Vitamin A is popular among people who want to quickly bring their appearance and well-being in order. Each pharmacy has retinol acetate capsules with instructions for use. However, one should not independently draw a conclusion about the lack of this substance - perhaps he alth problems are caused by other reasons. An experienced therapist or pediatrician, who will need to be contacted before using the medicine, will help to figure this out.

General information
After reading the instructions for use, the composition of retinol acetate capsules becomes clear - this is the same vitamin A that enters the body daily with food.
It was opened in 1913 and is designated by the first letter of the alphabet. So the world became aware of a substance in which over 500 chemical compounds are collected.
A person receives it from food of animal and vegetable origin, and in the first case, about 75% comes in, and in the second - only 25%.

Substancefound in the following products:
- fish oil;
- cod and beef liver;
- yolk;
- caviar;
- milk, cream;
- carrots;
- soybeans, peas;
- cauliflower;
- parsley;
- spinach;
- pepper;
- kelp;
- grapes;
- apples;
- melon.
Performs the following functions in the body:
- Involved in protein synthesis.
- Strengthens the immune system, protects against infections.
- Responsible for visual acuity.
- Takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue.
- Slows down the aging process.
- Affects metabolism.
It has long been proven that people who include foods rich in vitamin A in their daily diet look younger. Numerous reviews confirm this.
What conditions are necessary for the absorption of vitamin A
Based on chemical characteristics, effective treatment or prevention is observed when taken with fats, so most dosage forms of the substance contain vegetable oils.

However, this is not enough. For optimal absorption, a person should receive regularly with food:
- vitamins E, D, B;
- acids;
- calcium;
- zinc;
- phosphorus.
According to experts, in patients who had a clear vitamin deficiency, this condition was provoked by malnutrition andall kinds of diets. After taking retinol (at the dosage prescribed by the doctor), everything quickly returned to normal. Moreover, the positive effect, according to the reviews, was noticeable within a week after the start of treatment.
What happens when there is a lack of retinol
Such a problem is not uncommon nowadays. Vitamin A deficiency can occur in people of all ages and genders, but is most common in women, especially those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In second place are the elderly.

Lack of a substance can manifest itself with the following symptoms:
- early aging (graying, sagging skin, wrinkles);
- decrease in visual acuity;
- other ophthalmic pathologies;
- brittle hair and nails;
- dull complexion;
- metabolic slowdown;
- dry skin and eyes;
- low hemoglobin;
- the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
- peeling;
- dandruff, greasy hair.
Toddlers may experience mental and physical retardation.
It turns out that the lack of vitamin causes disruption of many systems. Deficiency affects vision, reproduction, growth and development (in babies) the most.
However, all of the above symptoms can be the cause of other diseases, sometimes very serious, so when they appear, you should consult a doctor, and notrun to the nearest pharmacy for a miracle cure.
Most people who used vitamin A capsules claim that after a course of therapy with retinol, the appearance really improves. The skin becomes taut and silky, wrinkles are less visible.
Who is assigned and why
The official instructions for the use of retinol acetate capsules say that they are prescribed to people who have a history of diseases or conditions that require an increased intake of the substance, namely:
- Pregnancy 2nd, 3rd trimester (normal, multiple).
- Lactation.
- Chronic alcoholism.
- Smoking.
- Frequent stressful situations.
- Rapid weight loss.
- Malnutrition (diet, forced restrictions, feeding through a tube).
- Soreness, frequent infections, including long-term ones.
- Gastrointestinal disorders associated with malabsorption of substances (diarrhoea, gastrectomy, steatorrhea, malabsorption syndrome, Crohn's disease, pancreatic fibrosis).
- Congenital allergic pathologies (celiac disease).
- The use of certain substances that prevent the absorption of bile, cholesterol in the intestinal lumen (colestipol, cholestyramine).
- An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

