In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for Tsitovir tablets for children and adults.
What is this remedy? To protect against colds and viral diseases, the medicine "Citovir" is used, which is available in three popular forms and is intended to stimulate immune functions in children and adults. An immunostimulating medication protects the body's immune system, increases its performance in resisting viruses and bacteria. It contains a complex of active substances that work together and activate cells to fight infectious pathogens.

Instructions for use for "Citovir" is very detailed.
Composition of the drug and release form
The medical product is produced in three main forms - in the form of syrups, capsules and powders for the preparation of a solution.
For syrup "Tsitovir" for children, instructions for use are available in eachpack. It is a colorless or yellowish viscous liquid.
Capsules - hard, gelatinous, with an orange cap and a white body, inside which there is an odorless yellow-white powder. The solution powders are white or yellow and are available in four flavors: unflavoured, orange, strawberry or cranberry.
The powder is packaged in dark glass or polymer bottles of 20 g each and in carton packs, one bottle each with a measuring cup, dosing pipette or spoon. The syrup of this medicine is intended for use in children and is available in dark glass bottles of 50 ml, packed in cardboard boxes with a measuring cup or dosing pipette or spoon.
According to the instructions for use for Cytovir, the main active ingredients in one capsule, 1 ml of oral solution and 1 ml of syrup:
- bendazole hydrochloride;
- sodium alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan;
- ascorbic acid.
As additional components are used:
- lactose monohydrate;
- calcium stearate;
- titanium dioxide;
- sunset yellow dye;
- azorubine dye;
- gelatin;
- orange, strawberry or cranberry flavors;
- fructose;
- purified water;
- sucrose.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacodynamics
As indicated by the instructions for use for"Cytovir", this immunomodulatory medical agent has an antiviral effect in relation to influenza B and A viruses, as well as other pathogens of viral pathologies that occur in an acute form. This medication is a means of immunostimulating and etiotropic therapy, reduces the severity of clinical symptoms of diseases, reduces the duration of their manifestations. The active element of this drug, bendazole, promotes the production of interferon in the body, has an immunomodulatory effect, and stimulates the immune response. Interferon is able to induce the production of enzymes that act on viral replication.
The active element thymogen or alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan normalizes the cellular structures of immunity, is a synergist of the immunostimulatory effects of bendazole.
Vitamin C activates humoral immunity, normalizes capillary permeability, reduces the level of inflammation. In addition, ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant that can neutralize oxygen radicals produced during inflammation and increase resistance to respiratory infections.
When taken orally, "Citovir" is completely absorbed from the stomach and intestines. The bioavailability of vitamin C and bendazole is approximately 75%, thymogen - 20%. Medicinal substances bind to plasma proteins by 30% and begin their therapeutic effect in about four hours. They penetrate into leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, tissues, and also through the placental barrier. The effectiveness of medic althe drug may decrease with diseases of the digestive tract, drinking an alkaline reaction (fresh juices), as well as with helminthic invasions.
The active elements of this drug are metabolized in the liver, excreted by the intestines with feces, kidneys with urine, penetrate into mother's milk. Ascorbic acid decomposes into oxaloacetic, deoxyascorbic and diketogulonic acid, thymogen into tryptophan and glutamic acid, and bendazol into two conjugates that are not excreted by the body, but take part in the process of protein synthesis.
Instructions for use for "Citovir" does not end there.

Indications for prescription
In the annotation on the use of the drug indicated indications for its appointment. The main ones are:
- combined treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children from one year old;
- prevention of influenza, the incidence of acute viral infectious diseases with bacterial etiology;
Monotherapy with this drug is not provided, the drug is used only in combination with other medicines.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use for "Citovir". According to reviews, it is also suitable for children.
Dosing regimen and methods of application
Depending on the type of disease, the age of the patient and the severity of the pathological process, the methods of use and dosage regimen of the drug vary. These indicators are affectedas well as the form of release of this medicine. "Citovir" in the treatment of adults is used in the form of capsules, for children - in the form of syrups and powders for the preparation of solutions. All forms of medicine are for oral use.
How to use "Citovir" for children according to the instructions for use?
Medication in the form of syrups for children to maintain immune protection should be taken half an hour before meals - four days. If no improvement is observed during this time, and the symptoms of the inflammatory process increase, or others join them, a specialist consultation is required. The course of this drug can be repeated after 4 weeks, while the dosage depends on age.
The instructions for use for children should be strictly followed.
Tsitovir tablets are taken in the same doses for adults and children after six years. And make up one capsule three times a day.
According to the instructions for use, Tsitovir powders for the preparation of solutions are taken orally before meals, a course of four days. For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, the therapeutic course can be repeated after 4 weeks. Dosages are similar to syrup, and a remedy in this form is prescribed for children after one year.
As indicated by the instructions for use for the Tsitovir powder for children, the preparation of drug solutions is as follows:
- Pour 40 ml of boiled water at room temperature into the bottle.
- Shake contents thoroughly until dissolved.
- The volume of liquid obtained should not exceedless than 50 ml.
Special Recommendations
In the instructions for use for Cytovir for adults, patients should read the special instructions section, which describes the following nuances:
- When repeating the course of the drug, the doctor must control the level of sugar in the blood.
- The drug does not affect the speed of mental and motor reactions, as well as concentration, and can be prescribed to people who drive vehicles and complex mechanisms.
- Due to the fact that there are no clinical data on the use of the drug during pregnancy, it is not prescribed to pregnant women, as well as to those who are breastfeeding a child.

