Despite the fact that coughing is a natural reflex reaction of our body, not all of its types are completely safe. And in most cases, it is a cough that is one of the symptoms of various diseases. In addition, this phenomenon is more dangerous for children than for adults, since babies may experience swelling of the larynx, which is fraught even with suffocation. Therefore, a strong barking cough in a child under one year old is a direct indicator for calling an ambulance and subsequent hospitalization.
Shallow cough

Many diseases have cough in their symptoms, but its types are different. For example, a superficial dry barking cough in children is quite often observed. How to treat and how to help such a child? First of all, it should be understood that "superficial" means clean bronchi and lungs. In this case, the throat or larynx is inflamed, which is why this type of cough is observed. The medical diagnosis in this case will sound like laryngitis or tracheitis, or their combination - laryngotracheitis. Basically, the treatment involves inhalation, local antiseptic andanti-inflammatory drugs.
Pulmonary cough

Another variety is pulmonary dry barking cough in children. How to treat this option and how to distinguish it from other types of cough? It differs from the superficial in that it can, so to speak, be seen. This means that with a cough symptom, the chest is involved (it moves), and the duration of the attack exceeds a minute. Moreover, this type of cough is directly related to damage to the bronchi or lungs, and the diagnosis is bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, the use of antibiotics will be fully justified, as, indeed, the rest of the therapy, which consists in taking anti-inflammatory, sputum-thinning drugs and antispasmodics.
Parents' reaction
Of course, any parent panics when suddenly a barking cough appears in children. How to treat, what to do and where to run for help? First of all, calm down. After all, only in a calm state can you correctly assess the situation, and if the cough is not suffocating, and there is no direct threat to the life of the baby, then you just need to wait for the doctor to arrive for a consultation and clarification of further treatment.

For example, a barking cough in a child Komarovsky recommends starting treatment with plenty of fluids and well-moistened fresh air. Also a great helper for any kind of cough will be a children's inhaler. And from the harmless and fairly effective medications, one can distinguish "Lazolvan","Mukoltin", "Bromhexin", "Prospan", which are used not only as syrups, but also for inhalation (for example, you need to buy the drug "Prospan" for inhalation in drops, and the "Lazolvan" product - in ampoules).
Therefore, do not panic when a barking cough suddenly appears in children. How to treat and what to do to quickly relieve symptoms, only a qualified doctor can tell. Always remember this! Of course, traditional medicine can also be used, but only as additional measures along with the medication prescription of your pediatrician.