Vitamin is often used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, elimination of problems with the skin and otherproblems, the cause of which is not related to the lack of a substance. But in the course of recent studies, the effectiveness of such treatment has not been revealed. However, people suffering from various visual impairments still noticed a slight improvement.
The instructions for use of retinol acetate say that it is strictly forbidden to use:
- In the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
- For chronic pancreatitis.
- Persons with gallstones.
Doctor supervision required:
- For heart failure 2nd, 3rd degree.
- Jade (acute, chronic).
Overdose and side effects
Using Retinol Acetate Capsules as directed or as recommended by a physician should not cause adverse effects.
You may feel some pain during the injection.
It is highly recommended not to exceed the recommended norms of the drug, because retinol tends to accumulate in the body and have a toxic effect on it for a long time.

Hypervitaminosis can manifest itself with such vivid symptoms:
- severe nausea and vomiting;
- visual impairment;
- convulsive seizures;
- dizziness, migraines, headaches;
- drowsy;
- general weakness;
- diarrhea, signs of severe dehydration;
- intense skin rashes;
- various changes in bone, muscle tissue.
In babies, an overdose may be accompanied by:
- whims;
- an unreasonable rise in temperature (up to 39 degrees and above);
- protrusion of the fontanel;
- breathing disorders.
According to the instructions for use, retinol acetate capsules are not prescribed for children under 7 years of age.
Severe conditions require treatment in a hospital, where, under the round-the-clock supervision of specialists, a number of measures will be taken to eliminate symptomatic manifestations. Additionally, ascorbic acid and thyroxin, which are antidotes, are prescribed.
How to apply correctly
The dosage is selected taking into account the indications for which retinol acetate capsules are prescribed. Instructions for use provides for the following therapeutic scheme:
- For adults. For prevention 33,000 IU per day, for the treatment of skin diseases - 50,000-100,000 IU.
- Children. In the first case, 1,000-5,000 IU, in the second - 5,000-20,000 IU.
For other pathologies, the amount of retinol acetate is selected individually.

Forms of release and storage conditions
Many foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies produce the vitamin we are considering (retinol acetate) in capsules. Instructions for use for each drug may vary slightly.
Vitamins are sold in gelatin capsules, injections and coated tabletsshell.
Dosage can vary significantly (33,000, 50,000, 100,000 IU). The attending physician should deal with the selection of such a drug.
You can buy medicine without a prescription. Store for two years in a dark dry place, at a temperature of 4 to 15 degrees Celsius.
These vitamins must be hidden from children, because an overdose is extremely dangerous for the body.
Use in cosmetology
In addition to oral and intramuscular administration, there are many cosmetic recipes for improving the condition of skin, hair, eyelashes and nails based on retinol acetate 33000 capsules. Instructions for use, however, do not describe this possibility. But women are increasingly resorting to products that contain vitamin A. They can be all kinds:
- creams;
- masks;
- peelings;
- baths;
- shampoo etc.
According to patients, the result of such application is noticeable immediately after the first procedure.

But, according to experts, the use of this substance externally is unjustified, so there is not much difference when choosing a dosage (33,000, 50,000, 100,000 IU). After all, when applied to the skin, the substance reaches problem areas in a minimum concentration or is completely useless. In refutation of all the positive reviews about such events, doctors and cosmetologists unanimously say that the improvement in appearance comes due to the effect of vegetable oils, which is included incomposition, and nothing more.
A much better effect, according to them, can be obtained by taking the vitamin inside. If the problem was precisely its lack, then after a while a significant improvement in appearance and well-being can be noted.
If the expected effect did not follow, most likely, the problem lies elsewhere. Then further actions will need to be discussed with the doctor. Taking drugs from this group on your own can seriously harm your he alth.
After reading the instructions for use of retinol acetate capsules, reviews of which are mostly positive, you can get a general idea of the drug. Vitamin A is an indispensable substance necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Its deficiency can lead to various diseases, but its excess is no less dangerous. For such treatment, a person must have clear indications, which were determined by the attending physician during the examination and after the examination.