Constipation after caesarean: possible causes and treatments

Constipation after caesarean: possible causes and treatments
Constipation after caesarean: possible causes and treatments

Not all women manage to give birth on their own, sometimes the state of he alth does not allow this. Therefore it is necessary to address to the surgeon. Caesarean section is one of the types of childbirth that has recently been practiced and simply at the request of the pregnant woman. But unfortunately, women have to face unpleasant consequences after childbirth - an unpleasant sensation appears in the seam area, and constipation may also form.

Constipation is the stagnation of waste products, which is accompanied by unpleasant heaviness and discomfort. If a woman in labor is faced with the fact that bowel movements do not occur or are not fully carried out for a long period, this can lead to chronic fatigue. Intoxication of the body occurs, appetite and even vitality may disappear.

There are several reasons why constipation occurs after a caesarean section. Reviews about their treatment are positive, because the right drugsget rid of this problem quickly.

constipation after caesarean section
constipation after caesarean section

Atonic constipation

Atonic constipation appears due to the fact that the muscle tone of the intestinal walls decreases. Thus peristalsis becomes unproductive and too weak.

The manifestation of muscle lethargy is a fairly common reaction of the intestines to surgical interventions, or it happens at the moment when the diet is disturbed.

constipation after cesarean during breastfeeding
constipation after cesarean during breastfeeding

Spastic constipation

The appearance of this type of deviation from the norm follows the fact that the tone of the intestinal tract increases. This, in turn, leads to compression and permanent fixation of the passages. The reason for the occurrence of such unpleasant consequences is a psychological factor. This suggests that the woman experienced stress during childbirth, and her psychophysical state was disturbed.

constipation after cesarean while breastfeeding
constipation after cesarean while breastfeeding


There are several more reasons why constipation after cesarean torments women:

  1. A congenital feature - if the intestines and its departments are not arranged as usual, then constipation may appear.
  2. Increases pressure in the intestines - this can also provoke a retention of feces in the body.
  3. Hormonal failure can be a very significant cause of constipation after a caesarean section. Also, the situation may arise due to the intake of certain pharmacological drugs.

If we compare constipation in ordinary people with those that appeared inAs a result of caesarean section, it can be seen that they differ greatly in terms of temporal characteristics. If timely and competently take measures to combat this disease, it passes without leaving any consequences. If the course of treatment is not chosen correctly and the bowel movement does not occur for a long time, then in the end it will take a lot of effort to get rid of the problems.

constipation after caesarean what to do
constipation after caesarean what to do


Often, those who survive a caesarean section start to sound the alarm and feel a sense of panic too late. After all, any deviation from the norm can be attributed to the postoperative condition. Many believe that after a caesarean, problems with the functioning of internal organs may appear. But this is an erroneous opinion. There are also mothers who prefer not to pay attention to any symptoms that they have to endure. And this is extremely detrimental to future he alth.

candles for constipation after cesarean
candles for constipation after cesarean

When to see a doctor?

If you experience one of the symptoms, it means that you need to see a doctor immediately.

  1. If you have a feeling of fullness in the intestines.
  2. If insomnia has formed.
  3. If you have problems with bowel movements, and during this natural process you need to push.
  4. Severe irritability has appeared.
  5. Pain syndromes that are felt in the anus area have formed.
  6. Frequentbloating, which is accompanied by discomfort and even pain.

Don't overlook all these symptoms, because they are very important. In the event that constipation has formed after a caesarean section, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist. He will conduct an examination, find out the patient's history and then recommend a set of drugs that will help to effectively deal with this disease.

What to do with constipation after cesarean?

In the fight against constipation that appeared as a result of caesarean, you must be extremely careful, it is important to take into account many factors and characteristics of the body. The doctor who starts the treatment of this disease will definitely select laxatives that are based on vegetable oils. Those who are thinking about how to get rid of constipation after cesarean while breastfeeding should pay attention to the remedies listed below.

how to get rid of constipation after cesarean
how to get rid of constipation after cesarean

A good solution would be to prescribe an enema with a special solution. It gently releases the intestines and is suitable for use after a caesarean section. Often, doctors prescribe medications such as Portacal syrup or Duphalac. These drugs have a stimulating effect on the walls of the intestinal tract.

