this comprehensive tool are balanced and complement each other.

This product contains the following vitamin substances:

  1. Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of the eye vessels, regulates the synthesis of corticosteroidsin the body and blood coagulation. This substance helps to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Vitamin B1. This useful element is responsible for the transmission of impulses from the nervous system to muscle tissue. Vitamin coordinates the work of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  3. Vitamin B2. The substance contributes to the normal clarity of vision. It also stimulates the production of hemoglobin and is involved in metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Vitamin B6. Responsible for the synthesis of amino acids and the functioning of the central nervous system.
  5. Vitamin B12. Promotes the regeneration of the epithelium and takes part in the formation of the sheath of nerve fibers.
  6. Vitamin P. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and promotes the accumulation of ascorbic acid in the body.
  7. Vitamin E. Stimulates the sex glands and the nervous system. This substance has been proven to slow down the aging of body cells.
  8. Vitamin A. This substance is very good for the eyes. It is part of the pigment of the cornea and is responsible for the correct perception of light. With a deficiency of vitamin A, visual impairment occurs at night - "night blindness".
Vitamin A for vision
Vitamin A for vision

The drug "Complivit Ophthalmo" contains not only vitamins. It contains carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. They are pigments found naturally in the lens and retina. These substances are necessary for the eye to protect against the rays of the sun and other radiation. With a deficiency of carotenoids, the organ of vision becomes vulnerable to harmful effects.

Also in the compositionvitamin-mineral complex includes the following chemical elements:

  1. Zinc. This mineral is essential for normal eye function. It prevents the deterioration of twilight vision. Zinc deficiency can lead to inflammation of the eyelids and impaired color perception.
  2. Copper. Participates in the metabolism of iron, increases hemoglobin and prevents the formation of anemia.
  3. Selenium. Increases the adaptation of the human body to the effects of adverse factors and strengthens the immune system.

Doctors recommend taking this remedy to patients using contact lenses. Soft optics when worn for a long time can injure the membranes of the eye, and the drug contributes to their speedy healing. This will help the organ of vision to better and faster adapt to wearing lenses.

All the beneficial substances that make up the complex protect the eyes from harmful effects and have a beneficial effect on the nervous, endocrine and vascular systems.

Issue Forms

"Complivit Ophthalmo" in orange tablets is intended for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases only in adult patients. It can be taken from the age of 18. In pediatric practice, this form of the drug is not used.

Tablets "Complivit Oftalmo"
Tablets "Complivit Oftalmo"

"Complivit Ophthalmo" for children is available in powder form. Before use, a suspension is prepared from it. This is convenient for babies, as the child cannot always swallow the pill. The powder has a pleasant banana or cherry flavor due to the presence offlavors. This remedy can be taken from the age of 3.


If the patient's work and lifestyle are associated with an increased load on the visual analyzer, then ophthalmologists recommend taking Complivit Ophthalmo. An indication for the use of a vitamin-mineral complex is increased fatigue and eye fatigue. The drug is recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer screen or reading books in low light conditions, as well as for patients using contact optics. This remedy helps relieve pain and pain in the eyes.

eye fatigue
eye fatigue

In addition, vitamins "Complivit Ophthalmo" are prescribed to older people to prevent the occurrence of age-related visual impairment. They are used as part of the complex therapy of retinal dystrophy. If a person already has signs of "night blindness", then a vitamin-mineral complex will help improve twilight vision. The use of the drug is indicated for beriberi and deficiency of minerals in the body.

Vitamins keep visual acuity
Vitamins keep visual acuity

In childhood, the drug is prescribed for increased stress on the organ of vision and eye fatigue.


Instruction "Complivit Ophthalmo" does not recommend the use of this remedy for allergies to vitamins, carotenoids, zinc, copper and selenium. If the patient has skin rashes and itching after taking the tablets or suspension, then the use of the drug should be abandoned.

Pregnant women should not take this drug. An excess of vitamins can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Also, this remedy should not be used during breastfeeding. Its components penetrate into milk and can cause hypervitaminosis in a child.

The drug in tablets should not be used in the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age. In such cases, a vitamin complex in the form of a suspension should be prescribed.

Image"Complivit Ophthalmo" for children
Image"Complivit Ophthalmo" for children

Unwanted effects

Side effects of Complivit Ophthalmo are rare. Usually patients tolerate this remedy well. Allergic reactions are noted in people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In this case, it is necessary to use antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Citrine.

Dyspeptic manifestations are observed in some patients: bloating, nausea, diarrhea. If you experience these symptoms, you should stop taking vitamins and consult your doctor.

When taking Complivit Ophthalmo, it is important to carefully observe the dosage prescribed by your doctor. This remedy contains many different vitamins and minerals. Their excess can adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism.

If the patient has taken an excessive amount of pills, it is necessary to give him first aid. It is necessary to wash the stomach and give the patient an enterosorbent. Then you need to urgently seek medical help. The doctor willdetoxification treatment aimed at reducing the absorption of the components of the drug.

How to take vitamins

"Complivit Ophthalmo" for the eyes take 1 tablet daily. The drug is better absorbed if taken with food. The course of treatment lasts about 3 months.

For children, the drug is produced in the form of a powder. A suspension is prepared from it for oral administration. Pour 2/3 cold boiled water into the bottle with the powder. The container is shaken for 1-2 minutes. The volume is then adjusted to 100 ml. The bottle is shaken for another 1 minute until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Children 3-7 years old are given 5 ml of suspension per day, and at the age of 8-14 years - 10 ml. The course of vitamin therapy lasts about a month. The drug can be added to fruit puree and drinks.

