Before considering how ear fungus is treated in adults and children, it is necessary to describe what the problem is. It greatly affects the way of life. This infection can cause redness and pain, itching, and hearing loss. Many people think that the pathology is completely frivolous and does not pose any danger, but it is quite difficult to treat it. Moreover, it brings a lot of discomfort. It should be noted that even with proper treatment of the disease, relapses can occur.

As mentioned above, the treatment of fungus in the ears is quite difficult. This is due to the etymology of the disease itself. Almost 18% of adults and 30% of children are diagnosed with such problems. The danger lies in the fact that 10% of patients develop otitis media that develops against the background of fungi. Subject to this disease are those people who live in the temperate climate zone, as well as in the tropical. These problems appear regardless of gender. Most often occurs in people in the middle age category. Speaking of the grouprisk, then include people who are engaged in swimming, as well as those who wear a hearing aid. The infection affects only one ear. Bilateral pathology is very rare.

Disease classification
Before considering the methods of treating fungus in the ear, the photo of which is presented in the article, it is necessary to consider the classification of the disease. It is conditionally divided by location. There are external, middle form, infection that occurs after surgery, and meningitis. Most often, the first type is diagnosed. It is diagnosed in 50% of cases. The middle form is a little less common - in 20%.
The course of the disease is divided into three stages. The first is manifested by itching and redness. The acute stage is characterized by inflammation, pain, swelling, and discharge. The chronic stage has a longer period, it is protracted, however, the symptoms appear less. If this form occurs, treatment with fungal preparations in the ears, in principle, will not give any result. When a person goes into remission, the person feels good, but during a relapse, constant pain returns.

When treating a fungus in the ear with folk remedies, you should be as careful as possible. This is due to the fact that such a disease affects the outer, middle and open cavity. If you use any decoctions inaccurately, you can damage your hearing. Moreover, the auditory membrane is an ideal place for the development of bacteria and fungi due toits microflora. The disease is irregular, it can be provoked by many types of pathogens. Given that the ear has a warm and humid environment, fungi multiply very quickly. Therefore, you need to be careful to prevent candidiasis. The main reasons include going to the pool or water park, using antibacterial drugs, diabetes, injuries, and allergies.

It should be understood that the symptoms and treatment of fungus in the ears are completely interconnected. Manifestations can be completely different: from ear pain to black discharge. Also emit the appearance of itching, redness. The pain may radiate to the head. Able to narrow the passage, as a result of which hearing is impaired. This disease can cause severe dizziness. In the initial stages, the pathology resembles otitis media, but a little later the disease begins to differ. This is due to the fact that otitis media is most often manifested by the appearance of crusts. In later cases, all the unpleasant sensations begin to intensify. Itching may dull, but it does not go away and becomes even worse over time. A little later, the ear canal begins to block up. Accordingly, a person has a burning sensation and hearing problems.

Diagnostic measures
Diagnostic measures are very important when it comes to treating ear fungus in humans. You need to do certain procedures. You should choose a professional doctor who will not make a mistake withdiagnostics. Antibacterial drugs are most often prescribed, but they do not always help. It is also necessary to examine the entire body for the presence of any infection, diabetes, or reduced immunity. In this case, therapy will be selected only individually. It is very important to conduct hematological studies, regulate blood sugar, then when taking medications, the patient will not receive complications in the form of other diseases. You also need to take a sample of the discharge that appears in the ear. This is how you can find out which microorganisms were causing and whether they can be eliminated.
If we are talking about home diagnostics, then you need to pay attention to the cotton swab after cleaning the ear canal. If there is a gray coating, then it is likely that a person develops fungi in the ear. It is best not to treat them yourself, but to see a doctor.

Treatment with drugs
In order to clean the ear, you should use those drugs that have the best effect. We are talking about Nitrofungin, Pimafucin, antibiotics and so on.
The first remedy is drops that help in the treatment of fungus in the moldy type of ears. If we are talking about yeast pathogens, then the second remedy will help. Antibiotics are good medicines that immediately eliminate the effects of the vital activity of fungi or bacteria.
Decamine ointment can eliminate infection and relieve symptoms. Antiseptic in the form of "Fukortsion" will help in the treatment of fungus in the ears. If it is a severe case, then most likely the doctor will prescribe oral medications. Treatment should not be delayed. It is best to devote more time to hygiene. When treating the disease, cleaning the ear is prohibited, and too much moisture should be avoided.

Folk remedies
When treating a fungus in the ears, you should pay attention to folk methods. They help well with complex therapy along with medications. Before using any means, it is best to pay attention to the doctor's recommendations, after consulting with him.
An excellent option would be to use table vinegar, which is mixed with alcohol. They should be mixed in equal amounts and periodically instilled into the ear. This tool will disinfect the ear and easily eliminate the disease. Hydrogen peroxide will help soften any growths that may have developed in the ear canal. Accordingly, with such treatment of the symptoms of the fungus in the ears, the photo of which is presented in the article, and the reasons, the result will be noticeable quite quickly. It is necessary to drip such a solution into the ear and hold for about 10 minutes. Next, rinse the ear canal.
If there is moisture in the passage, it is best to remove it with a cotton swab or plain cotton wool. It is advisable to use a walnut after such a procedure, or rather, its oil. If you inject this solution into the ear, then irritation and inflammation will be removed.

It is imperative to follow all preventive measures that will not only prevent the development of the disease, but also its recurrence. You need to clean your ears regularly. It is advisable to use high-quality devices that will not injure the shell. Foods and things that cause an allergic reaction should be avoided. A person needs to eat right and maintain a he althy lifestyle. If there are any diseases, then they need to be treated in time. Then there will be no complications. Be sure to pay attention to the state of your immune system. Therefore, it is best to start playing sports, walking in the fresh air, eating vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to limit the intake of sugary foods in order to avoid problems with the thyroid gland.
Personal hygiene is a very important factor, it needs to be given enough attention. If the first symptoms of otitis media appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will help prevent a fungal infection. Such methods will help to prevent the occurrence of the described disease in time.

Even with the fact that certain difficulties may arise during the treatment, the prognosis of this disease is favorable. If you start treatment on time and fully comply with all the doctor's prescriptions, then no difficulties will arise. It is advisable to choose the most effective drug that will completely get rid of the infection. If we are talking about problems with the middle ear, then with the development of an already severe infection, most likely,a person will have partial or complete hearing loss. In this case, therapy will not be aimed at treating the infection itself, but at eliminating the symptoms. Also, the doctor will try to prevent complications. It is important to remove the cause that was the provoking factor.
If the treatment is started and ignored, then the prognosis will be unfavorable. The person may have a complication. It happens that spores begin to spread to the internal organs. If the ear is a postoperative cavity, then most likely the prognosis will also be unfavorable. Most often, patients who have undergone ear surgery suffer from constant relapses.