When you have a toothache, you want to relieve it as soon as possible. Usually pain occurs due to advanced caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, with trigeminal neuralgia. When a tooth hurts, folk remedies and medications are selected in such a way as to remove this unpleasant syndrome as quickly as possible.
Usually toothache worsens at night and on weekends when dental clinics are closed. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to use complex therapy: use pharmacological preparations and traditional medicine together.

In cases where the tooth does not hurt much, folk remedies can be replaced with massage. This is an effective method of relieving pain.
Start the massage from the Shang-yang point. It is located at the root of the nail bed of the index finger. With intense impact on it, the pain subsides.
If a tooth hurts in the upper jaw, then they act on the Xia-guan point, and on the lower jaw - on the pointJia-che.
For toothache, massage of the submandibular lymph nodes, temporal zone, Si-bai and Da-ying points is added. The points should be acted upon with little effort for 3-5 minutes. In addition to massage, various folk remedies are used.
Folk remedies
When a tooth hurts, folk remedies are the most affordable and effective way to get rid of it. To relieve the syndrome, various methods are used. They are aimed at relieving pain in caries, pulpitis. The following methods provide relief and make it possible to wait until the start of the working day, when it will be possible to visit a doctor.

Tinctures, decoctions
If your tooth hurts, a folk remedy of raspberries and mint helps to quickly calm the nerve. Raspberry and mint tincture is used for various dental diseases. To make a tincture, they take raspberry and mint leaves, pour grape or apple cider vinegar and insist for three days. Then the agent is filtered. for rinsing, an aqueous solution of tincture is used.
Comfrey root tincture has a pronounced analgesic, disinfectant and hemostatic agent. To prepare it, you need to grind the comfrey root and mix with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. The remedy is insisted for ten days. The finished product is filtered. in the composition, a swab is moistened and applied to the aching tooth for ten minutes.
Decoction of sage helps even when the tooth hurts badly. A folk remedy is used for pulpitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums. Decoctionhas antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory action. To prepare a decoction, you need two tablespoons of raw materials, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it is used to rinse the mouth.
With caries, when a tooth hurts, a folk remedy for pain relief helps to cope with this syndrome in a few minutes. For tincture, you need 20 grams of fennel fruit and the same amount of mint leaves, 50 grams of horseradish root. Everything is crushed and poured with a liter of vodka. The remedy is infused for three months. Before use, dilute the tincture with water (a teaspoon per glass of water).
Origanum remedy
Oregano is not only an excellent plant that helps with colds and coughs, but also an excellent remedy that can anesthetize if a tooth hurts. A folk remedy helps within a few minutes.
When severe toothache is recommended to chew the leaves of the plant. It can also be used to make a decoction for rinsing.

He althy juices
When a tooth hurts, gums, folk remedies help not only to anesthetize, but also remove inflammation. Various juices are used in folk medicine.
Cucumber juice contains a lot of sodium, potassium, phosphorus or calcium. It helps not only with dental diseases, but also with various gum pathologies.
For the prevention and treatment of tooth decay is turnip juice. It contains a lot of calcium.
Horsetail juice mixed with honey is used to prevent caries.
Wheat Grains
Sprouted grains usenot only to get rid of caries and periodontal disease, but also when a tooth hurts. Treatment of folk remedies for dental diseases with sprouted wheat allows you to cope with a variety of diseases of the oral cavity. Grains are recommended to be consumed in the form of porridge or to cook jelly.
S alt to help
For severe toothache, a saline rinse is recommended to soothe the nerve. For its preparation, one hundred grams of vodka and thirty grams of s alt are taken. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution. Such a remedy has a beneficial effect on teeth, gums, and relieves pain.
Use hot pepper
Chili pepper has a pronounced analgesic property. It is not only eaten, but also used as a mouthwash for toothache. A folk remedy for pain can reduce the severity of the pain syndrome, and also disinfects.

Toothache remedies
What to do hurts tooth enamel, folk remedies help to cope with a similar problem? Yes, there are many folk methods that help fight this pathology. There are many different ways to relieve pain:
- 50 grams of birch buds are taken and poured with half a liter of vodka. The composition is infused for ten days. In the finished product, a cotton swab is wetted and applied to the diseased tooth. This tool helps even in cases where the wisdom tooth hurts. The folk remedy is stored in the refrigerator.
- Onion-garlic-s alt composition is good for toothache. For its preparation, onion, garlic and s alt are taken in equal parts, everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The gruel is applied to the aching tooth, a cotton swab is applied on top.
- Clove oil helps soothe toothache. It is gently applied to the aching tooth. You can moisten a swab with oil and apply it to the aching tooth.
What to do - a toothache, will folk remedies help relieve pain? Different methods have different effects. Some relieve pain after five minutes, but their effect does not last long, while others have a long-term calming effect. One of the remedies that can quickly cope with pain is s alted lard. Excess s alt is removed from it. Then a piece of fat is placed between the cheek and the tooth, held for about twenty minutes. During this time, the pain subsides.
If a child has a toothache, folk remedies help to quickly cope with it. To prepare the composition, take a spoonful of soda and the same amount of s alt, dissolve in a glass of water. Then half of the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 with warm water. Rinse your mouth with the finished composition. To achieve an analgesic effect, use up to five glasses of the product.

