Every person's body needs a certain amount of vitamins and other useful substances every day. If he does not receive them with food, then his he alth worsens, his appearance deteriorates, colds and depression occur more often. Dietary supplements (BAA) help to solve the problem, and there are a lot of them on sale today.
"Polyjene" is a multicomponent biological additive. Compensates for the lack of most vital vitamins, minerals and other useful substances in the body.

After the course of admission is noted:
- Tangible strengthening of the immune system, which is expressed in an increase in resistance to infections.
- Improve skin, hair and nails.
- Raising vitality and a surge of strength.
- Disappearance of chronic fatigue.
- Reduce irritability and anxiety.
- Normalization of digestion.
- Weight loss.
- Stabilize blood pressure.
Most people are satisfied with the result. The drug is significantlyimproves well-being after the course of treatment, which is proved by numerous reviews about the composition of Polizhen.
The drug may not be effective if:
- wrong selection;
- violations of terms of use;
- irregular intake;
- a more serious reason for the deterioration of well-being (physical or psychological).
Positive feedback on the composition of vitamins "Polizhen" speaks in favor of their versatile orientation. They are based on:
- minerals;
- micronutrients;
- vitamins;
- amino acids;
- biologically active substances.
Main cast
The official instructions state a complete list of the following vitamins:
- A - is responsible for the regenerative properties of the skin and its condition in general. Improves eyesight.
- E - affects the production of collagen and intercellular substance. It is a powerful antioxidant.
- C - helps to absorb iron and folic acid, participates in redox processes, synthesizes collagen.
- D3 - has the main effect on bones and teeth. Improves the absorption of calcium, magnesium, phosphates. Removes lead compounds from the body.
- PP - controls fat and carbohydrate metabolism, tissue respiratory processes.
- H - takes part in the oxidation of pyruvic acid.
- B1 - indispensable for the work of the central nervous system.
- В2 - participates in the construction of DNA, tissue regeneration, cellular respiration.
- B5 - effectively restores the endothelium and endometrium, helps in the processes of oxidation and acetylation.
- B6 - promotes the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Metabolizes proteins and amino acids.
- B9 - helps produce amino acids and normal maturation of normoblasts and megaloblasts.
- B12 - promotes growth. When interacting with folic acid, it produces nucleotides and forms myelin cells and red blood cells.
- B13 - increases anabolism and regeneration, helps in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Enhances albumin production.

Also contains the following substances:
- Iron. Helps transport oxygen to all organs.
- Zinc. Regulates the synthesis of certain hormones, takes part in the absorption of B vitamins.
- Fluorine. Helps build teeth and bones.
- Potassium. Favorably affects the work of muscles, including the myocardium, participates in the conduction of nerve impulses.
- Calcium. Responsible for the formation of bone and dental tissue, regulates blood clotting processes.
- Molybdenum. Indispensable in the process of redox reactions.
- Manganese. It has a beneficial effect on protection against pathogens, improves the condition of bones and teeth.
- Iodine. Helps synthesize thyroid hormones.
- Selenium. Protects against harmful environmental influences, improvesfabric elasticity.
- Copper. Participates in the function of hematopoiesis and tissue respiration.
- Bor. Prevents the development of osteoporosis.
- Nickel. It is an indispensable substance that is part of metal cements.
- Phosphorus. Improves metabolic processes.
Biologically active substances and amino acids
Numerous reviews of doctors and patients about dietary supplements "Polyjene" say that such a powerful healing effect is achieved through additional components in the composition. This is:
- Royal jelly. It has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Increases stress resistance. Effectively eliminates fatigue.
- Butylhydroxytoluene. It has a negative effect on viruses (especially herpes), and is especially effective in combination with ascorbic acid and lysine.
- Arginine. Favorably affects the he alth of the heart and blood vessels.
- Methionine. Normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the deposition of fat on the walls of various organs.
- Lysine. Helps absorb calcium. Essential for tissue growth and regeneration.
- Essential phospholipids. Repair damaged liver cells. Protect her from harmful effects.
- Wheat germ oil. It is a powerful antioxidant, it is believed that the component, when used regularly, can prevent oncology.
- Ginseng extract. Gives vigor, increases immunity, activates the activity of the central nervous system. This supplement in its pure form is not recommended for people with increased nervous excitability.
- Safflower oil. Promotesremoving bad cholesterol.
- Pollen. Increases immunity, improves the process of digestion and assimilation of food.
Indications for use
Dietary supplement recommended for:
- lack of nutrients;
- with frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections as a preventive measure;
- diseases of the central nervous system, liver;
- hair loss;
- deterioration of nails;
- decrease in male and female libido;
- problems with teeth and bones;
- low hemoglobin level.
Athletes, leaving feedback on "Polyjene", say that it increases endurance at times.
Supplement is often recommended for people practicing strict diets, in which the body is severely deficient in nutrients.
Special Instructions
The remedy has few contraindications. It should not be used by persons:
- Having an individual intolerance to the components.
- Under 12 years old.
- Female during pregnancy.
- Taking other vitamin complexes.

