What is the Cortexin review worthy of? Properties and price of the drug

What is the Cortexin review worthy of? Properties and price of the drug
What is the Cortexin review worthy of? Properties and price of the drug

One of the biggest achievements of domestic medicine is the emergence of the drug "Cortexin", which contributes to the treatment of various pathologies that occur in the brain of the human head. It took almost 30 years to develop the drug. The creation and testing of the drug was carried out by the Military Medical Academy.

review cortexin
review cortexin

Did Cortexin deserve at least one positive review? Practicing clinicians and leading pharmacologists have proven that this drug is the leading drug in the field of therapy for the brain and most of the concomitant ailments that have a neuronal etiology.

The principle of therapeutic effect

What is Cortexin, and what is its therapeutic effect? The drug is a complex morphological structure with many elements. It consists of the simplest protein components, which are balanced in a certain way from vitamins and other biologically necessary compounds. In combination, all these components of the drug "Cortexin" enable nerve cells to quicklyrestore their lost functions.

Many years of practice confirms the inefficiency of most rather strong drugs in the treatment of abnormalities in the brain of the head. They do not cope with problems due to the inability to overcome the blood-brain barrier. This is a powerful body defense system that prevents various adverse and aggressive factors from affecting the brain.

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cortexin price

Despite the fact that Cortexin has a complex structure, it has a fairly low molecular weight. This allows the drug to quite easily overcome the described barrier and penetrate exactly into the brain, as a result of which the therapeutic effect is faster and stronger.

Mechanism of drug action

The action of the drug "Cortexin" lies in its ability to restore the disturbed balance between amino acids. They affect the activity of important biological processes in the nervous system, memory, intellectual abilities, and also suppress reactions in the form of convulsions, prevent the destruction of neurocytes. Such an effect of "Cortexin" allows it to be used not only in the field of neurology, but also in the case of mental disorders, in neurosurgery and other therapeutic actions. This versatility of the drug can only cause positive feedback. Cortexin, in addition to a wide spectrum of action, has one more advantage.

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cortexin 10 price

The dose load of the drug on the body is minimal, which contributes to itsuse regardless of the age group of patients. Therapy with it can be prescribed to both newborns and people in old age.

Areas of action of the drug

The positive effect of Cortexin can also be observed in the case of hemorrhagic stroke. Already a few days after the start of taking the drug, the condition of the affected area of the brain and the bed of blood vessels improves, the process of restoring the neuropsychic connections that have been broken is accelerated, and a positive trend is observed during the electroencephalogram. In this case, the drug "Cortexin" also acts indirectly, stimulating an increase in blood flow and improving its access to the affected areas of the brain.

The effectiveness of the drug has also been proven in the treatment of symptoms of various neuroinfectious diseases. With it, it is possible to reduce the number of patients suffering from headaches, weakness and dizziness several times over. This fact also causes more than one positive feedback.

"Cortexin" is also used for ophthalmic abnormalities - with damage to the retina or other parts of the optic nerve.

Other areas of drug exposure

The drug exhibits a rapid rehabilitative effect, which provides a positive effect in the treatment of not only the brain of the head, but also parts of the nervous system remote from it. For example, Cortexin reduces inflammatory reactions in the case of sacral or lumbar sciatica.

review cortexin
review cortexin

Indications for use

Drug"Cortexin" is used for complex treatment of the following conditions and diseases:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • bacterial and viral neuroinfections;
  • asthenia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • encephalitis;
  • impaired thinking and memory;
  • infantile cerebral palsy (its various forms);
  • decrease in learning ability;
  • delayed speech and psychomotor development at an early age;
  • radiculitis;
  • pathologies of the retina and some others.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

In some cases, when using Cortexin, allergic reactions occur. Slight redness may appear at the injection site. But pretty soon it disappears, as evidenced by more than one review. "Cortexin" is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation. With individual intolerance to the drug, it is also not recommended for use.

How to use

For whatever purpose Cortexin is used, its effectiveness depends directly on the stage of the disease, during which treatment with it was started.

The method of introducing the drug into the body is intramuscular injections. The contents of the vials are dissolved in water for injection or sodium chloride. The drug is administered daily, once a day. Appropriate dosages for each patient should be prescribed by a doctor.

The recommended amount of Cortexin for newborns and babies weighing less than20 kg - 0.5 mg per kilogram of the child's weight. The rest is administered 10 mg of the drug daily. The course of treatment is 10 days. It is repeated if necessary. In this case, the break between courses should be at least one month.

review cortexin
review cortexin

Interaction with other drugs

Cortexin is not allowed to be used simultaneously with medical preparations of peptide origin. Novocaine should not be used in the process of its dissolution.

Cortexin drug: price

The minimum cost of this drug is 67 rubles per vial (5 mg). At the same time, the lowest price for a package, which includes 10 such bubbles, is 620 rubles. How much does the drug "Cortexin-10" cost? The price of this drug ranges from 100 rubles per bottle to about 1090 rubles per package (meaning 10 vials of 10 mg each).
