If you ask the doctor which blood circulation pills to take, he can recommend different drugs. The diversity of pharmaceutical products should not be surprising: the problems of blood flow disturb many of our contemporaries, causing a variety of serious consequences. This forced scientists and manufacturers to look for more or less effective means of stabilizing blood flow. To find the right one, you need to consider what provoked the initial problem.
Reasons and indications
Sometimes pills to improve blood circulation in the brain are needed against the background of a person's injury. The need may arise with a systemic disease. High blood pressure, atherosclerotic plaques, poisoning, infection negatively affect the vascular state. Stress factors and vascular spasms, osteochondrosis play their role. Such pathological conditions lead to insufficient supply of blood to the brain. As a result, the cells do not receive the necessary oxygen,nutrient compounds. This leads to impaired brain functionality. It is no secret that this organ is responsible for regulating the activity of the entire human body, so the lack of blood flow in it leads to catastrophic consequences.
A wide variety of pills to improve blood circulation in the brain are presented on the pharmacy shelves. It is quite difficult to choose among them the appropriate option. The most effective and accurate method is to seek the help of a qualified doctor. If there is a suspicion of the need for such drugs, you do not need to delay contacting a doctor. The progress of the diseases mentioned above can provoke a stroke and other serious consequences, even death.

What will help?
There are several types of pills to improve cerebral circulation and memory. Sometimes the doctor prescribes nootropics. Other useful means that expand the vascular lumens. Sometimes drugs are shown that thin the blood and prevent its increased clotting. All of these tools must be used in combination. The dosage regimen is compiled by an experienced doctor. Auxiliary drugs are selected based on the characteristics of the patient's condition. Self-treatment can provoke undesirable consequences, even irreversible.
Among the variety of pills to improve blood circulation in the brain, those belonging to this class are prescribed almost the most. They dilate the vascular ducts, so that the blood is more active.rushes to the brain, bringing more beneficial compounds. This eliminates hypoxia, provides enough nutrition. Drugs improve energy metabolism, stabilize the functionality of the brain. Quite often, drugs from the class of calcium antagonists are prescribed. They have been known for a long time and have a good reputation. The third generation of drugs of this type is available to modern doctors. Calcium antagonists expand the arterial lumens, relaxing the muscle fibers of the vascular walls. They do not affect the condition of the veins. Under their influence, the blood flow in the brain is activated, the body receives the nutrients it needs, oxygen.
Calcium antagonists are known for their systemic effects on the body. They can be prescribed only after a preliminary examination, proving the reasonableness of such therapy. The duration of the course, dosage - all this is chosen by a qualified, experienced doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Among the drugs presented on the pharmacy shelves, calcium antagonists include Diltiazem, Verapamil, Kordipin (first generation), Nimodipine, Tiapamil, Klentiazem (second generation), Stamlo, Norvask (third generation).

Natural Based
In pharmacies you can also find pills to improve memory and blood circulation, produced using herbal ingredients. They are used to treat, prevent blood flow problems. A distinctive feature is a narrow range of contraindications. Some drugs are sold withoutprescription. They can be taken independently, after reading the accompanying instructions. These medicines are produced using plant alkaloids. Most often, ginkgo, periwinkle is used as the main active ingredient.
About Periwinkle
Vinca alkaloid (proven by tests!) eliminates vasospasm, stabilizes local metabolism, eliminates the formation of blood clots, improves the quality of blood flow. Among the pharmaceutical products produced using this product, it is worth noting the pills for cerebral circulation and memory "Telectol". The means "Vinpocetine", "Bravinton" are quite well-known and often prescribed. Periwinkle alkaloid is also used by manufacturers of Cavinton and Vero-Vinpocetine preparations. It is noted that the use of "Vinpocetine", "Cavinton" is undesirable until the doctor's consent is obtained. This is due to the possible negative impact if the dose and duration of the course are incorrectly selected.