Side effects
In the presence of bronchial asthma and other allergic reactions, admission is allowed. But you should monitor the patient's condition, since a multicomponent composition often provokes such reactions. This may appear:
- skin rashes such as dermatitis, hives, eczema;
- bouts of airway obstruction;
- the most seriousanaphylactic shock.
Extremely rarely, negative symptoms from other organs and systems may appear:
- headache;
- tachycardia;
- stomach cramps;
- constipation;
- sleep disorder;
- increased nervous excitability.
Attention! If such complaints occur, the supplement should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted.
Polyjene is recommended to take 1 gelatin capsule once a day when it comes to the treatment of certain diseases.
As a prophylactic, one every other day is enough. It is drunk in the morning immediately after meals. Do not chew and drink plenty of water.

Do not exceed the recommended doses indicated in the instructions. The use of 2 or more capsules may lead to an increase in the reported side effects. The greatest blow will be on the gastric mucosa, which can provoke:
- vomiting profusely;
- abdominal pain;
- pronounced flatulence;
- diarrhea.
If this happens, the patient should wash the stomach and consult a doctor. Sometimes it may be necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy based on the intake of antidiarrheal, antiemetic drugs, sorbents and antihistamines.

The patient's actions are unreasonable. After all, the body absorbs only the necessary amount of nutrients per day. The rest will be excreted by the kidneys, bile and intestines or will accumulate in the body.
Useful information
What you need to know about the supplement:
- It can be purchased in a cardboard box containing 2 blisters (6 blue gelatin capsules each) and instructions for use. Reviews about the price of Polizhen speak of the high cost of the drug - 500–600 rubles. for 12 pieces
- Distributed freely, as it is not a drug.
- You need to look for it in pharmacy chains or specialized stores.
- Shelf life 3 years from date of manufacture.
- The allowable temperature is 15–25 degrees.
- To avoid accidental ingestion, keep it out of the reach of children.
- Opened capsule should be consumed immediately.
Reviews and analogues of Polizhen, instructions for use are of interest to many customers.
Vitamin complex, identical in composition, does not yet exist. The closest in action include:
- "Polism 10". This tool is produced by the Ukrainian company "Bioton" in a single powder form. Has a bitter taste. Therefore, it is inconvenient and unpleasant to take it. The composition contains vitamins, amino acids isolated from plant components. In the official instructions, it is declared as an antiparasitic agent, but also has an immunomodulatory and general strengthening effect.
- "Vitrum Energy". 1 tablet of a complex American preparation satisfies the daily requirement of an adult for vitamins and minerals. Of the additional components, it contains ginseng extract, which increases vitality and gives strength. This composition is less likely to provoke allergic reactions due to the absence of a large amount of herbal ingredients.
- "Complivit". Vitamins of a domestic manufacturer are cheaper than foreign counterparts, but are not inferior in quality. A balanced composition allows you to strengthen the immune system, fight chronic fatigue, get rid of stress. The drug has a positive effect on the entire body. Contains no herbal supplements.
- "Dekamevit". In addition to the complex of essential vitamins, it contains methionine, an essential amino acid that favorably affects the central nervous system and fat metabolism in the body. The company produces a number of vitamin complexes. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify at the pharmacy that you are interested in buying this particular product.

Judging by the reviews of doctors about "Polyjene", the composition of the vitamin supplement plays a very important role in choosing an analogue. Therefore, before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
Opinion of doctors and clients
The drug appeared on the pharmaceutical market relatively recently - in 2011. However, he has already earned a good reputation.
The pill box contains detailed instructions for use. Reviews about the price of Polizhen are varied. For oneit is expensive, but not for another.
Most consumers think:
- The product is worth the money spent.
- After taking the course, immunity improves significantly. If the infection nevertheless entered the body, the disease did not last long and did not become protracted.
- Reviews of men about "Polyjene" indicate an improvement in erectile function.
- Chronic rhinitis disappeared in the cold season.
- Stools, appetite returned to normal, chronic constipation, diarrhea, heaviness in the abdomen after eating disappeared.
- Sleep improved.
- Uncontrollable attacks of aggression, nervousness and other symptoms of central nervous system malfunction have disappeared.
- Bruises under the eyes have become less pronounced.
- Tachycardia disappeared and blood pressure returned to normal.
- Hair, nails and skin look he althy.

Based on numerous reviews of "Polyjene" we can say that the drug really solves many human problems associated with a lack of nutrients. It is not known what has such a positive effect - vitamins or other supplements, but the effectiveness of the product on the face.
Reviews of doctors about vitamins "Polizhen" are only positive. They are often used in therapeutic practice as a general tonic. Sometimes a course supplement is recommended by dermatologists or other specialists.
In most cases, people start taking vitamins when they notice a deteriorationwell-being. Often they are right, but sometimes negative changes can be evidence of physiological disorders, so you should visit a doctor before buying.
To use an additive or not is a personal matter for everyone. Judging by the numerous reviews of Polizhen, the drug has a positive effect on the body, but similar complexes also have the same properties. It is difficult to say how justified the inclusion of additional plant-based components is. The price, according to reviews of "Polyjene", is a decisive factor, often leading buyers to choose another tool.