In the article we will consider the psychosomatics of prostatitis.
It is an affliction that mainly affects middle-aged and older men. But lately, this disease is gaining a younger audience. Often there is a connection between the appearance of symptoms of the disease and a psychological deviation caused by a lack of stability in sexual life. Let's find out what are the first signs of prostatitis in males and consider various ways to treat the disease.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis
As part of a study of this relationship, scientists note that a psychological deviation is found in individuals who have symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland. When checking the statistics, it turns out that prostatitis affects mainly men who do not live sexually or very rarely have sexual contacts. Against the background of the diagnosis and subsequent treatment, this factor must be taken into account. Considering the psychosomatics of prostatitis, it is worthnote that erectile dysfunction can serve as an impetus for the onset of the disease.
In the treatment of inflammation of the gland, not only urologists help, but also psychotherapists. Perhaps a second specialist would be even better.
Frequent experiences
The most common factors that cause prostate diseases are considered to be the following:

- The prostate is a gland that secretes the juice present in the composition of semen. It is directly related to the functions of procreation. For example, when men have worries about the he alth of their children or grandchildren, then his mind will push this organ at a subconscious level to work much more efficiently, as a result, it will quickly increase in size, from which prostatitis sometimes begins to manifest itself.
- The secret of the gland has an alkaline composition in order to protect spermatozoa in the acidic environment of the female vagina. When a sexual partner is too "acidic" physically and psychologically, the command is given by the subconscious mind to increase the alkaline secretion in order to neutralize the excessive excess leading to an enlarged prostate. Simply put, poor family relationships are often the cause of prostatitis in young men.
- The juice of this organ contains components aimed at cleansing the urogenital canals. In cases where a man is ashamed of his sexual adventures, for example, infidelity on his part, the prostate is pushed to the disease by the subconscious mind, solving the issue of cleansing not only the living organism, but also the conscience.
- Deepan experience bordering on stress. This gland is called the second heart in men. When a person is worried, this condition often develops into prostatitis or something more serious.
Consider the first signs of prostatitis in men and the treatment of this pathology.
First signs of prostatitis
When the initial symptoms of prostatitis occur, they can be divided into the following three groups:
- Urinary disorders in the form of frequent and painful urination along with a feeling of incomplete emptying, pain in the lower abdomen and so on.
- Problems with sexual function in the form of painful urethra, weak erection, premature ejaculation, loss of orgasm, and so on.
- Having increased anxiety and nervousness.

Acute prostatitis usually begins with a fever of up to thirty-nine degrees with chills. Urination is difficult and very painful. Swelling of the gland develops, causing an acute delay in urination. The chronic form of prostatitis proceeds calmly, but at any time, in the case of adverse factors, an exacerbation may occur. Asymptomatic course is not excluded.
Performing therapy
You need to start treatment at the first sign of prostatitis in men.
Usually, a doctor prescribes a bacteriological examination of urine, and, in addition, the secretion of the gland. To clarify the position of the urinary tract infection, a study of urinary portions is performed. Besides,a mandatory method for establishing pathology is a digital examination. This procedure is not pleasant, but it is very informative. If necessary, computed tomography is prescribed along with cystoscopy, urography and the study of gland enzymes.
As part of the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the presence of benign hyperplasia and prostate cancer. In order to quickly relieve pain in the presence of an acute form of the disease, analgesics with warm baths may be recommended.
What else does the course of prostatitis treatment involve?

Mandatory prescription of antibiotics is required, their selection is carried out according to the result of bacteriological seeding of secretions and determining the degree of sensitivity of pathogens to chemotherapy drugs. The non-bacterial form of this disease is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.
Drug therapy and antibiotics
Drug treatment of this disease includes, first of all, taking antibiotics, and, in addition, various non-steroidal drugs that have analgesic effects. Antibiotics for prostatitis in men are used mainly as a method of therapy for the bacterial form. Most often, doctors prescribe "Cifran" along with "Tavanik", "Amoxicillin" and other drugs that have active ingredients, such as ciprofloxacin, penicillin and the like.
Patients often ask about how to cure chronic prostatitis.
Therapy of the chronic form of pathology
When the issue in question occursailment men can also be prescribed alpha-blockers. They are suitable against the background of chronic cases of the disease, as agents that reduce swelling of the prostate. Also in this situation, non-steroidal drugs can be used. Thus, in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, Finasteride with Alfuzosin, Ibuprofen with Aspirin, Paracetamol, and so on are mainly prescribed to patients.