Special Instructions

Instruction "Complivit Ophthalmo" warns against exceeding the therapeutic dose of the drug. Do not take more than 1 tablet per day.

Urine may turn orange or amber during treatment. This symptom should not alert patients. This manifestation is associated with the exchange of vitamin B2, which is part of the complex. It does not require special treatment. Urine is stained by vitamin metabolites, after treatment, the discharge becomes normal.

Drug interactions

Instruction "Complivit Ophthalmo" does not recommend taking other vitamin supplements with this remedy. To improve vision and relieve eye fatigue, it is enough to prescribe onemineral complex. The use of excessive doses of vitamins can also be harmful and cause serious malfunctions in the body.

This drug is compatible with all other medicines. It is often used as an adjunct in the complex therapy of ophthalmic pathologies.

During the course of treatment, you must completely abstain from alcohol. Alcohol significantly impairs the absorption of vitamins and reduces the effect of therapy.

How to store vitamins

"Complivit Ophthalmo" in tablet form should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. The drug must be protected from moisture, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. Subject to all storage rules, tablets can be used for 2 years.

Powder for the preparation of baby suspension is stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. It can be used for 2 years. If lumps form in the powder, then this is not a sign of poor quality of the drug. In the process of preparing the composition for oral administration, the adhesion of particles disappears.

The finished suspension must be stored in the refrigerator. The composition can be used within 20 days.

Price and analogues

The price of Complivit Ophthalmo in tablet form depends on the number of pills in the package. On average, the cost of the complex is from 180 to 300 rubles. Vitamins are dispensed from pharmacy chains without a prescription.

The price of Complivit Ophthalmo in the form of powder for suspension is from 210 to 280 rubles. This is the cost of one bottle of 44 g. Powderalso available without a prescription, but it is important to follow the recommended dosage.

The following multivitamin complexes for the eyes belong to the analogues of "Complivit Ophthalmo":

  • "Vitalux Plus".
  • "Lutein Complex".
  • "Vitamins for eyes with lutein" (manufacturer "Doppelgerz Active").
  • "Focus".
  • "Vitrum Vision".

Which of these drugs is better to choose? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. These products contain different substances, but have a similar effect on vision. It is necessary to understand their composition and indications for use.

"Vitalux Plus" contains the same vitamins and carotenoids as "Complivit". However, it also contains additional substances: fish oil, magnesium, potassium, chromium, nickel. The drug is used to treat eye fatigue, slow down the aging process of the organ of vision, as well as after ophthalmic operations. Its price in pharmacies is about 550 rubles.

Vitamins "Vitalux Plus"
Vitamins "Vitalux Plus"

"Lutein Complex" contains vitamins, minerals and carotenoids. In addition, it contains blueberry extract. Its alkaloids contribute to the adaptation of the eye to low light conditions. The drug is useful to take with "night blindness", its price is about 450 rubles.

The composition of "Vitamins for the eyes with lutein" by "Doppelherz Aktiv" also includes an extract from blueberries. This drugindicated in the recovery period after ophthalmic operations. The cost of vitamins is about 400 rubles.

Vitamins "Doppelgerz Active"
Vitamins "Doppelgerz Active"

Focus contains vitamins A, C, B, E, blueberry extract, zinc and carotenoids. This drug can be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The price of vitamins is about 300-400 rubles.

The composition of the complex "Vitrum Vision" is almost the same as "Complivit" for the eyes. The drug is used to relieve fatigue with increased tension of the organ of vision. The price of the vitamin complex is about 250-400 rubles (depending on the number of tablets).

Reviews of doctors about the vitamin complex

Doctors leave a lot of positive feedback about Complivit Oftalmo. They note the variety of useful substances in this vitamin complex. Specialists use it for the prevention of farsightedness in elderly patients, the treatment of "night blindness" and visual impairment associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Doctors report that this remedy is well tolerated and rarely causes allergies.

However, some experts do not believe in the effectiveness of this tool. They believe that this drug can only help in the prevention of visual impairment. Serious ophthalmic pathologies cannot be cured with vitamins alone.

Ophthalmologists also warn that this drug should be taken in courses of no more than 1-3 months. Too long use of this remedy can cause hypervitaminosis.

Patient testimonials

There are a lot of positive reviews about Complivit Ophthalmo from patients. People report that these vitamins helped them get rid of the constant fatigue of the organ of vision. After undergoing a course of treatment, inflammation on their eyelids disappeared, pain in their eyes disappeared. In addition, patients note an increase in overall performance and activity.

At the same time, people write that the drug is a good prophylactic. It can prevent visual impairment. However, if the patient already has myopia or hyperopia, then the drug is ineffective. He is unable to restore his lost vision.

Patients suffering from "night blindness" report that after a course of treatment, their eyes adapt better to low light conditions. Violation of twilight vision is usually associated with a deficiency of vitamins and carotenoids. The use of the drug allows you to fill the lack of nutrients.

You can also meet negative reviews. Some patients experienced side effects after taking the vitamin complex. These are mainly dyspeptic symptoms: abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea. For this reason, some patients were forced to interrupt the course of treatment. Perhaps these symptoms are associated with increased sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract to the components of the drug.

Patients compare this remedy with vitamin complexes containing blueberry fruit extract. Means with an extract from berries are much more likely to cause dyspeptic symptoms. A large proportion of patients are allergic to fruit alkaloids. "Complivit"rarely leads to unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.

It can be concluded that the vitamin complex is an effective preventive measure. It may also be useful for minor nutrient deficiencies. However, in case of serious ophthalmic diseases, it cannot restore lost vision. In such cases, traditional medical treatment is necessary, and sometimes surgery.
