The male reproductive system is distinguished by a number of features that manifest themselves in everyday life and give alarm signals to the entire body if there is a threat to he alth. For example, redness of the skin on the scrotum is a common symptom of various diseases. In this case, the exact cause of the deviation should be determined by a specialist. What to do if anxiety symptoms appear? What can they talk about? Why is it important to monitor the condition of the scrotum? The answers to these questions are found below.

What is the scrotum?
The structure of the male reproductive system has a number of significant features that are conceived by nature. The sex glands are located outside the body, in the scrotum, which allows you to maintain the temperature necessary for spermatozoa, while maintaining their viability.
The scrotum is a skin-muscular sac in which the main reproductive organs of the male body are located. The skin is very delicate and susceptible to adverse external and internal factors. Any redness of the scrotum in men shouldcause concern.
The scrotum is divided into two parts by a longitudinal septum, each of which contains:
- testicle;
- spermatic cord;
- appendage.
Any pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, most likely, will be expressed in redness of the skin of the scrotum.
Why does the skin on the scrotum turn red?
Given the peculiarities of the structure and number of blood vessels that provide the necessary blood flow, redness of the scrotum can be caused by various reasons. Some of them require immediate medical attention, other factors may disappear on their own.
Causes of reddening of the scrotum:
- Mechanical trauma to the genitals of a man will inevitably lead to a change in the color of the skin of the scrotum.
- The emergence of various infections in the genital area often provokes hypothermia of the skin.
- Development of an inflammatory process that is not infectious.
- Neoplasms in the reproductive organs (including oncological tumors) provoke reddening of the scrotum.
- Some types of diseases and allergic reactions also inevitably affect the condition of the skin in the male genital area.
- If blood circulation is disturbed in the scrotum area, this affects the skin tone.
As you can see, a change in the color of the scrotum can be of a different nature, have risks of varying severity. For your own peace of mind, a man is advised to be carefulto external changes, redness and itching on the scrotum. This will allow timely identification and elimination of the causes of deviations.

Inflammatory processes
In case of suspicion of the development of an inflammatory process in the scrotum, it is important to find out its true cause. To do this, postponing a visit to the doctor is contraindicated. Otherwise, serious complications may develop that affect the he alth of a man.
Bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli can easily enter the reproductive system through microtrauma of the skin. In such cases, the inflammatory process begins to develop in the scrotum.
If a man has received a serious injury to the scrotum (during a fall or from a blow), then redness of the scrotum (a photo of such a blow in the article) will not only be accompanied by pain, but the development of an inflammatory process against the background of the injury is not excluded. It is important not to delay contacting a specialist who can determine the severity of the damage and choose the treatment.
Fungal diseases
In addition to bacteria, the he alth of the male reproductive organs is threatened by fungi (eg Candida). Such damage to the organ proceeds with varying degrees of intensity, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms, including discoloration of the skin.
It is possible to eliminate a fungal infection with the help of a complex of special tools. A doctor should recommend a course of treatment, self-medication does not always lead to a positive result and can only aggravate the process.
Infectionsgenitourinary system
Sexually transmitted infections are known pests to male he alth. When it enters the genitourinary system, pathological bacteria begin to multiply actively. Some diseases are accompanied by vivid symptoms, others can proceed completely unnoticed.
The main danger is:
- Chlamydia.
- Mycoplasmosis.
- Ureaplasmosis.
- Trichomoniasis.
Such diseases are accompanied by a number of their own signs, but redness of the scrotum is most likely inevitable, although optional. It is important to consult a venereologist in time and undergo a course of treatment. Sexually transmitted infections are dangerous not only for a man, but also for his sexual partner.

