Crusts in the nose: causes and treatment. Ointment for the nose

Crusts in the nose: causes and treatment. Ointment for the nose
Crusts in the nose: causes and treatment. Ointment for the nose

The nasal mucosa has been famous for its vulnerability for many years. Minor disturbances in the body, temperature fluctuations are reflected in her condition. Nose crusts are a phenomenon that many people experience. They cause serious inconvenience to their owners, so everyone wants to get rid of them. Why do these neoplasms appear, what to do with them? The answers to these questions are contained in the article.

Causes of crusts in the nose

First you need to understand where they come from. Why do crusts appear in the nose? Reasons can be named only after assessing their nature. Neoplasms can be dry, bloody, purulent. All of them deserve a closer look.

crusts in the nose
crusts in the nose


Where do purulent crusts in the nose come from? These neoplasms are the result of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in the body (staphylococcus, streptococcus). They are located on the inner surface of the respiratory channels.

how to deal with crusts in the nose
how to deal with crusts in the nose

Possible reasons for their appearance are as follows:

  • the width of the nose does not match the size of the sinuses;
  • diseases of infectious genesis suffered in childhood;
  • diagnostic measures or surgical interventions on the nasal cavity (use of insufficiently sterilized consumables or instruments);
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the nose;
  • Injuries suffered.


These pathological neoplasms are located on the walls from the inside, characterized by drying of serous secretions. Dry crusts in the nose appear under the influence of physical factors. It could be:

  • frequent climate change;
  • long stay in a dusty room;
  • hormonal changes (during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, with regular use of oral contraceptives);
  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to hot or dry air;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • treatment that reduces the volume and rate of mucus secretion synthesis;
  • inhalation of allergens (plant pollen, smoke, gas).

About where dry neoplasms can come from is described above. What other reasons exist? Crusts in the nose appear if a person stays in a horizontal position for a long time. This is because the inside of the nasal cavity dries up.


These pathological neoplasms can be formed under the influenceallergic rhinitis. Also, blood crusts in the nose can become a complication associated with an intense load on the capillaries of the mucous membrane.

blood crusts in the nose
blood crusts in the nose

What other factors should be noted? They can be as follows:

  • purulent sinusitis of bacterial origin;
  • pathological change in the mucous membrane (most often experienced by older people);
  • long-term medication (crusting in this case is a complication);
  • abrupt temperature change;
  • damage to the capillaries as a result of an attempt to tear off a dry, dense neoplasm from the inner wall of the nose.

Bleeding in the nose is a phenomenon that many women encounter in the postpartum period. Dryness, unpleasant itching - such symptoms can inform about infection in the delivery room. These signs should not be left unattended, you should definitely visit a doctor.

In children

Where do children's nose crusts come from? There are various possible answers to this question:

crusts in the nose in children
crusts in the nose in children
  • damage to the bones of the facial part of the skull;
  • presence of a foreign body;
  • fragility of the capillary network of the mucous epithelium;
  • intense nasal membrane irritation;
  • opened boil;
  • hormonal changes during puberty;
  • bacteria, viruses.


Nose growths are a phenomenon that should never be ignored,even if it does not cause any particular inconvenience. If a person does not receive adequate treatment in a timely manner, complications should be feared;

  • bleeding;
  • atrophic processes of bone tissue and nasal mucosa;
  • snoring;
  • constant headache;
  • no sense of smell.

Does your nose keep crusting? In this case, you should immediately undergo a medical examination. Based on the symptoms and diagnostic results, the doctor will be able to determine the source of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment.

Conservative Therapy

How to get rid of crusts in the nose? Conservative therapy involves the use of the following methods.

  • Iontophoresis. Exposure to current causes irritation of the skin, which makes it possible to increase its permeability, the ability to absorb drugs. The procedure helps to restore the normal functioning of tissues.
  • Irrigation of the mucosa with mineral solutions.
  • Flushing. Such procedures help rid the nasal cavity of mucus. As a result, breathing is restored, the volume of secretions is reduced.
  • Normalization of lymph flow. This leads to the restoration of the excretory function.
  • Organotherapy. The technique involves the use of drugs that are obtained from the internal organs and glands of animals. Its use contributes to the restoration of tissues, activates the work of organs.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is often prescribed for blood tumors. In most cases, the accumulation of bloodoccurs under the influence of high blood pressure, due to weak blood vessels. Local preparations are used, these can be ointments, sprays, drops, and so on.


Drugs are selected based on the symptoms of the disease and the results of the diagnosis. So, which nasal ointment can you use?

Fleming's ointment against crusts in the nose
Fleming's ointment against crusts in the nose
  • "Traumeel S." This homeopathic remedy stops bleeding, stimulates the recovery process, successfully copes with inflammation and swelling, and relieves discomfort.
  • "Rescuer". This balm contains vegetable oils. The components have an analgesic, antibacterial, soothing effect. Also, its use promotes tissue repair.
  • "Fleming". The use of this homeopathic ointment helps to eliminate pain and inflammation. It promotes tissue regeneration, normalizes the process of cellular respiration, dries.
  • "Viaton". This phytobalm eliminates inflammation and pathogenic flora, stimulates the healing process.

