Insulin is a hormone that controls glucose levels in the body. If a person has a high sensitivity to this hormone, then this is a sign of he alth. If insulin resistance is observed, then there is a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The first type of the disease is considered a hereditary pathology and most often manifests itself in the first years of life.
Risk group
Insulin sensitivity can change throughout life depending on diet and lifestyle. Approximately 90% of people diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. For this reason, pathology is called the disease of civilization. After all, if there is no hereditary predisposition, then the disease is acquired.
How to avoid type 2 diabetes and who is at risk? The likelihood of developing the disease increases with every extra kilogram. That is, people with obesity are at risk. If obesity is 2 degrees, then the risk of developing diabetes increases by 5 times. And if the degree is even higher, then the risk increases by 10 or more times. According to statistics, 80% of diabetics have obesity to one degree or another. The risk of developing diabetes increases several times if a person has close relatives with this disease.
The rapid increase in the number of diabetics is associated with modern lifestyle. People are sedentary, addicted to fast food, semi-finished products and sausages and are in a state of constant stress. It is these factors that provoke the appearance of the disease.
How to avoid diabetes? Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that provokes the development of diabetes. In the presence of such a diagnosis, the patient often has a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and indigestion. In most cases, glucose levels are very high and there is a high risk of type 1 diabetes.
How can you tell if your blood sugar is high?
Excessive rest fatigue and headaches can be symptoms of diabetes. High blood glucose levels are indicated by "floating dots" before the eyes and blurred vision. Increased thirst and frequent urination, shortness of breath and inability to concentrate are all characteristic symptoms of high blood sugar. With them, it is imperative to consult a doctor, at the initial stage, you can eliminate the symptoms with the help of a diet.

Physical activity
How to avoid diabetes? Increasing physical activity is one way to avoid disease and increase the body's sensitivity to insulin. There have been manystudies in different countries, and doctors were able to establish that, indeed, physical activity reduces the risk of developing the disease by 50%.
According to the National He alth Service, to correct the situation, it will only take regular aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day, with moderate intensity. You need to exercise at least 5 days a week. In addition to reducing the risk of diabetes, exercise can help stabilize blood pressure, reduce body weight, and lower cholesterol.
If the disease already exists, then increased stress can cause hypoglycemia. In such situations, exercise should be accompanied by constant monitoring of blood sugar levels.
Austrian scientists managed to establish that strength exercises have the least effectiveness in preventing the appearance of a “sweet” disease. The best indicators for increasing insulin sensitivity were shown by those who were engaged in swimming, cycling and walking. But the best performance is for those who alternate strength and aerobic exercise.

How to avoid the development of diabetes? Increase sleep duration. According to Japanese researchers, if there is no sleep even for one night, then this is a provoking factor for the body's inability to break down insulin and produce glucose. And this increases the risk of developing diabetes. And American scientists have found that it is possible to improve the condition, even ifincrease nighttime sleep by 1 hour. The studies were conducted on 16 he althy people who slept 1 hour more for 6 weeks compared to their usual lifestyle. The study subjects had increased insulin sensitivity.
In addition, people who sleep less eat more and move less. And this is the risk of developing obesity and, as a result, diabetes.

Weight Loss
How to avoid diabetes in women and men? Not only physical activity, but also a ketogenic diet will help reduce body weight. The essence of nutrition is that carbohydrates are removed from the diet, and the emphasis is on the use of proteins and fats. At the moment when the body does not have enough carbohydrates, it begins to process fat reserves, perceiving them as a source of energy, and as a result, ketone bodies appear. These chemicals, produced by the liver, travel throughout the body to absorb body fat.
After three months of research, it was found that people on a ketone diet managed to reduce insulin levels by 50%, and sugar levels by 12 points. Blood sugar levels remain almost the same before and after meals, and as a result, the pancreas does not produce an increased amount of insulin.
Other studies have shown that even with high blood sugar, the diet allows you to reduce its amount to normal.

Nutrition Correction
How to avoid diabetes in women and men?Of course, nutritional adjustments are indispensable.
You can reduce the risk of developing the disease by reducing carbohydrate intake and introducing increased amounts of protein and unsaturated fats into the diet. You can lower your glucose levels by consuming fiber. Although it is a type of natural carbohydrate, the body is unable to break down fiber, so it does not raise blood sugar levels after eating it.
Products that have undergone industrial processing are a huge threat. Usually they have a huge amount of sugar and all kinds of substitutes.
Recommended to consume vegetable protein: peas, lentils, beans, soybeans and chickpeas. It is recommended to supplement the diet with foods that contain alkalis, such as garlic, cabbage, citrus and unsweetened berries, and fruits. Use olive oil instead of ketchup. Eat natural dark chocolate, but in moderation. It lowers cholesterol.
Multiple meals
How to avoid diabetes? An important factor in the prevention of the disease is the amount of food taken at a time and the number of meals throughout the day.
Even a gradual transition from large to small portions makes it possible to reduce the risk of "sweet" disease by 46%. The researchers were able to establish that a real decrease in blood sugar levels is noticeable as early as the third month after the gradual reduction in portions. Moreover, the smaller the portion, the less sudden bursts of insulin production.

