How to keep your eyesight while working at a computer - effective ways and recommendations

How to keep your eyesight while working at a computer - effective ways and recommendations
How to keep your eyesight while working at a computer - effective ways and recommendations

A modern person, on average, looks at the screen of a computer, smartphone, TV or tablet twelve hours a day. It is really very, very much. It is for this reason that it is important to know how the computer and other electronic devices affect vision, how to protect the eyes and prevent blurred vision. It is necessary not only to lead a he althy lifestyle in general, give up bad habits as soon as possible, undergo scheduled medical examinations, but also follow the recommendations of doctors designed specifically for those who work a lot at the computer.

how to save your eyesight if you work a lot at the computer
how to save your eyesight if you work a lot at the computer

Computer Vision Syndrome

On how to maintain vision when working at a computer, many begin to think only when there is already overstrain, frequent headaches, dryness and blurred vision. These are the main symptoms of the so-called computer vision syndrome.

In medicalIn practice, a syndrome is not called a disease, but a complex of symptoms that is characteristic of a particular condition. Computer syndrome is a tension that occurs when you work for a long time at a computer or with other electronic devices, such as a smartphone or tablet. The main symptoms of this condition are:

  • eye fatigue, which occurs in approximately 65% of patients;
  • eye fatigue, which is typical for half of those who think about how to keep their eyesight while constantly working with technology;
  • feeling of "sand" in the eyes, a pronounced feeling of discomfort;
  • headache that occurs in almost 50% of cases;
  • neck pain in the shoulders, wrists and arms, which affects approximately 45% of patients;
  • eye irritation, itchy and burning eyes, dryness;
  • back pain, which is typical for 40% of patients with computer syndrome;
  • general fatigue, tension, stress;
  • blurring, blurred vision occurs in a third of patients.
how to keep your eyesight while working at a computer
how to keep your eyesight while working at a computer

The degree of stress that the body experiences during prolonged work at the computer is determined by a number of factors, including the degree of illumination, the distance from the monitor, the posture in which you are, the angle of the head, and so on. Vision problems also have an impact. How can you save your eyesight while working at a computer? It is necessary to reduce the adverse impact of these factors. Syndromecomputer vision does not require special drug therapy, however, you can use drops to additionally moisturize the eyes, as well as enrich your diet with foods that are good for vision.

Workplace organization

How to protect your eyesight when working at a computer? You can not bring your eyes closer to the monitor (smartphone or tablet screen) closer than thirty centimeters, and the upper edge of the monitor should be located ten centimeters below eye level. It is best that the distance between the eyes and the top of the screen is about 50-75 centimeters.

When working at a computer, you need to blink more often to moisten your eyes, if necessary, you can use eye drops for additional moisture.

how to keep your eyesight while working at a computer
how to keep your eyesight while working at a computer

The monitor should be at about arm's length, and when typing the keyboard, your hands should have minimal bending of the wrist. You need to sit straight, and choose a chair for working at the computer that will support the lower back. Also, the edge of the chair should not press on the bottom of the knees.

How to keep your eyesight while working on the computer? To prevent fatigue from accumulating so quickly and to make work easier, you can purchase a special computer chair with armrests.

For maximum comfort and to avoid adverse effects on vision, do not reflect ceiling lights or sunlight on your computer screen.

Image quality and brightness

How to keep your eyesight whenconstant work at the computer? In relation to the lighting in the office or in the room, the monitor should not be too bright or too dim. You also need to monitor the contrast of the image. The higher the brightness and contrast in dim lighting, the faster your eyes will get tired when working at a computer. How to keep your eyesight while working at a computer? You can apply anti-glare filters to reduce the reflection of light from the monitor screen.

how to keep your eyesight working at a computer
how to keep your eyesight working at a computer

Eye rest during the day

How to keep your eyesight while working on a computer? During the day, be sure to give your eyes a break from the PC. This is very important in a set of measures that answer the question of how to maintain vision if you work a lot at the computer. Every hour you need to leave the computer for at least a few minutes. At this time, you can drink a cup of coffee, complete some work assignment or go to the printer. Lunch should also not be spent sitting at the computer. Better get out for a short walk.

