Ugly teeth, reasons, photos

Ugly teeth, reasons, photos
Ugly teeth, reasons, photos

Teeth are formations located mainly in the oral cavity, which consist of bone tissue. They are present in most vertebrates. Rare species of fish have teeth even in the throat. The main task of human teeth is chewing food. Predators, in turn, use them to catch and tear their prey.

Baby has crooked teeth

Very often, parents do not attach importance to the growing teeth of their child. Since most are convinced that milk teeth will fall out, and new and even ones will grow in their place. This is a very misconception!

girl with crooked teeth
girl with crooked teeth

Young and more experienced parents should definitely ensure that the child learns proper oral hygiene from early childhood. It is also important to observe how correctly and evenly the milk teeth grow. Ugly teeth from childhood can last a lifetime.

Dairy Good for Teeth

Most parents do not attach importance to the fact that their child does not like dairy and sour-milk products. They explain this by the fact that if the child does not like it, then itYou don't have to force yourself to eat one product or another. Doctors say that weak, brittle, crooked and simply ugly teeth are often the cause of a lack of calcium in a child's body.

crooked dentition
crooked dentition

Therefore, they urge parents to accustom the child to the use of milk products by any means. It can even be sweet yoghurts, curd masses with raisins and other dried fruits. For a growing organism, the main thing is to get a full amount of calcium daily.

Causes of crooked teeth

Top reasons why teeth look unattractive due to crookedness:

  • Improper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. At this time, the child's skeleton and rudiments of teeth are formed. Therefore, it is imperative for a mother to supply the body with calcium and other substances that are necessary for the he alth of the unborn baby.
  • Monotonous nutrition is the main reason why a child has crooked and ugly teeth. Parents need to take care of the proper nutrition of their child.
  • Lack of solid food for baby. It is extremely important for a child's growing teeth to strengthen by biting and chewing hard pieces of food. In cases where the body receives only porridge and puree, the teeth develop poorly and very often grow crooked.
crooked teeth
crooked teeth
  • The habit of biting lips. This process affects the growth of teeth. Scientists have proven that a pressure of 1.5 g is enough for the tooth to change its position as it grows. Therefore, parents should also make sure thatso that the child does not have the habit of biting his lips. This can lead to the growth of unsightly teeth in children.
  • Hereditary factor. It happens that a newborn has a small jaw, and large fangs or incisor teeth were inherited. They usually cannot fit in an even row and start to climb one on top of the other.

Mouth breathing

If the baby's jaw has been properly formed since birth, the tongue should be located closer to the sky. This contributes to the correct formation of the upper teeth and prevents the curvature of the lower ones. Constant mouth breathing can lead to the fact that the child will have very ugly teeth. This is due to the fact that during oral breathing, the tongue falls down, and becomes the cause of the curvature of the bite in the child. Also, children who suffer from nasal problems often have crooked teeth.

Why teeth crook over time

There is an opinion that crooked ugly teeth can only be acquired in early childhood. Actually it is not. Over the years, changes occur in the human body. They concern not only organs and systems, but also the appearance of a person. So, teeth become more shaky with age and tend to move from their usual location. The main reason for this is the subconscious and non-subconscious actions of a person. For example, the constant movement of the jaw, lips and tongue. Specialists also distinguish intense thrusts of the tongue forward when swallowing. This movement can displace the bottom row of teeth over time.

Teeth are able to exert pressure on each other, thereby holding the toothrow in the correct shape. When a person is missing one or more teeth, the neighboring ones begin to lean towards the empty space and move slightly.

Also, dentists often face the problem of thin, ugly teeth. What to do in such cases, no one can say for sure. After all, age-related changes are often beyond the control of medicine. In such cases, some seek salvation in traditional medicine. But it is also not a panacea for solving this problem.

Photo of ugly teeth with darkened enamel

An unaesthetically looking dentition lies not only in curvature, but often in shades of tooth enamel. It should usually be white or ivory. The main reasons why it darkens or has a gray or yellow tint from birth:

Poor oral hygiene. Because of this, small food residues and pathogenic microorganisms accumulate on the surface of the teeth. This shell partially covers the natural color of the teeth, and they look yellow or grayish

gray teeth
gray teeth

Bad habits. The main one is smoking. According to statistics, more than 80% of smokers have ugly yellow or brown teeth. They become brown due to the high concentration of tar in cigarettes. They are deposited on the surface of the teeth, giving them a brown tint, and then color

yellow teeth
yellow teeth

Black tea, coffee, chocolate. Abuse of these products can also lead to darkening of the tooth enamel. So, after the whitening procedure,dentists recommend completely eliminating coffee, chocolates and strong black tea from the diet

Today, there are many ways that help millions of people get a snow-white smile and thereby get rid of imperfection complexes.
