Retinol acetate is available as oral and topical drops at 3.44% and 8.6%. The oily liquid is yellow in color and has no fragrance.
The solution is placed in glass vials. In addition, the drug is also produced in capsules. They are yellow in color and spherical in shape.

According to the instructions for retinol acetate, oil solution for oral administration and external application 3.44% and 8.6% contains:
- retinol acetate;
- food additive E320;
- sunflower oil.
One capsule of retinol acetate contains:
- retinol acetate;
- sunflower oil;
- glycerol;
- methyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid.

Pharmacological properties of vitamin A
According to the instructions for use, it is known that retinol acetate is a necessary substance for the normal functioning of the retina. In addition, vitaminA takes part in the processes of bone formation, as well as embryonic development, ensures a stable reproductive function, improves immunity.

When the medicine is prescribed
According to the instructions for use for retinol acetate, the oil solution is used for avitaminosis A, as well as hypovitaminosis and as part of complex treatment:
- Hemeralopia (ophthalmopathology, which is characterized by impaired visual adaptation to low light conditions).
- Retinitis pigmentosa (hereditary damage to the retina of the organs of vision, in which pigment epithelium degeneration occurs, as a result, various disorders develop).
- Xerophthalmia (a disease characterized by drying of the thin, transparent tissue that covers the outside of the eye and the back of the eyelids and cornea).
- Eczematous lesions of the eyelids (inflammation of the skin around the eyes).
- Ulcers (inflammatory lesions of the epithelium of the skin or mucous membrane).
- Ichthyosis (a skin disease characterized by impaired keratinization of the epidermis).
- Psoriasis (chronic lesion of the epidermis, which covers mainly the skin).
- Hyperkeratosis (a condition of the superficial layer of the epidermis, which is expressed in an increase in the number of keratin cells of the cornea of the skin without changing their structure, leading to a thickening of the affected area).
- Tylotic eczema (a skin disease characterized by lesions of the hands and feet).
- Neurodermatitis (a skin disease of a neurogenic-allergic type that occurs with remission and exacerbations).
- Burns.
- Conjunctivitis (inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the cavity, which covers the inner surface of the eyelids).
- Superficial keratitis (inflammation that covers the top layer of the cornea of the eye).
For what diseases is the drug still used
The drug copes well with a number of diseases and pathological conditions:
- Rickets (a disease of young children with impaired bone formation and low bone mineralization).
- Collagenosis (pathological conditions that are united by the same type of functional and morphological changes).
- Frostbite.
- Erosion.
- Cracks.
- Seborrheic dermatitis (a chronic inflammatory lesion that covers those areas of the skin of the head and trunk that have sebaceous glands).
- Skin tuberculosis (an infectious disease that has a long course with frequent repetitions, due to the colonization of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with Mycobacterium tuberculosis).
- Ulcerative lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Erosive gastroduodenitis (inflammatory lesion, which is characterized by a violation of the epithelial layer of the stomach and duodenum and the formation of erosions).
- Measles (an inflammatory lesion characterized by damage to the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract).
- Dysentery (infectiousa disease that is characterized by a syndrome of general infectious intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract, usually the distal colon).
- Tracheitis (a disease characterized by inflammatory disorders of the tracheal mucosa, which is a manifestation of respiratory diseases, occurring both acutely and chronically).
- Influenza (acute respiratory disease caused by influenza virus).
- Bronchitis (a respiratory disease in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process).
- Atopic dermatitis (a disease that develops in patients with a genetic predisposition to the disease has a recurring course).

According to the instructions for use for the solution of retinol acetate, it is known that the restrictions for use are:
- Acute inflammatory lesions of the skin.
- Cholelithiasis (a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts).
- Pregnancy.
- Hypervitaminosis A (an acute disorder following intoxication with an overdose of one or more vitamins).
- Chronic pancreatitis (a progressive inflammatory and destructive lesion of the pancreas, which leads to a violation of its external and intrasecretory function).
- Under seven years of age.
According to the instructions for use for retinol acetate, oil solution withspecial care, only after the permission of the doctor can be used under the following conditions:
- Cirrhosis of the liver (a pathological lesion of the liver, which is considered the result of impaired microcirculation in the hepatic vascular system and dysfunction of the bile ducts).
- Viral hepatitis (liver disease, which is expressed in damage to the organ and disruption of its functioning).
- Kidney disease.
- Retirement age.
- With second and third degree heart failure.
- Jade (an inflammatory lesion of the kidneys, which in most cases leads to the fact that the tissues of these paired organs change).

