Surgical intervention traditionally used in medicine has now been replaced by more progressive and gentle methods, examples of which are laser and radio wave coagulation.

The therapeutic effect, if used, is produced by exposure to laser radiation, which is a beam of high concentration electromagnetic radiation, with which you can burn certain tissues in the human body.
Laser coagulation is a bloodless way to treat varicose veins, which affects a huge number of people. Irradiation by an electromagnetic flux of the inner surface of the vessel, the so-called. intravascular laser coagulation is an outpatient procedure. After the operation, the patient is at home, he will not need to comply with a special regimen and refuse to perform his usual activities. The thermal effect of the laser on the vein wall causes its burn and aseptic inflammation; immediately after the intervention, the varicose vein begins toovergrow.
Laser coagulation of blood vessels is a high efficiency of treatment and maximum patient safety. The introduction of the LED into the vein is performed by the Doppler method, which leads to minimization of trauma after the operation, suturing is not required in this case.

The place where the fiber was inserted is sealed with medical tape, a compression stocking is put on the leg. Compression of the vein greatly speeds up the healing process of varicose veins.
The advantages of laser intervention do not end there: coagulation is the ability to perform an operation without the appearance of cosmetic defects, a short recovery period, the ability to do without anesthesia and sclerosants, which can cause an allergic reaction. As side effects, there may be slight changes in skin color at the site where the diseased vein was, uncomfortable sensations in the form of tingling and burning due to damage to nerve cells, a slight burn of the skin, which may be caused by its hypersensitivity.
Laser treatment is used in ophthalmology, gynecology, with its help they fight vascular diseases and cosmetic skin defects.
Radio wave coagulation is a modern unique method of obtaining a cut and coagulation of tissues. Achieving a dissecting effect is ensured by activating the molecular energy released by cells when exposed to high-frequency radiation from a laser electrode.

The temperature of the electrode itself does not increase, since it does not have direct contact with the cells. Radio wave coagulation is a complete exclusion of pain during surgery, minimization of tissue damage, an absolute exclusion of the possibility of getting burned.
Radio wave surgery is used in the treatment of benign formations, ingrown nails, and has recently been increasingly used as an alternative method when it is necessary to treat common gynecological diseases such as cysts, erosion, eroded ectropion, etc.