Today we are so used to being treated with imported drugs that we buy in pharmacies that we completely forgot about the gifts of nature. It was with their help that doctors used to help people. And at present, herbs have not lost their relevance. Many of them work in the same way as drugs from the pharmaceutical industry, but are more gentle on your body.

Prickly motherwort
What do you know about this nondescript weed? “Usually they drink it to calm down,” you say. Yes, indeed, the treatment of the nervous system is its main task, but not the only one. Today we will consider how motherwort tincture is drunk and what tasks its use solves.
Motherwort is a perennial plant, completely unpretentious, which grows in meadows, streets and parks. It can reach one meter in height. For the preparation of medicinal infusion, dry tops are used. The product has a bitter taste, characterized by a brown color. Let's take a closer look at what is included in its composition, as well as how they drink motherwort tincture.
What is the mainDifficulty in prescribing medicinal herbs? The fact that it is very difficult to correctly calculate the concentration of nutrients, and hence the medicinal dose. Even the final result depends on the conditions in which the plant was collected. Since elderly people often drink motherwort tincture, an overdose of the active substance can be quite noticeable for them.
Of course, to simplify, you can buy motherwort in tablets. It seems like everything should be right here. But, having unfolded the packaging, we see that this is not a drug, but a dietary supplement.
That is, the composition and most importantly - the amount of active ingredient - is not checked or controlled by anyone.
But let's leave the topic of dietary supplements for next time. Today we are interested in how motherwort tincture is drunk. And back to its content. Includes:
- Bioflavonoids.
- Saponins.
- Essential oils.
- Glycoside alkaloids.
- Vitamins A and E.
- Astringent and sugary substances.

Effect on the body
This composition has a good effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. It calms, relieves stress and helps with insomnia. Therefore, not only folk, but also official medicine has recognized the possibility of its use in a number of diseases. Let's make a reservation right away, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor, because in some cases the tincture can only act as an adjuvant. Motherwort showed high efficiencyat:
- various forms of neurosis;
- hypertensive dystonia;
- complex treatment of neurasthenia;
- mild form of sleep disturbance. If you can't fall asleep for a long time, this is a great option;
- increased irritability. Helps to control oneself;
- tendencies to increased emotional excitability, this is an excellent tool at hand;
- high blood pressure. A simple herbal tincture helps no worse than expensive drugs.
If one of your loved ones decided to quit drinking or smoking, then motherwort tincture will help smooth out the withdrawal syndrome. How to take the composition, let's talk in more detail.

Doctors' opinion
Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the plant has sedative, hypotensive, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, tonic properties. Cardiologists often recommend that their patients drink motherwort in courses. The beneficial substances contained in its composition can reduce high blood pressure. Tonic properties facilitate the course of cardiovascular diseases, and flavonoids strengthen the vascular walls. In some cases, the drug helps in relieving seizures.
Instructions for use
Before using the composition, be sure to consult a doctor. Only he will say for sure whether it is possible to drink motherwort tincture with your illness. After all, it is made on the basis of alcohol, so you must take it strictly according to the advice of the treating specialist.
- Start with 10 drops. If the condition does not worsen or allergic reactions follow, then the dosage can be increased.
- Often, even for pregnant women, motherwort tincture is prescribed. How many drops should expectant mothers drink so as not to harm the unborn baby? Usually there must be a reason for this. And even then, it is not recommended to exceed the dose of 20 drops twice a day, diluted in water.
- Children over 12 may take 20 drops, once or twice a day.
- Neurosis and the initial stage of hypertension are treated as follows. Dilute 50 drops in a glass of water. You need to drink 2-3 times a day, for a month.
The duration of treatment is calculated strictly individually. Therefore, only the attending doctor will tell you how much to drink motherwort tincture. It can be either a single dose (for example, in case of insomnia), or a long course, designed for several months.