The 20-20-20 rule will also provide rest for the eyes. Every twenty minutes you need to take your eyes off the screen and look at distant objects at a distance of twenty feet (that's about six meters) for twenty minutes.

When working at the computer, you should try to blink more often to moisten your eyes.

Special gymnastics for the eyes

How to keep your eyesight while working at the computer? It is useful to do special gymnastics, which will not only preserve vision, but also improve those indicators that arenow. You need to do such exercises in the morning (under natural light) and in the evening (under artificial light). The head must be kept straight, moving only the eyes, and with the maximum amplitude. A set of exercises for the eyes is as follows:

  1. Move your eyes up and down vertically.
  2. Right-left horizontally.
  3. Right to left and back diagonally.
  4. Vertical figure eight.
  5. Horizontal figure eight.
  6. Great circle (dial), first you need to stop at each digit, then at six and twelve o'clock.

Each movement must be repeated eight to ten times. After each movement, you need to give your eyes a rest, blinking often. After finishing the gymnastics, you should cover your eyes with your palms and sit like this for several minutes, this will allow your eyes to relax. You can perform a set of exercises with your eyes closed, so the lens of the eye is additionally massaged.

how to save your eyesight while working at a computer
how to save your eyesight while working at a computer

Additional hydration of the eyes

Drugs sell various drops that moisturize the eyes while working at the computer. Moisturizing drops can be selected independently, without the help of a doctor, if there are no eye diseases. You can buy products such as Natural Tears, Oftagel, Vidisik, Systein-Ultra and others. Also suitable for contact lens fluid. When choosing drops, you need to focus on the duration of the positive effect and the feeling of comfort. The frequency of instillation can vary from 2-3 times a day or more.

how to keep your eyesightways on the computer
how to keep your eyesightways on the computer

Special Glasses

How to keep your eyesight at the computer? Ways include wearing special glasses for the computer. These glasses are recommended both for people with 100% vision and for patients with nearsightedness or farsightedness who often work at a computer. You can buy glasses for long-term work at the computer in optics.

Contact Lens Wearers

Those who wear contact lenses (by the way, there are also special "computer" lenses without diopters), you need to take special care of them. Always wash your hands before working with lenses, do not sleep in contact lenses, do not take a bath or shower, swim in a pool or natural waters.

Contact lenses should be stored in a container. Before putting the lens in the container, it must be washed with a special solution. For these purposes, you can not use water or saliva. In the event that there is no solution, it can be replaced at one time with a saline solution bought at a pharmacy in an ampoule or prepared at home.

Change lenses for new ones as often as prescribed by the ophthalmologist, at least once every three months.

how to protect your eyes when working at a computer
how to protect your eyes when working at a computer

Nutrition for Good Vision

How to keep your eyesight while working at the computer? It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods that will help prevent dry eyes and protect against diseases such as cataracts or macular degeneration. It is important to include vitamins C, A and E, B, zinc, Omega-3, fatty acids,lutein and beta-carotene. These substances are found in foods such as butter and vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables (especially bright orange or green colors, such as cabbage, green peas, carrots, tomatoes), berries (especially blueberries), seafood.

Prevent visual impairment

The above symptoms of computer syndrome can be signs not only of eye strain, but also of various ophthalmic diseases. Then how to keep your eyesight while working at a computer? It is necessary to undergo regular medical examinations (twice a year) in order to detect the disease in time and begin adequate treatment. This is especially important for those who are over forty years old, who have diabetes mellitus or a hereditary predisposition to it.

To maintain vision within the normal range, as a rule, it is enough to follow the recommendations when working at a computer and try not to abuse technology, as well as generally lead a he althy lifestyle. It is necessary to eat right, give the body feasible physical activity, give up bad habits as early as possible, monitor your he alth (especially after 40-45 years).