Retinol acetate 3.44 (oil solution) is used only under the supervision of a medical professional. Drops for oral use are taken after meals, after ten to fifteen minutes.
For mild to moderate vitamin deficiency, adult patients are prescribed 13 drops of a solution of 3.44% from a pipette or 8.6% of the drug, 5 drops per day.
In case of damage to the organs of vision, adults are recommended to use 20-40 drops of the drug 3.44% or 8-16 drops of 8.6% retinol acetate per day. Children (taking into account age) are prescribed 0.01-0.05 milliliters 3.44% (one or two drops) or 0.004-0.02 ml of medication 8.6% (one drop) per day.
For skin diseases, adults are advised to use 0.5-1 milliliter 3.44% of the drug (from 20 to 40 drops) or 0.2-0.4 ml drops of 8.6% (from 8 to 16drops) per day.
According to the instructions for use for a solution of retinol acetate, children are prescribed 0.05-0.2 milliliters of drops 3.44% (from 2 to 8 drops) or 0.02-0.08 ml of medication 8.6 % (1 to 4 drops) daily.
The doctor determines the duration of therapy on an individual basis. In the treatment of ulcers, as well as burns and frostbite, it is recommended to simultaneously treat the affected areas of the skin with an oily solution of retinol acetate. To do this, a medication is applied to the cleansed epidermis six times a day, then covered with gauze.
What negative effects may occur
According to the instructions for use, the following symptoms are likely when treating retinol acetate:
- Drowsy.
- Migraine (a neurological disease characterized by regular or infrequent attacks of headache).
- Sluggishness.
- Nausea.
- Confusion.
- Gagging.
- Hyperemia of the face (increased filling of blood vessels).
- Disordered gait.
- Bleeding gums.
- Hyperhidrosis (a pathological condition that is accompanied by high sweating throughout the body or only in certain areas - in the armpits, on the feet or palms, in large folds).
- Vertigo (dizziness, temporary loss of coordination).
- Double vision.
- Irritable.
- Diarrhea.
- Increased intracranial pressure.
- Pain in the bones.
- Lack of appetite.
- Gastralgia (pain in the stomachcramping type).
- Heat.
- Peeling lips.
- Fatigue.
- Pollakiuria
- Cracks and dry skin.
- Nycturia (predominance of nighttime urination over daytime).
- Polyuria (an increase in daily urine output).
- Photosensitivity (reaction of the skin to sunlight with the participation of the immune system).
- Hair loss.
- Oligomenorrhea (increased interval between periods).
Recommendations for use
Retinol acetate should not be used simultaneously with other vitamin-mineral complexes that contain vitamin A to prevent hypervitaminosis. For adult patients, the daily requirement of retinol is 0.9 mg, for children - 0.4-1 milligrams.
For women during lactation and children, the dosage should be increased by about 50%. The use of the drug in the recommended concentrations does not have any effect on the ability to drive a car and complex mechanisms.
According to the annotation, vitamin A should not be used for therapy during pregnancy.
When treating young patients from seven years old, the drug should be used with extreme caution. In case of kidney diseases, retinol acetate should be used with caution, in these cases, the dose is selected by the doctor.
Vitamin A preparations should not be used for long-term treatmenttetracyclines, as this combination can provoke intracranial hypertension. The combination of retinol acetate with oral contraceptives increases the level of vitamin A in the blood. With simultaneous use with glucocorticosteroids, salicylates, the risk of developing negative effects decreases.

"Colestipol", "Cholestyramine", "Neomycin" reduce the absorption of the drug. "Isotretinoin" increases the likelihood of a toxic effect. Preparations with calcium lower their pharmacological action, provoking the risk of hypercalcemia. "Tocopherol" causes a decrease in deposition in the liver.
Preparations - substitutes for retinol acetate solution:
- Vitamin A.
- Retinol palmitate.
- Retinol.
How to store retinol acetate
Keep away from children. It is necessary to keep the medicine at a temperature: solution - up to ten degrees Celsius, capsules - up to plus twenty-five. The drug should be stored away from light, the capsules should be protected from moisture. The shelf life of the solution and capsules is 24 months. The medication is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The cost of the drug varies from 80 to 200 rubles, depending on the type of drug and the manufacturer.

Patient opinions
Retinol acetate oil solution reviews for the face confirm its increased effectiveness. People say that the use of vitamin A helps quicklyimprove hair condition and get rid of acne.
In addition, it is highly effective in eliminating acne, so retinol acetate is added to various masks and skin creams. There are ready-made products with vitamin A content, but many people make such products themselves. You can add a couple of drops of vitamin to the cream or mask and mix thoroughly. In this case, the product should be stored tightly sealed in a cool place. Keep cosmetic preparation away from sunlight.
With the help of this drug, you can restore fading skin not only on the face, but also in the décolleté. Over the years, wrinkles in this area become more noticeable, vitamin A tones up delicate skin.
To enhance the positive effect, you can try mixing retinol with dairy products. Adverse reactions develop, as a rule, very rarely and do not require medical intervention.
Be careful, add no more than 1-2 drops of solution to cosmetics. In the case of vitamin A, more is not better. In case of an overdose, an allergic reaction is possible - redness, peeling of the skin.
According to doctors, the drug reduces the thickness of the superficial cornea of the skin by accelerating the exfoliation of cells, which helps the epidermis to have a more even texture and look younger.
Retinol acetate improves the thickness of the deep layers of the skin. The drug enhances the production of fibrillar protein and elastin in the epidermis. Accordingly, it helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face, as well asincreases the elasticity of the skin.
According to the responses of patients and doctors, the drug fights acne. This is due to the fact that retinol eliminated most of the problems with hair follicles. In addition, the solution of retinol acetate in oil helps to reduce the production of sebum, and also dissolves the substance that makes up acne, which helps to clear the pores. That is why vitamin A is considered the best drug in the treatment of acne. The remedy is often prescribed to teenagers to solve age-related skin problems.