At a young age
Prostatitis does not bother young men exactly until they have to deal with its complications in the form of infertility in a married couple. It has been proven that every third male representative between the ages of twenty and fifty has experienced inflammation of this organ at least once in their life. Given that this disease is not always accompanied by vivid symptoms, it can simply go unnoticed and go into a chronic phase.
Causes in young people
This disease in young people usually occurs in connection with a very active sexual life due to insufficient hygiene or frequent change of partners, as well as in those men who neglect condoms as the main means of protecting against sexual infection. Prostatitis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but the bacteria that enter the urogenital tract of young men may well provoke inflammation of the prostate or exacerbate existing inflammatory processes.
At the same time, blind following of fashion, without regard to he alth, also plays an important role. Tribute to beautythe form of too narrow, and at the same time, trousers or swimming trunks squeezing the crotch inevitably leads to stagnation. Walking in the cold without warm underwear contributes to hypothermia of the lower body, resulting in a decline in immunity, and actively multiplying bacteria in young people provoke the occurrence of prostatitis. In addition, at a time when mothers teach girls from childhood not to sit on cold surfaces so as not to catch a cold, unfortunately no one holds such conversations with boys.
The male body is also fragile, like the female body, and banal hypothermia is the cause of prostatitis among young men. In addition, a rare young man will be alarmed if he finds symptoms in the form of light sipping and even pain during urination or against the background of ejaculation, and definitely does not go to the doctor and starts the disease.

Nervous prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of such an organ as the prostate gland. It is either non-infectious or infectious. The latter occurs just very often against the background of an incorrect lifestyle, and, moreover, as a result of constant stress. In addition, the modern rhythm of life contributes to this.

In medicine there is no term "nervous prostatitis". This is the everyday definition of pathology, which is caused by disturbances in the activity of the nervous system. He explains not the form of the disease, but its causes, we are talking about nervous overexcitation and emotionalstress. Adverse psychological factors accompany the development of this disease, which ultimately leads to a physiological failure in the body. The main causes of the disease are:
- Having hard and exhausting work.
- The occurrence of family problems.
- Presence of poor sleep and insomnia.
- Having a lack of rest.
- Presence of emotional intensity.
- The appearance of a depressive state.
- The occurrence of irritability, temper.
- Having sexual problems.
How to treat prostatitis at home, see below.
Therapy at Home
Prostatitis can be treated at home only after a conservative intervention. Medicinal plants cannot destroy pathogenic pathogens, even despite their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Moreover, infusions with decoctions can be harmful by drowning out the symptoms of pathology. Men, feeling some relief, will again postpone the visit to the urologist, which will be fraught with irreversible tissue damage in the prostate gland. You can treat prostatitis at home during periods of rehabilitation. This allows you to quickly strengthen the immune system, as well as facilitate the healing of injuries. What is recommended to patients:
- Use 30 grams of crushed and dried aspen bark. The product is poured with 50 grams of alcohol, insisting for fifteen days in a dark place. Five drops of tincture are consumed daily, which is dissolved in 100 milliliters of water.
- Into the sweet pulppumpkins add thick honey in equal proportions. It is necessary to consume a spoonful of the mixture daily before meals.
- A handful of wild rose and juniper berries are poured into a thermos, pouring everything with a liter of boiling water. Insist five hours, filter. Take 100 milliliters of infusion three times after meals.

Changing the nutritious diet
Treatment of inflammation of this gland in men at home is to change the nutritious diet. It is necessary to include fresh parsley with flower honey and garlic in the daily menu. These products contain a lot of phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. In order to speed up recovery, you need to change coffee to chamomile tea and lingonberry fruit drinks. Such funds help normalize urination well, increasing resistance to bacterial and viral infections.
We examined the psychosomatics of prostatitis, the first signs of the disease and treatment.