In addition, oxolin nasal ointment is popular. This drug effectively moisturizes the mucous membrane, produces a wound-healing effect.

It is convenient to apply the ointment with a cotton swab. First, the nasal cavity is thoroughly washed, then it is treated with a drug. This procedure must be repeated three times a day. Positive dynamics can be achieved already a week later.

Sprays, drops

How to get rid ofcrust in the nose? This can be done with drops and sprays. Drugs are prescribed to kill bacteria, eliminate inflammation, dryness and irritation.

nasal spray
nasal spray
  • "Physiomer", "Marimer", "Otrivin Sea", "Humer" - all these sprays strengthen and moisturize blood vessels.
  • "Polydex". This drug includes components that have anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and antibacterial effects.

Washes and inhalations

What else can be the treatment of crusts in the nose? Drug therapy will achieve the desired result faster if you make it part of inhalation and washing. For washing, it is best to use Aqualor and Aquamaris. The procedure is repeated three to four times a day.

The power of inhalation should not be underestimated either. The procedure is carried out using a nebulizer. If crusts have formed under the influence of a bacterial infection, be sure to use an antiseptic.

The following drugs are available to patients;

  • Dioxidine.
  • Miramistin.
  • Chlorophyllipt.

Cautery of mucous membranes

What other treatments for crusts in the nose are there? In some cases, mucosal cauterization or conchotomy is required. This mainly occurs with polyposis, chronic diseases. Most often, this procedure is carried out using radio waves or a laser. The operation takes no more than five minutes and is performed under general anesthesia.


Surgery may be needed ifor other disease has led to perforation of the septum or atrophy of the nasal mucosa. During the operation, pathologically altered areas are removed. The inner wall of the maxillary sinus moves towards the septum, the dilated nasal passages narrow. This eliminates the prerequisites for the formation of new growths.

There is another solution to the problem. We are talking about the introduction of synthetic materials into the submucosal septum.

Folk recipes

If crusts form in the nose, traditional medicine can also come to the rescue. The effectiveness of the tools discussed below has not been tested by the first generation. They do not cause harm to he alth, as they are prepared from natural ingredients.

treatment of crusts in the nose with folk methods
treatment of crusts in the nose with folk methods
  • You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, plantain and sage. You need to add a tablespoon of each of the listed ingredients to a glass of water. The liquid is boiled for five minutes, then infused for another forty. This healing decoction is used to wash the nose.
  • Inhalations with essential oils provide excellent results. Preference should be given to the product, among the components of which there is menthol. For example, it can be mint, eucalyptus oil.
  • For washing the nose, you can use a solution of sea s alt. This remedy should certainly be softened by adding a few drops of olive oil. If you wish, you can refuse sea s alt in favor of ordinary table s alt.
  • The nasal cavity can be treated with sea buckthorn or oliveoil. It is convenient to use a cotton swab to apply the product. Also, oil can be instilled into the nose.
  • Tea tree oil is famous for its healing effect. This product can be added to baby cream or used neat.
  • Rosehip oil is also suitable for treating the nasal mucosa. With its help, not only adults, but also children can be treated.
  • Seaweed also helps to get rid of crusts in the nose. The product should be dried, crushed to a powder. The resulting powder must be inhaled daily. It is important that particles of cabbage do not enter the bronchi, so you need to breathe with caution.
  • You can boil two tubers of unpeeled potatoes, attach them to the wings of the nose while they are in a warm state. Before this, you can drip menthol oil into each nostril, which will increase the effectiveness of this method. Tubers should be kept until completely cooled. It should be remembered that this method cannot be used for sinusitis.
  • Chop the onion using a food processor. Next, you need the resulting mass in the amount of three tablespoons, pour 50 ml of water. If desired, you can add half a teaspoon of honey. The tool should be infused for half an hour. Then the product is filtered, buried in each nostril. This procedure is allowed to be repeated up to five times a day.

Baby products

The above is about how to deal with crusts in the nose in an adult. Such neoplasms also cause serious inconvenience to children. They will always betry to remove the growths yourself. This is dangerous as it can lead to nosebleeds.

The child's body has not yet fully formed, so the treatment should be carried out using the most neutral means and preparations, be gentle. You can fight growths with:

  • boiled water with sea s alt (a teaspoon of s alt must be dissolved in a glass of liquid);
  • baby cream used as an ointment;
  • vegetable oil diluted with water.

To get rid of crusts, you can use cotton swabs, flagella or small enemas. A nasal aspirator can also be used, which will not harm even a newborn.


Is it possible to prevent the formation of crusts in the nose? To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • regularly clean and ventilate housing;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • moisturize the air with special household appliances;
  • timely treat colds, flu;
  • Rinse your nose regularly with saline.