Often, in cases, "Forlax" or "Fortrans" is prescribed. These drugs are sold in pharmacies in the public domain, they are loose. The composition includes a special ingredient, thanks to which the fecal mass that has accumulated in the intestines is liquefied. Sothus facilitates the process of defecation.

Still doctors recommend their patients to use suppositories for constipation after caesarean section based on glycerin. They provide a painless exit of feces. Such drugs have a minimum of side effects and therefore are popular.

Folk remedies that help deal with constipation

Traditional medicine is also familiar with this issue, so it has a few secrets at its disposal. For example, a decoction of figs, which is prepared in several stages, received a lot of positive feedback.

For cooking, you will need two tablespoons of finely chopped figs. It must be poured with two glasses of warm milk. The liquid and figs must be thoroughly mixed and put on a slow fire. Cook stirring for 25 minutes. The resulting broth must be cooled and taken 3-4 times a day. The fact that the intestines began to work much better can be seen already 3 days after the start of regular use of this decoction.

why constipation after caesarean
why constipation after caesarean

Cumin, fennel and anise also have unusual properties, one might say miraculous effects. To prepare a decoction, you need to mix these components in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of warm water and cook over low heat for 25 minutes. Next, the mixture is poured into a thermos and left for 2 hours. After the decoction has been infused, you can start using it. It is necessary to divide the received volume into three doses.

Gymnastics is great medicine

Thosewomen who have had a caesarean section are well aware that doctors recommend starting moderate exercise on the second day after the operation. And after the pain syndrome and negative symptoms have moved aside, it is necessary to start daily gymnastics. Performing a set of exercises that last no more than 10 minutes, you will provide your body with enough energy to cope with constipation. Daily exercise will help prevent muscle wasting.

Phased implementation

Gymnastics that helps fight constipation is very simple:

  1. You need to lie on your back and start pulling your knees towards your chest. At the moment when you reach the maximum point of contact, try to fix the body in this position for 30 seconds. Thanks to this unusual static load, the muscles on the press become stronger, the muscles of the frontal wall of the abdominal cavity strengthen.
  2. It is necessary to lie on your right side on a flat surface and slowly pull your left knee to your stomach. In this case, the right leg should remain extended, it is advisable to pull the toe. This position must be fixed for a few seconds. By doing this exercise for several days, you will stimulate the stable functioning of the intestines.

Twisting a gymnastic hoop is considered one of the most effective exercises. A positive result is observed a few weeks after daily exercise. Doctors say with confidence that one and a half months after the operation, you can go to a fitness clubfor regular practice. But the training program should be compiled by a specialist who is familiar with the complex of correct physical activity for women after cesarean section.


Massages are also very helpful during constipation after caesarean section. But before you go for medical procedures, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will advise you a professional massage therapist who will apply the correct technique for women after surgery. After all, if such a massage is done by an unqualified specialist, this can lead to a divergence of postoperative sutures.

In order to stimulate the intestinal tract, you can use self-massage. To do this, it is enough to stroke the stomach with your hand for 10-15 minutes. The best time for self-massage is considered early in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Preventive measures against constipation

In order to avoid constipation after a caesarean section, you need to follow the right diet. An excellent solution would be to include fresh or stewed vegetables, fruits, cereals in the diet. Fermented milk products are great for improving intestinal motility. It is very useful to fill the diet with apricots, cherries, melons, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, carrots. All this is possible provided that the child is not breastfed.

Even after your constipation problems have been resolved, it is recommended that you continue to perform daily gymnastic exercises, or at least replace them with walking. But it is worth remembering thattoo zealous with physical activity is also not worth it, especially after a caesarean section.

It is recommended to stick to the diet that was compiled by a specialist. A large number of flour products should be excluded from the diet, as well as foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines (cabbage, peas). You should also not eat bananas and grapes, less semolina and potatoes.

Self-treatment in this matter can have an extremely negative impact on he alth, so if the first symptoms appear, it is best to immediately inform your doctor.