Use in children
In accordance with the instructions for use, the Cytovir syrup for children is approved for use after one year. This also applies to powder. Before this age, the drug is contraindicated due to the lack of medical tests for safety and efficacy. Capsules of this drug are allowed to be prescribed only after six years due to the high likelihood of developing negative side symptoms and allergic reactions.
So it says in the instructions for use for capsules "Cytovir" for children.
The absolute restrictions on the use of this drug are:
- diabetes mellitus (for syrups and oral solutions);
- age up to 1 year (syrup and solution) and 6 years (forcapsules);
- lactation, pregnancy;
- intolerance to the contents of the components of the medicinal product.
Hypertension is a relative contraindication (use with caution).
Drug Interactions
Bendazol (the active substance of the drug "Citovir") in combination with non-selective beta-blockers increases the total vascular peripheral resistance, and also enhances the hypotensive effect of diuretics. The substance phentolamine can enhance the effectiveness of Cytovir.
Oral hormonal contraceptives and acetylsalicylic acid can reduce the absorption of vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid increases the concentration of tetracyclines and benzylpenicillin in the blood, normalizes iron absorption, reduces the bioavailability of indirect anticoagulants and heparin. In addition, it increases the risk of crystalluria in combination therapy with short-acting sulfonamides, reduces the effect of neuroleptics, Isoprenaline and tricyclic antidepressants.

Adverse reactions
According to the instructions for use and reviews, Cytovir syrup, as well as other forms of release, can provoke some negative side effects. These include:
- short-term decrease in blood pressure:
- allergic symptoms - hives, itching, swelling, inflammation.
Antihistamines are prescribed for the relief of allergic phenomenamedicines.
Overdose symptoms
According to the instructions for use, cases of overdose with this medicine have not been recorded. However, when taking capsules in dosages exceeding those recommended, short-term hypotension may occur in patients suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, as well as in the elderly. For the treatment of such conditions, procedures are carried out to normalize blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and kidney functions are monitored.
This is indicated in the instructions for use. Reviews of doctors about "Citovir" will be presented at the end of the article.
Medication cost
This drug costs approximately 150-380 rubles. It depends on the form of release (syrup, powder or capsules).

In the Russian market of pharmaceutical preparations, you can find indirect and direct analogues of the drug "Citovir", partially or completely identical in composition of active elements. The most popular among them are the following medications:
- "Alokin-Alpha" is a medicine that allows you to strengthen cellular and humoral immunity. Due to its use, the functionality of T-lymphocytes increases, which suppress and destroy the infection. The drug contributes to the production of endogenous interferons, which give the body the opportunity to fight the disease on its own. In addition, during the treatment with this medication, the conduction of nerve excitations of smooth muscles is regulated, and the transmission of nerve fibers is stimulated.impulses that are disturbed as a result of the blockade of potassium channels, the action of oxytocin, histamine and serotonin is enhanced.
- "Amixin" is a synthetic interferon inducer that stimulates stem cells in the bone marrow, enhances antibody formation, and reduces the level of immunosuppression. This drug is effective in various viral infectious pathologies.
- Blastomunil is an immunomodulator that stimulates humoral and cellular immunity, as well as cytokine activity. This medication is prescribed for diseases accompanied by leukopenia and secondary immunodeficiency, for example, in chemotherapy and radiation therapy of cancer patients and patients in order to enhance the effectiveness of cytostatics and reduce their toxic effects. In addition, the medical product is used in the complex anti-inflammatory and antiviral treatment of pathologies of the lungs and bronchi, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genital organs, mammary glands, etc.
- "Vilozen" is a topical drug that has an immunomodulatory effect, inhibiting the formation of reagins. This medicine is prescribed intranasally for the treatment of allergic pathologies of the upper respiratory organs - hay fever and rhinosinusitis. We will not consider in detail the instructions for use with analogues of Tsitovir.
The medical product is currently in great demand on the drug market and rightfully deserves a large number of positive reviews.
Patient reviews suggest that this tool is veryeffective in antiviral therapy of many infectious processes that are associated with infection by a particular viral agent. They observed that at the initial stages of the development of pathology, the inflammatory process often stopped, and the disease was avoided. At a later date, the use of the drug "Citovir" was also successful, which was manifested in a milder course of the disease, the rapid disappearance of pathological phenomena and symptoms. In most cases, patients note that their state of he alth was moderate, but not severe, and while taking this medication, it improved significantly.

Parents of children who were prescribed medication were also satisfied, and they say that they use it not only in the treatment of children, but also to prevent colds in the off-season.
Reviews of doctors
Reviews of specialists about the drug are mostly positive. It is effective and well tolerated by patients.
As for some side effects, patients complain to doctors about the development of dyspepsia, mild nausea, stool disorders, but this did not require the abolition of the medication. In general, the drug acts almost immediately after taking.