Folk remedies for dental pathologies
When teeth hurt under a crown, folk remedies help to cope with the pain, relieve it. Also, tinctures, decoctions and other drugs help to cope with a variety of dental problems.
When bleeding gums, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with infusion of oak bark andlime color. Raw materials are taken in equal parts, mixed. Then a teaspoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour. Rinse the mouth with the finished product 3-5 times a day.
Camomile helps to cope with stomatitis and gingivitis. A spoonful of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. Rinse the mouth with the finished product up to three times a day.
Inflammation of the oral mucosa helps to cope with the rhizome of marsh calamus. To prepare the product, a teaspoon of raw materials is taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. The remedy is infused for twenty minutes. Before use, the composition is filtered.
With aphthous or ulcerative stomatitis, applications with honey heated to 40 degrees help. They are made up to four times a day.
You can get rid of tartar, periodontal disease if you rinse your mouth with honey solution after eating at night. To prepare it, take a spoonful of the bee product and dilute it in a glass of warm water. This composition helps to remove tartar, and also resists the formation of a new one. In addition, honey has unique properties: it nourishes the gums, teeth, relieves inflammation, and eliminates pain.
In folk medicine, mummy helps to fight dental ailments. A 3% solution is made from it, in which the cotton wool is wetted. It is applied to the gums with pustules.
With toothache, as well as with other pathologies of the oral cavity, you can not warm the sore spot, make compresses. Heat promotes the increased growth of pathogenic microorganisms, causing seriouscomplications.

Other remedies
Relieve pain with camphor oil. A swab is moistened in it and applied to the gum from the diseased side. After a while, the pain subsides.
Helps relieve pain and inflammation propolis. A small piece is placed in the place where it hurts and, after half an hour, relief is felt. You can chew propolis.
For rinsing, alcohol tincture of propolis is used. When a tooth hurts, anesthesia with folk remedies is carried out with a prepared solution (50 ml of water and a teaspoon of propolis tincture). You can add a teaspoon of calamus root to the composition.
There are other remedies for toothache:
- A freshly cut aloe leaf is applied with pulp to a sore spot for half an hour. Then it is removed, and after an hour the procedure is repeated. The pain syndrome passes quickly, although this remedy has a drawback - the bitter taste of aloe juice.
- Helps relieve pain infusion of yarrow, prepared from a teaspoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water (infused for an hour). Rinse your mouth with this infusion every two hours.
- Vegetable unrefined oil is kept in the mouth for fifteen minutes. It is believed that during this time, pain and the toxic effect of bacteria caused by pathogenic microorganisms go away.
- To rinse the mouth for toothache, use a decoction of aspen bark. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. The agent is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, then insisted for an hour. Ready compositionrinse your mouth.
- Helps to cope with the pain infusion of chicory. For him, you need a teaspoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. The remedy is infused for half an hour, then they rinse their mouth on the affected side.
- Beetroot juice is used for rinsing. It can be obtained in different ways: grate the beetroot or chop it with a combine, then squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. It is used to rinse the mouth. This remedy has a positive effect, quickly relieving pain, but it has some drawback - the juice stains the oral cavity red, which makes it difficult for dentists.
- For rinsing, you can make an infusion of onion peel, but this remedy stains the enamel yellow. To prepare the remedy, a small onion is taken, poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. Then the agent is filtered, used for rinsing with pain, inflammation. It is recommended to rinse the mouth for fifteen minutes. The procedure is carried out in small portions every half an hour.
To relieve pain, alcohol solutions of eucalyptus, propolis, calendula, decoctions and tinctures of valerian, bird cherry berries are used.
Relieve gum pain
If the gums hurt, then you can not only rinse your mouth, but also make applications with various means. The application with fir oil has a positive effect on the gums. The tool is applied to diseased gums for ten minutes. Treatment continues for two weeks.
In case of gum disease caused by periodontal disease, it is recommended to massage the gums with sauerkraut. Helps to deal withpain gargle with thyme decoction.
To relieve pain from the gums, use the juice of psyllium leaves. To do this, take a small leaf of the plant, washed, dried. The leaf is then chewed along with the stem to release the juice. It has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation.
If you are not afraid of specific smells, then you can relieve the pain with the help of birch tar. It is applied to a toothbrush and, gently, with light massage movements, is applied to sore gums. This procedure is carried out twice a day. After a few days, the gums stop bleeding, the pain disappears.
A mixture of calendula and linden has a high efficiency. These plants are taken in a teaspoon and poured with boiling water. The composition is infused for an hour, then the gums are rinsed with it.
There are a huge number of different recipes for toothache and sore gums. Each method is designed for a specific time of the year. So, in cold weather, it is recommended to use a decoction of pine needles for rinsing. To prepare the product, two tablespoons of raw materials are taken, poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for five minutes. The tool is filtered. Apply up to five times a day. This remedy has a calming effect, reduces inflammation.

These are not all folk methods of getting rid of pain, but they are considered the most affordable and very effective. However, all these remedies cannot relieve pain for a long time, and also cannot have an analgesic effect in case of severe toothache. The surest way to forget about soreness is to see a doctor.