Cyclic fasting
Another way to avoid diabetes is cyclic fasting. The essence of such a diet is that for 1-3 days nutrition occurs with a decrease in the calorie content of dishes by 75%. On other days, the person eats as usual. This may be an alternation of ordinary days and days when the calorie content is reduced.
At the same time, fasting can increase insulin sensitivity, but has almost no effect on blood glucose levels. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe such nutrition.
Water and drinks
How to avoid type 1 diabetes? Reduce to a minimum, and it is better to completely abandon drinks that contain gases and sugar. Long-term studies have found that drinking two bottles of carbonated drinks throughout the day increases the likelihood of developing type 1 disease by 99%, and type 2 by 20%.
Children under 18 are at risk. Indeed, at a young age, developing diabetes may not manifest itself in any way, and drinking drinks can provoke the development of the disease. Juices are also classified as harmful drinks, it's no secret that all manufacturers add a lot of sugar there.
Therefore, it is recommended to quench your thirst only with clean water. It allows you to control the process of producing glucose and insulin.
The adult part of the world's population is recommended to drink coffee, naturally, in a reasonable amount. Researchers in the field of medicine have been able to prove that drinking this drink reduces the risk of developing the disease from 8% to 54%. This percentage difference is due tothe amount of drink you drink throughout the day. However, if we talk about the benefits of coffee, we should discard drinks such as latte or macchiato, that is, with a high content of sugar or caramel.
Tea has similar properties. The effectiveness of these drinks is due to the fact that they contain polyphenols, which protect the body from the development of diabetes. And green tea also contains epigallocatechin gallate, which increases the body's susceptibility to insulin.

Quit smoking
How to avoid diabetes in men? First of all, stop smoking and reduce the amount of alcohol consumed.
Passive smoking is no less dangerous. The researchers were able to establish that even with moderate smoking, no more than 20 cigarettes per day, the risk of developing the disease is 44%. If you smoke 20 or more cigarettes, the risk of diabetes increases to 61%. But if you abandon the addiction, then after 5 years the risk of developing the disease decreases by 13%. The complete disappearance of the risk of developing an illness due to smoking can be said only after 20 years of life without cigarettes.
Even if a person gains weight after quitting cigarettes, the risk of developing an illness is much less than when smoking.

Prevention in pediatrics
How to avoid diabetes in children? Parents should pay attention to the behavior of the child. An alarm bell is a constant thirst for him, respectively, a largethe amount of water entering the body causes frequent urination. If diabetes develops, there is a high risk that the child will return to nighttime involuntary urination.
One of the symptoms of the development of the disease is dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. This is due to the fact that all the fluid from the intercellular space is removed along with the urine. It is necessary to monitor the weight of the baby, sudden changes in the direction of increase or decrease can be a sign of the development of pathology. At risk are children who have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, that is, one or both parents are diagnosed with this type of disease. Therefore, such children must be regularly taken for examination by an endocrinologist.
How to avoid diabetes? The most unfortunate thing is that at an early age the disease may not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms intensify when the disease is already in the middle degree. Without fail, as a preventive measure, parents are required to:
- regularly vaccinate your child against viral pathologies;
- teach your baby from an early age to play sports and eat right;
- strengthen immunity;
- don't let the baby have emotional stress.
Also, parents should monitor the normal weight of the child, not accustom to sweets and carbonated drinks. It is better to refuse a child than to treat him for diabetes later.
How to avoid amputation?
Diabetes mellitus is an insidious disease that threatens to develop many dangerous consequences. It is believed that almost every 20 seconds in the world the foot is amputated in patients with diabetes. In Russia, there are about 15 million patients with "sweet" pathology, of which about 40 thousand have diabetic foot syndrome.
How to avoid limb amputation in diabetes? There are a number of rules that will have to be followed throughout life with such a diagnosis:
- feet should be washed daily and dried with a soft towel;
- to remove keratinized parts from the foot, use only pumice stone, in no case use sharp objects, scissors or a blade;
- apply bold cream to the feet after bath;
- inspect feet daily for damage, abrasions or cracks;
- change your socks or tights every day;
- socks should not have tight elastic;
- do not walk barefoot, even at home, so as not to accidentally hurt the foot;
- shoes should be soft, not tight;
- regularly should do vascular gymnastics for the feet and lower leg.
If there is a wound on the foot, you should immediately consult a doctor. And of course, blood sugar levels should be monitored on an ongoing basis.