About ginkgo
Pills for blood circulation and memory based on ginkgo have a complex effect on the body, improve blood circulation in the smallest vessels, strengthen tissues and relieve swelling. The walls of the vascular system are protected from radicals. Among the names it is worth noting "Gingium" and "Bilobil". Quite safe and reliable products "Ginkoum", "Vobilon", "Memory" are quite popular. Sometimes a specialist recommends taking a closer look at pharmaceutical products presented under the names "Ginkor Fort", "Tanakan".
Medicines,produced with the inclusion of vegetable raw materials, are intended for long-term use - from a quarter of a year or more. During the period of the treatment program, it is impossible to use blood-thinning compounds, Aspirin is prohibited. Such a combination can provoke a hemorrhage in the brain. Many people notice signs of improvement already after a month of regular pill intake, but a stable effect is achievable only after three months or more.
Nicotinic acid
The pills on the pharmaceutical market that improve blood circulation in the vessels contain nicotinic acid in their composition. They do not affect large vessels, but dilate the capillaries. The main substance strengthens the vascular walls, reduces the content of dangerous cholesterol inclusions, stabilizing the blood lipid profile. Among the popular ones, Nicotinic acid, Acipimox, Enduratin deserve mention. Good reputation known medicines "Nikospan", "Nicofuranose".
All drugs in this category are intended for course use. Some medicines are produced for injection strictly under medical supervision. After the first stage of the complex course, the patient is transferred to a tablet form for oral administration.
Strengthening the vascular wall
Pills are in demand to improve cerebral circulation, affecting primarily the walls of blood vessels. They are effective because they make these elements more elastic. There are mineral and vitamin preparations. You can take the "Blueberry Forte" remedy. Useful tablets "Ascorutin". Good influenceon the state of the circulatory system, preparations containing silicon, potassium, selenium. On sale there are a lot of vitamin, mineral complexes with such inclusions. Dihydroquertecin has a good effect. It is present in the industrial products Dihydroquercetin NTG, Flaol, Flavit.
Mineral, vitamin preparations are used to improve the quality of blood flow, to prevent the treatment of he alth problems that have arisen. It is advisable to first consult a doctor, only after that start using. If it is impossible to consult a doctor, you can simply study the instructions before starting the reception. The products are sold without doctor's prescriptions.

If you ask an average person about pills for blood circulation in the brain, a person will probably remember nootropics first of all. Such medicines improve local metabolism, make the brain more resistant to hypoxia, increase mental abilities, and improve memory. Some products are made from animal brains. They contain natural amino acids. Among the popular drugs, it is worth noting Microhydrin, Cerebrolysin, Phenotropil. Good reputation means "Piracetam" and "Glycine". Glutamic acid is quite in demand. Sometimes the doctor advises to stop on "Actovegin" or "Cortexin". Some benefit from Pantogam.
All listed pharmaceutical products can be used as an element of complex treatment of various diseases caused by blood flow problems. Themprescribed for dementia, coma and asthenia, cerebral ischemia and VVD, acute disturbance of blood flow, slow development of the psyche. Before the appointment, it is necessary to study the patient's condition.
Blood quality
Choosing the right pills for the patient to improve blood circulation, the doctor may advise anticoagulants, antiaggregants. They lower the viscosity of the blood, making it more fluid. These drugs are more often prescribed at the risk of transient ischemia, in the case of transient blood flow disorders. Antiplatelet agents can reduce the risk of thrombus formation, reduce the risk of thromboembolism. Among the popular pharmaceutical products, it is worth mentioning Aspirin, Curantil and Ticlopidin. The medicines "Clopidogrel", "Pentoxifylline" have a good reputation. Before starting the course, you need to study the patient's condition, determine if there are any contraindications. The duration of the course is selected individually.
Taking anticoagulants can improve the quality of blood flow in small vessels, control the level of clotting. Assign "Warfarin" and "Fragmin". Often, doctors advise taking unfractionated heparin. Good effect known medicines "Clexane", "Fraksiparin". Improper use of such drugs is accompanied by a risk of complications, so it is very important to use drugs under the supervision of a doctor, regularly checking the quality of the blood. Incorrect and unjustified use is accompanied by the risk of formation of hematomas, foci of bleeding. A person can vomit, defecation is possible with inclusions of blood in the discharge. All these symptoms requireurgent medical attention.
If you ask your doctor which circulatory pills to try, your doctor may suggest homeopathic products. A good option is Golden Iodine. It is considered useful if there are signs of poor blood flow in the brain. Such a remedy is relatively safe, but only effective if taken for a long time.
Studying the features of tablets designed to improve blood circulation in the brain, you should refer to the instructions for this popular medication. It comes in the form of greenish or yellowish capsules, convex on both sides. One tablet contains 0.2 g of veal hemoderivative from which proteins have been extracted. Officially, the medication belongs to the category of tissue regeneration stimulants. It is an antihypoxant that protects the nervous system, improves metabolism, and affects microcirculation. The active ingredient increases oxygen absorption with subsequent utilization of the molecules. The product contains phospho-oligosaccharides, which positively affect the movement and utilization of sugars. Consequently, cellular metabolism improves, lactate is less actively generated, which is especially important in ischemia.
"Actovegin" prevents apoptosis, modulates the work of kappa B, which is necessary to regulate apoptosis, inflammatory processes in the PNS, CNS. The drug affects the enzyme poly(A)-polymerase, which is responsible for the detection and restoration of DNA with a single strand. Excessive activity of the enzyme can cause cell death in some pathologies. A drugcontrols the activity of polypolymerase, due to which the state of the central nervous system, PNS becomes better, more stable - morphology and functionality return to normal.
Admission rules
When planning to take Actovegin tablets to improve blood circulation in the brain, you need to read the instructions describing the rules for safe use. It is taken into account that the effect can be noticed half an hour after the drug enters the body - this has been proven by clinical trials. The maximum result is observed approximately 2-6 hours after taking the capsule inside.
Pills are used shortly before meals. Do not chew, cut, grind or otherwise violate the integrity of the outer shell. The medication should be washed down with a relatively small amount of clean water. In acute stroke, the remedy is used by the end of the first week. First, they are injected, then they switch to tablets: three times a day, a couple of capsules. The duration of therapy reaches six months.

