Ascorbic acid (solution): indications and instructions for use

Ascorbic acid (solution): indications and instructions for use
Ascorbic acid (solution): indications and instructions for use

Everyone knows about ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This component is necessary for maintaining immunity, preventing colds and viruses. A vitamin can come not only from food, but also from drugs. A solution of ascorbic acid is now being produced. Thanks to injections, the drug quickly enters the bloodstream and has a positive effect. It is also used in cosmetology. Instructions for the use of ascorbic acid in ampoules are presented in the article.

Useful properties

Vitamin valuable for the body is an organic substance that is involved in many life processes:

  1. Strengthening immunity, which improves the overall well-being of a person.
  2. Increased hemoglobin levels and improved blood composition.
  3. Normalization of cholesterol.
  4. Wound healing.
  5. Increased toneskin by strengthening the skin.
  6. Regulation of bile function and detoxification.
  7. Ensuring proper functioning of the thyroid, pancreas, liver.
how to take ascorbic acid
how to take ascorbic acid

After getting into the human blood with food and as drugs, ascorbic acid immediately begins to take part in the exchange. If this component is not enough in the body, then various important processes suffer.

But you should not abuse vitamin C from food. The remedy can disrupt the integrity of the stomach and burden the kidneys. Therefore, experts advise using a solution of ascorbic acid. Injections in the correct dosage can help the body and not harm the digestive tract.

Vitamin C deficiency

Signs of lack of ascorbic acid include:

  • pale skin;
  • long wound healing;
  • weakness, apathy, insomnia, irritability and restlessness;
  • poor immunity;
  • Bleeding gums and loose teeth.

A lack of vitamin C for too long can lead to:

  • pronounced mobility or complete loss of teeth;
  • intense joint and muscle pain that limits mobility;
  • appearance of secondary infections;
  • violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impaired secretion of digestive enzymes;
  • disruption of the heart - increased blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • bone fractures;
  • massive hemorrhages.

When showing signs of prolonged deficiencyvitamin C prescribe injections of a vitamin preparation. But a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Pharmacological effect

When using an injection solution of ascorbic acid, the absorption of the vitamin is easy and fast. The component is transported by platelets and leukocytes. When compared with blood plasma, their concentration of the vitamin is 30 times higher.

The drug is metabolized by the liver. It is controlled in the muscles and lungs, pituitary gland, brain, kidneys, genitals, liver, pancreas. Excretion is performed with faeces and urine.

ascorbic acid injection
ascorbic acid injection


What is ascorbic acid taken from? It is used when:

  • intense mental or physical work;
  • hypo- and beriberi;
  • tuberculosis or scurvy;
  • unbalanced or parenteral nutrition;
  • recovering from illness or surgery;
  • hypothermia;
  • active growth of children;
  • lactation in women;
  • radiation sickness;
  • bleeding - nasal, pulmonary, hepatic;
  • intoxication;
  • recovering from injuries and stress;
  • smoking cessation and alcoholism treatment;
  • recovery after bowel resection and gastrectomy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, peptic ulcer;
  • dystrophy;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • liver disease;
  • infections;
  • long healing ulcers andwounds;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

Under these conditions, the drug has a positive effect. With a lack of vitamin C, hypovitaminosis, and other conditions, it is important to follow the instructions.

How are injections made?

Before an injection, hands should be washed with soap and treated with a disinfectant. Intramuscular injections can be performed independently, while intravenous injections require the help of a specialist. It is necessary to change the needle after taking the medicine, it can become blunt and make the injection painful.

ascorbic acid solution 1
ascorbic acid solution 1

Intramuscular injections are performed as follows:

  1. An antiseptic alcohol-containing solution is applied to the skin (so that there is no inflammation).
  2. Then slowly inject the medicine.
  3. Then a cotton swab dipped in alcohol is applied to the puncture site.

Intravenous injections are performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The middle of the shoulder is tied with a rubber band (on clothes or fabric).
  2. The patient needs to make a fist several times.
  3. The solution is drawn into the syringe.
  4. The skin is treated with an alcohol-based product.
  5. The tourniquet must be removed.
  6. Injection in progress.
  7. You should press the puncture site on the skin with a cotton swab, bend your arm at the elbow.


Although the solution of ascorbic acid is very useful for the body, sometimes it is forbidden to use it. This cannot be done when:

  • blood diseases associated with high clotting;
  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.