Cancer causes
The skin of the scrotum consists of tissues of various structures and properties (epithelium, adipose and connective tissues). For this reason, the organ is vulnerable to a cancerous tumor, which may have different properties and structure.
Genital cancer in men is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Problems with urination.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- General cancer symptoms (loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss).
- Subtle early symptoms.
These factors can be observed in other pathologies, so do not panic in advance. If the condition of the scrotum causes concern, unnatural discomfort is felt, then a visit to the doctor will becomebest solution.
Allergic reactions
Allergy can be an unexpected and unpleasant surprise for a man. It is very difficult to insure against such a reaction of the body, most often an allergic reaction occurs against the background of wearing synthetic underwear, or using inappropriate cosmetics.
In most cases, individual intolerance is accompanied by a number of symptoms:
- Increase in the size of the scrotum.
- Redness and itching of the skin.
- Skin feels tight (increased tension).
- Deterioration after contact with the catalyst (this allows you to identify the allergen).
The problem is solved by eliminating the irritating factor, if the allergy brings a lot of anxiety, then it is better to consult a doctor and choose a hypoallergenic remedy.

Manifestations of hematocele
There are pathologies that develop inside the scrotum, affect the main reproductive organs, but do not carry an inflammatory focus. For example, hydrocele, which involves the accumulation of excess fluid around the male testicles, which provokes increased hemorrhage in this area (hematocele). Against the background of such a deviation from the norm, it is characterized by the appearance of red lesions on the surface of the scrotum.
Hematocele causes a feeling of constant discomfort in the groin area, accompanied by pain. If an infection enters the body, then the body temperature may increase.
Testicular torsion
Such a pathology canarise against the background of physical overload, a sharp inaccurate movement, or anomalies in the development of the reproductive system. Testicular torsion appears with sharp, intense signs that cannot be ignored.
Main features:
- Sharp pain in the scrotum (from the side of the affected testicle).
- Bouts of nausea and vomiting.
- It is visually seen that one testicle has become significantly higher than the other.
- Change in skin color.
With these symptoms, the time to help is very limited. Torsion leads to disruption of the blood supply to the organ. Prolonged cessation of blood flow will lead to the death of the organ, it will require removal.
Features of children's he alth
In childhood, redness of the scrotum in boys can be caused by similar causes, but this adds the risk of intrauterine trauma. Parents should be attentive to the he alth of babies, pay attention to increased tearfulness, refusal to eat and sleep disturbance.

Deviations from the norm in childhood are often accompanied by fever. Alarming signs should not be neglected, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor in time to establish the cause and choose the treatment.
Men's he alth requires increased attention from a very early age, due to the external location of organs that provoke their increased vulnerability.
Treatment and restoration of he alth
Treatment of scrotal redness is varied, depending on the initi althe reasons that provoked adverse changes in the color of the skin. Experts note that even with minor changes in the genital area, one should not neglect the advice of a doctor.

Most often, if the scrotum itches, reddening of the skin and other symptoms began to disturb a man, then this indicates the development of pathological processes in the body. You can not let them take their own course, this can lead to complications (infertility).
A timely diagnosis will allow you to eliminate the disease with the least effort and time and return the man to a full life. You can not self-medicate, it can be either ineffective or dangerous. A visit to the doctor will increase the chances of recovery.
It is important to understand that any of the pathologies discussed above can develop independently or in combination with other diseases. Against the background of any deviation, inflammation can develop, which will initiate the formation of a tumor. The vulnerability and vulnerability of the genitals does not allow ignoring unnatural symptoms in this area.
Prevention methods
Prevention of men's he alth is, first of all, the task of the man himself, and after that the area of responsibility of the attending physician who monitors his he alth.
Simple rules for the prevention of the he alth of the scrotum and the reproductive system in general:
- Use barrier contraceptive methods when there is no permanent sexual partner.
- Regular preventive examination by a doctor will allowdetect abnormalities early.
- Don't turn down the opportunity to get vaccinated against dangerous diseases.
- If alarming symptoms appear, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Only a vigilant attitude to one's own he alth will help a man reduce the risk of developing pathologies in the reproductive system. Already at the first visit to the doctor, it will become clear how likely the development of a serious pathology is. After passing a complete diagnosis, the right treatment will be selected.
Careful adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician will restore he alth as soon as possible.