Healing duet
To enhance the effect of motherwort on the body, several types of herbs are used. Most often it is a tincture of motherwort and valerian. How to drink such a duet? Let's figure it out. Above, we have already considered the properties of motherwort, now let's talk about the second component. Valerian depresses the nervous system. Thanks to this, a person feels a decrease in tension, which is comparable to drinking alcohol. Also, when it is used, the rhythm of heart contractions slows down and blood vessels expand. At the same time, the muscle tissue of the urinary anddigestive system. With prolonged use, a decrease in blood pressure is observed. Drinking valerian with motherwort is recommended as follows: in one bottle, mix alcohol infusions in equal proportions, take the resulting composition 10-15 drops, three times a day.
When motherwort is used together with valerian, the effect of one compound is enhanced by the second. If you have low blood pressure, it is better not to use them together to relieve tension or treat insomnia. Individually, they can also help.

Motherwort + hawthorn
Hawthorn tincture has amazing properties, it has a relaxing effect on blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure. In addition, the excitability of the heart muscle decreases, which helps prevent tachycardia and increase heart contractions.
The method of application is also quite simple. In a dark bottle, you will need to mix a bottle of alcohol tincture of motherwort and hawthorn. Shake well - the product is ready. You can use it like this:
- For insomnia, it is recommended to dilute a teaspoon in half a glass of water. Take before meals, one hour before.
- For heart problems, 30 drops morning and evening.
- For neurosis, 15 drops three times a day.
- With increased pressure and stress - 30 drops at a time.
How much motherwort tincture can you drink? A popular question that is easy to answer. Any of the variations of medicinal tincture withmotherwort is taken in courses of 30 days. After a break, you can repeat.
Motherwort + peony
Another amazing duet that can come in very handy, especially if life is full of stress. Peony has unique properties to return a good mood. Therefore, if you are now in a difficult life stage, accompanied by stress and anxiety, and your mood is close to depression, then motherwort tincture with peony tincture will be an excellent choice. How to drink this composition? There is a general recommendation - 15 drops of both in a glass of water. Drink two or three times a day.

Great trio
If the combination of medicinal herbs makes it possible to enhance their effectiveness, then why not go further? Take a tincture of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn. How to drink such a combined remedy? You should start with a minimum amount, that is, 3 drops of each type. And it's even easier to immediately mix them in one bottle. Within 4 weeks, this remedy can be taken, gradually increasing the dosage, up to a teaspoon of the composition.
This drug collection has the following effects:
- Improves heart function.
- Reduces nervous irritability and anxiety.
- Improves sleep, especially at the stage of falling asleep.
- Relieves headaches and migraines.
- Gives you great relaxation with psychological fatigue.
Motherwort + Corvalol
Quite often used and this combination of medicinal infusions. But alsomore effective is the use of corvalol in combination with valerian, motherwort and hawthorn.
- Valerian tincture has a calming effect, prevents high blood pressure.
- Motherwort tincture has a sedative effect that enhances the effect of valerian.
- Hawthorn tincture has a relaxing effect on blood vessels.
- Corvalol helps to normalize sleep, improve blood flow to the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack.
It is necessary to mix all four tinctures in equal proportions, and then take the mixture 20 drops twice a day. You can start with 10 drops, gradually increasing the dosage. The course of treatment is 20-30 days, after which you need to take a break.
Side effects
Since you can drink motherwort tincture to calm down one-time or in courses, the severity of its action may vary. However, this phenomenon is also individual, so you just have to observe the reaction of your body. The most striking symptoms of an overdose are drowsiness and thirst, nausea and belching, and severe heartburn.
If you feel these symptoms, it is recommended to reconsider the dosage. It's probably too big for you. Or it just isn't right for you. If it was a complex of two or more tinctures, then try motherwort, peony or hawthorn separately. Most likely, in one of them you will find your remedy. It should be noted that the symptoms of an overdose do not require correction and pass on their own, and to speed up this process, you need to drinkmore water.

Herbal infusions
All pharmacy tinctures are made with alcohol. This ensures long-term storage. But expectant mothers, young children and people who cannot drink alcohol can make a water tincture at home. Of course, it will take a little more time, but there will be no harm to he alth.
You will need 45 g of raw materials. It can be pure motherwort or its mixture with any medicinal herbs. Pour the grass with a glass of boiling water and let stand for a couple of hours. After that, strain and squeeze. You can drink the infusion no more than five times a day, 30 minutes before meals.