At first glance, it may seem that a disease such as tonsillitis is completely harmless and cannot leave behind any consequences. Elevated body temperature, sore throat, malaise - there seems to be nothing wrong with that. But if we consider the immunological and biochemical processes occurring in the human body, you can completely change your mind. After all, the main cause of the disease is very often streptococcus, which has a number of unpleasant features. A complication of sore throat can be quite serious, in some cases even life-threatening.

Angina in adults and its complications
Complications of tonsillitis in adults can be divided into two key groups: local and general, which can lead to damage to the kidneys, heart, joints. In this case, local complications are caused by local changes. Basically, they do not pose a great threat to the patient, but, despite this, they require some attention.
To local complicationsdiseases include:
- Phlegmon.
- Abscesses.
- Tit.
- Swelling of the larynx.
- Bleeding from the tonsils.
Angina: how to prevent complications?
In order to avoid unpleasant consequences after an infectious disease, it is important to follow some rules, which primarily include:
- bed rest;
- course of antibiotics - 5-10 days, but you can not stop therapy when the condition improves on day 3;
- gargle, which allows you to flush out pathogens and purulent plaque from the tonsils;
- compliance with the instructions of the attending physician;
- drinking plenty of fluids to help flush out various toxins from the body;
- strengthening immunity, moderate exercise.

Antibiotics for sore throat
What antibiotics should be taken for angina? It is important to remember that the course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician, only he can prescribe the antibiotic that the patient needs. Now a huge number of antibacterial drugs are being produced, but not all of them may be suitable for treatment. In addition, it is impossible to start treatment with a potent drug of a number of fluoroquinols or cephalosporins, since it can cause a strong addiction of the patient's body and become useless for the effective treatment of an insidious disease. In addition, complications can occur after antibiotics, especially in babies. Antibacterial drugs used in various forms of the disease,can be divided into groups. Therapists at the beginning of treatment prefer antibiotics belonging to the penicillin series, which have less toxicity and act with equal force on both streptococci and staphylococci.
Penicillin antibiotics
Antibiotics of this group block the metabolism of bacterial cell proteins, which significantly weakens the protective functions of pathogenic microbes. What antibiotics belong to the penicillin series? The most popular include:
- "Flemoklav".
- "Ampioks".
- "Amoxicillin".
- "Flemoxin".
- "Augmentin".

Antibiotics: cephalosporins
Powerful antibacterial drugs used in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis. Cephalosporins destroy disease-causing cells, leading to their further destruction. For therapy in children and adults use:
- "Cefixime".
- "Ceftriaxone".
- "Cephalexin".
Antibacterial drugs: macrolides
The third group of antibiotics used for tonsillitis. This type of drug is prescribed if the patient has an allergy to antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series. Macrolides include the following drugs:
- "Josamine".
- "Sumamed".
- "Azithromycin".
The latest generation of antibacterialdrugs
In the treatment of angina, many therapists use fluoroquinols - medicines of the 21st century. They are prescribed only if therapy with cephalosporins and penicillin antibiotics has not brought a positive result, since fluoroquinols are rapidly addictive.
These include the following drugs:
- "Tsiprolet".
- "Ofloxacin".
- "Lomefloxacin".
Positive dynamics during the illness with the use of an antibacterial drug comes quickly, but only on condition that the treatment was chosen really correctly. Antibiotics for tonsillitis in adults are prescribed in the form of tablets. In the treatment of children, preference may be given to injections, but only if all signs of the disease are present and a sufficiently high temperature is observed. In addition, a drug such as "Bioporox" is widely used, presented in the form of a spray, the main active ingredient of which is an antibiotic. But at the same time, local therapy should be combined with internal, because the causative agent of the disease must be destroyed inside the body itself.

Taking the antibiotic correctly
Antibacterial drugs for tonsillitis will give a pronounced therapeutic effect only if they are taken in a certain dosage.
There are several recommendations to make antibiotic therapy most effective:
- before starting treatment,it is necessary to identify the type of pathogen: take tests for microflora;
- drugs prescribed by the therapist are taken in accordance with the indicated dosage necessary for the onset of a therapeutic effect;
- antibacterial therapy should take at least 10 days, the exception in this case is an antibiotic with prolonged action - "Sumamed";
- if the patient is allergic to any medication, the attending physician must be informed of this;
- drugs should only be taken with water;
- An antibiotic is taken a few hours after a meal or an hour before it;
- simultaneously with taking antibacterial drugs, a course of probiotics is prescribed to normalize the intestinal microflora.
If all these rules are followed in practice, then the treatment of tonsillitis will not only be effective, but will not lead to unpleasant consequences after antibiotics.