How to take ascorbic acid? This procedure is not difficult. It is important to follow the instructions for the use of ascorbic acid in ampoules. The drug is administered intravenously by stream (2-3 minutes), as well as drip (25-30 drops per minute). With the drip method, 50-100 ml of 0.9% saline or 5% glucose solution is used as a basis.

ascorbic acid in ampoules instructions for use
ascorbic acid in ampoules instructions for use

How else to take ascorbic acid? When administered intramuscularly, the agent is heated to room temperature, and then it is drawn into a syringe and injected into the thickness of the muscle. For injections take a solution of ascorbic acid 1%. The course of therapy is determined by the state of the person and the neglect of the disease. For adults, a solution of ascorbic acid is prescribed, 5 ml 1-3 times a day. And for children, the daily norm is 0.6–1.0 ml. A solution of ascorbic acid for injection is prescribed by a doctor after the examination.


Since the main action of ascorbic acid is the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones, with an overdose, the risk of kidney stones is likely. Therefore, it should be treated under the control of the kidneys, adrenal glands, blood pressure.

Carefully, the drug should be taken with an increased iron content in the blood. An increase in the norm leads to a decrease in the work of the insular apparatus of the pancreas.

Side effects

Usually ascorbic acid solutionwell tolerated, but there is still a chance of side effects:

  1. Dizziness and fatigue may occur if injected quickly.
  2. Intramuscular injection sometimes causes pain at the injection site.
  3. Due to overdose, headaches and high excitability are observed.
  4. Blood pressure rises due to deterioration of capillary permeability.
  5. Due to prolonged use and overdose, kidney function is disrupted, nephrolithiasis and moderate pollakiuria develop.
  6. Hypersensitivity can lead to an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.
  7. Develops hypoprotroabinemia, glucosuria, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, erythropenia.
ascorbic acid solution 5
ascorbic acid solution 5

When pregnant and breastfeeding

Injections are prescribed in these cases only when the expected benefits of treatment outweigh the likely risks to the child. Since the component can penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk, there is a possibility of undesirable consequences in the baby. During lactation, the dosage of vitamin C should not exceed the maximum daily dose.


Intoxication appears only with the introduction of a large dose of a vitamin or a very long treatment. An overdose appears as:

  • hypertension;
  • high sugar in urine;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • thromboembolism;
  • development of kidney stones.

Ascorbic acid is notshould be taken with iron supplements. It is forbidden to combine with drugs that contain caffeine, vitamin B12, folic acid.

Storage rules and price

The drug should be stored at a temperature of +5 to +15 degrees in a place protected from direct sunlight. The tool must be out of the reach of children. Shelf life is 1.5 to 2 years.

ascorbic acid injection solutions
ascorbic acid injection solutions

The price of ascorbic acid is quite affordable. The cost of a package consisting of 10 ampoules of 2 ml of a 5% solution is about 30 rubles. But prices may vary between pharmacies.


Due to the lack of valuable components, curls lose their luster and natural beauty. Ascorbic acid for injection is inexpensive, but can be an excellent helper for weak, falling out, dull hair. Vitamin C saturates the follicles with the right amount of oxygen and nutrients.

For quick help to weak hair, an ampoule is added to cosmetics - shampoos, conditioners. But it is important to consider that the substance disappears upon contact with oxygen. Acid is added to the portion with the product (up to 5 drops at a time), and then the shampoo or balm is applied for its main purpose. For the best effect, a new ampoule should be used for each procedure.


Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the skin, so the solution can be used in cosmetology. It nourishes the skin, eliminates redness, peeling, renews cells, improves complexion.

To maintain facial skin innormal, its recharge, the following procedure is performed:

  1. Ampoules (2 pcs.) Must be diluted with boiled water (room temperature) in an amount of 1:1.
  2. The face, neck, décolleté area is wiped with a ready-made solution in the morning and evening after water procedures.
  3. If a burning sensation occurs after using the solution, then the addition of 1 portion of water is required.

This treatment option is suitable for oily facial skin and a tendency to breakouts and acne. An excellent effect is provided when using a mask, which consists of vitamins C, E, A. The solutions must be mixed and applied to the skin. The effect of the mask is enhanced when ascorbic acid is combined with fresh fruit.

ascorbic acid solution
ascorbic acid solution

Tips for using a fortified mask:

  1. Do not mix the components in a metal bowl, as the component is destroyed when in contact with the metal.
  2. Mask should not be applied if there is damage to the skin.
  3. Mixture should not be applied around the eyes.
  4. Acid can be mixed with neroli oil, sugar, unsweetened yogurt. When the composition is homogeneous, it is applied to the face.
  5. The course of using masks should be no more than 10-14 days.

It will be possible to eliminate cosmetic defects and improve the appearance of the skin with the help of facial mesotherapy. In this procedure, a drug enriched with vitamins is injected under the skin with a thin needle. Ascorbic acid injections are able to nourish and protect cells from free radicals, which improve blood circulation,provide a whitening effect. This therapy should only be performed by trusted and certified professionals.
