Hemoglobin is completely dependent on red blood cells. The supply of oxygen to the tissues depends on the protein. You need to know your hemoglobin rate, since the amount of protein in the blood is constantly changing. It promotes the removal of carbon dioxide and oxygen saturation of cells. Hemoglobin is primarily broken down in red blood cells. Good gas exchange is necessary so that the body can receive vitamins and minerals.
How to determine the level?
After forty years, women's ovaries work in slow motion. Therefore, the hemoglobin index changes, its strong fluctuations may indicate diseases. Hemoglobin is located in red blood cells, in order to conduct an examination, they take blood from a vein. And, before proceeding to find out, it is worth determining whether this is normal - hemoglobin 140 in a woman?

Doctors know several methods for determining hemoglobin:
- Saline method - blood is mixed in a test tube with a solution of hydrochloric acid. After five minutes, the resulting color is compared with the color on a special scale.
- Cyanmethemoglobin method - hemoglobin is converted into cyanmethemoglobin using a special Drabkin solution. After that, its concentration is determined.
- Gasometric method - checked for analysis of absorbed gas.
- Iron method - knowing the percentage of iron, you can find out the amount of protein.
- Colorimetric method - hemoglobin is affected by chemical compounds, after which the reaction changes.
Most often, preference is given to the latter method, since it requires less time, is not difficult.
Up to twelve years, the limits of hemoglobin in men and women are the same. 140 hemoglobin in women is normal, but only in adulthood. The average hemoglobin is from 120-160 g / l. Bad habits affect women, smokers have hemoglobin - 150 g / l. For athletes, it is 160 g / l. A significant decrease in indicators is observed during pregnancy and menstruation.

Decrease in hemoglobin causes anemia. Anemia is a lack of iron in the body. This condition has a negative result on the body: nails break, teeth deteriorate and hair falls out. More than 50% of women suffer from low hemoglobin. Anemia usually affects women under thirty years of age. The following symptoms can indicate an iron deficiency: pale and flaky skin, a constant desire to sleep, dizziness, loss of appetite, shortness of breath appears.

If hemoglobin dropped sharply
Causes of anemia:
- Wrong diet. A small amount of meat and liver in food. Coffee and chocolate slow absorption.
- Bleeding.
- Problems with the thyroid gland.
- Avitaminosis. Vitamin C deficiency, group B.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Infectious and viral diseases.
Specialists can prescribe a diet, recommend drinking 3 liters of water a day and a walk before bed. The composition of the diet should include vitamins:
Folic acid: kefir, sour cream, milk, cheese, liver, pomegranate, citrus, tomatoes, beets

- Vitamin C: fruits, currants.
- B vitamins: fish, eggs and liver.
Dairy products speed up absorption processes. A small amount of hematogen increases hemoglobin. Honey has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, which is very important in the formation of hemoglobin.
What is the danger?
High hemoglobin is also not good. This condition affects the appearance of blood clots. It is difficult for a large number of red blood cells to move around.
Symptoms of high hemoglobin levels: loss of vision, depression, bluish tinge to extremities. The heart, intestines and lungs also suffer. Hormones affect the change in hemoglobin, especially after 50 years.
Reason for increase
Reasons for increased hemoglobin:
- Cholesterol thickens the blood, which prevents red blood cells from moving normally.
- Not enough liquid. Women during menopausesweating and drinking less water than they should.
- Depression and stress.
- Poor heart function. First of all, the walls of blood vessels that need to be strengthened suffer.
- Wrong choice of hormonal drugs.
- Diabetes mellitus.
The attending physician conducts a complete examination to identify the cause of a decrease or increase in hemoglobin. Prescribe drugs that reduce the risk of platelets. Proper nutrition is better to start in advance. It is necessary to exclude fast food, chocolate, smoked foods, fatty foods and soda from the diet. Shilajit is a unique tool for the normalization of hemoglobin.

What influences the increase?
Elevated hemoglobin (140 in women is the norm) is influenced by several factors:
- mountain accommodation;
- constant physical tension;
- too hot climate;
- infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- diabetes mellitus;
- pregnancy.
What are the rules?
What is normal hemoglobin in a woman? An indicator below 140 g / l should alert every woman. Complaints indicated by the weaker sex are often similar to other diseases.
When pregnant, you should be afraid of an indicator below 70 g / l. Gradually, hemoglobin should increase, so in the first trimester the norm is 100-130 g / l. In the second - 100-145g / l. The third - 100-140g / l. You need to take tests to check hemoglobin every 3 months. It plays a huge role, both for the mother and for the development of the fetus. It can be concluded that the pregnantwomen hemoglobin 140 is normal. Of course, the value is on the upper bound. But it does not carry any danger.
Indicators may depend on a number of features: terrain, diet, bad habits and more. Hemoglobin norm by age:
- 12-15 years - 115-150g/l.
- 15-18 years - 117-153g/l.
- 18-45 years old - 117-155g/l.
- 45-65 years - 117-160g/l.
After 65, hemoglobin normally keeps from 140 g/l.
How to quickly normalize the state?
The need to reduce the hemoglobin content in the blood of girls is determined by the condition or disease that led to the violation.
Functional varieties of hyperhemoglobinemia generally do not require intervention, they disappear on their own when the provoking condition is eliminated. For example, a hot climate and a decrease in water consumption. When you get into normal conditions, the numbers go down to normal. If a disease has become a factor in increased hemoglobin, then only its therapy can bring the indicator back to normal.
Some drugs in just two weeks bring the state of red blood cells back to normal. For example, Ferry syrup, iron gluconate, folic acid, M altofer, Sideral and many others. In any case, you should seek medical advice.