Angina and heart complications
Often after tonsillitis, such unpleasant dangerous diseases as heart disease and even rheumatism can occur. In the process of fighting the infection and during the recovery period, so-called antibodies begin to be intensively released, which can often unpredictably affect the human body, which is mainly expressed in the suppression of proteins that contribute to the formation of special connective tissue. As a result, this leads to the formation of nodules, which are further converted into scars. As a result, the well-established work of the heartvalves fail and lead to defect.
In addition to this dangerous disease, a complication of angina on the heart can manifest itself in the form of myocarditis - an inflammatory process that affects the heart muscle. This disease is characterized by a strong heartbeat, unbearable pain, heart rhythm failure, swelling of the veins located in the neck, cyanosis, swelling of the lower extremities and shortness of breath.
All these complications can appear after a disease suffered on the legs. Therefore, it should be noted once again that the guarantee of recovery and elimination of the risk of severe consequences after tonsillitis is strict adherence to all prescriptions of the attending physician and timely and competent therapy.

Angina: kidney complications
Possible complications of angina on the kidneys. The dangerous consequences of the disease include such ailments as glomerulonephritis and the so-called pyelonephritis.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys, turning into a chronic stage. With this type of disease, several cavities form in the kidney, which are filled with pus, bladder secretions and tissue decay products.
Glomerulonephritis is a disease in which bilateral kidney damage is observed, which is quite dangerous for a person, and can later lead to kidney failure. As a result, the patient can be saved only by organ transplantation and hemodialysis. Angina, a complication, the symptoms of which are expressed in the form of a strong increase in body temperature, chills and fever, back pain, indicates a serious illness that requiresimmediate treatment.
Angina in children and its complications
Complications of tonsillitis in children can manifest in the form of a retropharyngeal abscess, which is characterized by the development of pustular formations in the back of the pharynx and spine. This is where the lymph nodes are found in children.
After 6 years after birth, the lymph nodes disappear, and therefore complications of this kind in an adult cannot appear. But in children, this ailment adversely affects the respiratory process, which as a result can cause suffocation. To prevent such an outcome, surgical intervention by a surgeon will be required, which during the operation will open a purulent abscess located in the larynx.

Complication: how can a sore throat affect the ears?
What can be a complication of a sore throat in the ears? An infection that causes tonsillitis can get into the maxillary sinuses and cause such an unpleasant sinusitis or sinusitis. In some cases, after the disease, complications may occur in the middle ear, characterized by a large amount of accumulation of pus. This disease is known as otitis media. Also, the inflammatory process can go to the inner ear - labyrinthitis.
In addition to all this, swelling of the larynx may form. Inflammation in this case may be subject to submandibular, as well as cervical lymph, meninges, thyroid gland. As a result, meningitis occurs, which is very dangerous for humans.
A few days after the complete cessation of antibacteri altherapy in connection with the improvement of the patient's well-being, a disease such as phlegmonous tonsillitis, or paratonsillitis, may occur. As a result of this, a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition is again observed: fever, sore throat, which is already permanent, pain and inflammation of the lymph nodes, slurred and fuzzy speech, constant salivation. An abscess appears in the throat, which leads to severe pain when turning the neck.
The inflammatory process that occurs in the human body leads to severe intoxication, which does not allow you to sleep and eat normally. As a result, the person may lose consciousness. In this case, there is only one treatment - a strong antibiotic.
Complications after a sore throat: in conclusion
The consequences of tonsillitis can make themselves felt a few weeks after recovery, and in some cases much earlier. Therefore, it is important to remember:
- Do not refuse to rinse the larynx, even after the discomfort disappears, because the infection located on the tonsils can go to other organs.
- Treatment must be taken very seriously: follow all the instructions of the therapist and complete the course of treatment. Remember, a complication of a sore throat can bring great harm to your he alth.
- After illness, it is necessary to exclude physical activity and hypothermia of the body. A repeated cold can lead to severe complications.
- Strengthening the body with systematic courses of vitamins, hardening will allow not only to endure the disease as easily as possible, but also to avoidunpleasant consequences of tonsillitis.
- Attention to alarms not only during illness, but also after - a sure chance to respond in time to any changes occurring in the human body.
Always treat your he alth with due attention, and it will never let you down. Do not get sick and get treated on time and correctly! Do not rely on yourself and try to get rid of tonsillitis on your own without the help of your doctor and a course of antibiotics.