Diagnoses and doses
Useful for improving the activity of the brain, cerebral circulation, tablets "Actovegin" are prescribed for dementia. The optimal regimen is a couple of capsules three times a day. Duration of admission - 20 weeks. In case of violation of blood flow in the periphery and the need to correct the consequences of such he alth problems, the remedy is prescribed for a 4-6-week course, using one capsule three times daily or twice as much. With polyneuropathy on the background of diabetes, the drug should be consumed first by injection, then in the form of tablets three timesthree capsules daily. The duration of therapy varies between 4-5 months.
You can take Pentoxifylline tablets to improve cerebral circulation. One capsule contains 0.1 g of the active ingredient of the same name. The drug belongs to the category of agents that improve microcirculation, and also protects blood vessels. The ingredient that ensures the effectiveness of the intake is made from dimethylxanthine. It reduces blood viscosity, makes red blood cells more elastic, improves blood flow in small vessels, and increases the oxygen content in tissues. Increases the content of cAMP in platelets. In erythrocytes, while taking the drug, the concentration of ATP increases. The energy potential is saturated, vasodilation is observed, peripheral vascular resistance decreases, and the heart rate is not corrected.
Indicated for improving blood circulation, Pentoxifylline tablets contain an ingredient that expands arterial lumens, activating the flow of oxygen to the heart muscle. The tone of the muscles responsible for breathing increases. If an occlusive pathology of the arteries in the periphery is diagnosed, taking the drug allows you to increase the walking distance, ease cramps at night, and pain that haunts the patient at rest.

Indications and rules
Pentoxifylline blood circulation stimulating tablets are prescribed for chronic occlusive disorders, blood flow problems in the periphery, cerebral tissue ischemia, and stroke. The drug is shown inrecovery period after a stroke. It is used in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, some forms of encephalopathy. "Pentoxifylline" is recommended for neuroinfection, coronary artery disease, during the recovery period after a heart attack. It is prescribed for angiopathy against the background of diabetes, in case of an acute failure of blood flow in the visual system. The pharmaceutical product is used for otosclerosis, degeneration of the inner ear due to vascular problems, asthma and COPD, impotence due to vascular disorders.
Dose, course duration, treatment features are selected based on the diagnosis. It is known that Pentoxifylline, which improves blood circulation, can provoke undesirable consequences. For some, the head hurts and is dizzy, the face turns red, the quality of sleep worsens. There is a risk of seizures, anxiety, hot flashes. Cases of fragility of the nail plate are known. Possible scotoma, violation of the frequency and speed of heart contractions, hepatitis, intestinal atony, thrombocyto-, pancyto-, leukopenia. There is a danger of hypofibrinogenemia, bleeding, allergies.
Demanded and available: "Piracetam"
The product is sold in tablets. One capsule contains 0.4 g of the active ingredient of the same name as the drug. The medicine belongs to the class of nootropics. It has a positive effect on local cerebral metabolism and blood flow, activates the utilization of sugars, improves microcirculation, has a positive effect on areas affected by ischemia, inhibits the aggregation of certain forms of platelets, protects the brain during hypoxia, electric shock, and poisoning. The drug increases the integrativebrain activity, while it does not have a depressing psyche or psychostimulating effect.
"Piracetam" is intended for oral administration, quickly and effectively absorbed, after half an hour it is observed in the blood serum at maximum concentration. After 2-8 hours, the maximum saturation of the CSF is achievable. The agent penetrates through the organic barriers of the body, accumulates in the brain tissues. The drug is prescribed for deterioration of the ability to concentrate, remember. It is used to prevent dizziness and in the fight against emotional lability, dementia. "Piracetam" is indicated for Alzheimer's disease, after injury, for the elderly. It is used in coma of various origins, to correct problems caused by chronic dependence on alcohol. Piracetam is prescribed for children with poor learning ability. The indication for appointment is sickle cell anemia.

For adults, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 30-160 mg/kg. The daily dose is divided into 2-4 servings. Duration of admission - up to 8 weeks. Children are shown 30-50 mg / kg. The daily volume is divided into 2-3 servings. The course lasts at least three weeks.