Each lady has her own characteristics of premenstrual syndrome, which depend on the hormonal background, emotional mood, previous illnesses and age. Often the question arises as to why the stomach is inflated before menstruation.

It is necessary to remember which hormones affect a woman's condition during the menstrual cycle. It is an estrogen that improves mood, improves well-being and helps the maturation of the egg. And also gestagens - mainly progesterone, which more than others affects why the stomach swells before menstruation. Initially, the level of estrogen rises, and then drops quite sharply, and a woman may react with a worsening emotional state, aggressiveness and irritability. In addition, the skin becomes oilier, rashes appear, and the overall level of immune defense may decrease.
On the day of the release of the egg, the premenstrual phase begins, in which all unwanted changes occur, as the level of gestagens increases. Among other things, it is possible to increase body weight, increase sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands, constipation, and the stomach swells before menstruation. Flatulence and heaviness in the lower abdomen, pulling and painful sensations help to suspect the onset of "these days".

The complex of processes that determine why the stomach swells before menstruation includes the effect of progesterone on the digestive tract, the secretion of gastric juice. It reduces the secretion of bile, can reduce intestinal motility, and even minor errors in nutrition, and even more so exacerbation of chronic pathologies, can lead to constipation, flatulence and bloating. Knowing these features of your body, try these days to exclude legumes, easily digestible carbohydrates, including grapes, juices and sugar. This will significantly reduce discomfort. Enrich your diet with vitamins, if you are worried about constipation, try to eat vegetables.

But the effects of hormones don't end there. Other possible factors for why the stomach swells before menstruation is the preparation of the uterus to receive the egg, its swelling and increased blood supply. The uterus has a complex muscular structure and is relaxed more in the phase of the cycle, called the luteal. Nature, thus, ensures the safety of the egg, reduces the frequency of miscarriages at such an early stage. Progesterone has such an effect on metabolic processes that it retains water in the body, leading to its retention in the abdominal cavity.
It is important to understand why the stomach swells before menstruation. So you can quickly calm down and improve well-being, increase vitality. But notforget: if strong or even sharp pains in the side and lower abdomen begin to disturb, then appendicitis and ovulatory pains with ovarian apoplexy must be excluded. Abdominal bloating and peritoneal irritation are also possible in this case, and an ultrasound scan reveals fluid in the pelvic cavity.