Recently, depression in people, especially residents of large cities, has become quite common. This is facilitated in many ways by the rapid rhythm of life, along with disturbed ecology and constant stress. Some try to treat depression with alcoholic beverages. But this approach, of course, is fundamentally wrong. It will not be possible to solve the problem in this way, but it is quite possible to gradually turn into an alcoholic. Depression is a disease and should be treated with drugs such as antidepressants. The side effects of these drugs will be discussed in the article.
Antidepressants and their mechanism of action on the body
Currently, pharmacies sell a variety of antidepressants that belong to different categories of drugs. But the impact on the body of most of them is the same and is always directed to a change in the amount of certain chemical elements in the brain tissues, which are called neurotransmitters. Themdeficiency leads to all sorts of disorders of the psyche and nervous activity, in particular this causes the development of depression.
As with any drug, antidepressants also have side effects. More on that below.

The action of such drugs is that they increase the content of neurotransmitters in the brain or make cells more susceptible to these elements. It is customary to prescribe any antidepressants for quite long courses. This is directly related to the fact that they do not show their effect immediately. Most often, the positive effect of the use of such a drug begins to develop only a few weeks after the start of its administration. In those situations where it is required that the effect of the drug manifest itself faster, doctors prescribe it by injection. According to reviews, antidepressants are considered very effective drugs. Their use reliably eliminates such manifestations of depression as a sense of hopelessness along with a loss of interest in life, apathy, sadness, anxiety and longing. But don't forget the side effects of antidepressants.
Antidepressants don't help, what to do?
You can often hear that it makes no sense to take these medicines because of their ineffectiveness. But most often, the lack of results lies in the fact that people buy antidepressants in pharmacies without a medical prescription, and, therefore, without consulting a specialist. In this situation, the medicine may simply not be suitable for the person, or the person maytake it in the wrong dosage. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the required treatment.

In addition, do not forget that in order to get the result of therapy, they should be taken for a long time, at least three months. Are there antidepressants without side effects? Many patients are concerned about this issue.
Should I buy cheap drugs?
Often, patients refuse treatment with antidepressants because of their high cost. True, in pharmacies you can almost always buy cheaper analogues that will not be inferior to the main product in terms of their effectiveness, in addition, quality or safety. Cheap antidepressants, according to patient reviews, affect the body no worse than their counterparts, which are significantly superior in price. But in the event that there are still doubts, then you can always consult on the choice of a medicine with your doctor.
How long should treatment last?
As a rule, doctors prescribe antidepressants for long courses, which range from several months to one year. You cannot refuse treatment on your own until the completion of the course recommended by the doctor.
The side effects of antidepressants are much more common in women. In addition to the main reactions, they most often have a decrease in interest in sex, it is also difficult to achieve orgasm, lubrication decreases (vaginal dryness appears).
Some means other thanthat relieve the symptoms of depression, they also have a psychostimulating property. Against the background of their use, patients often have problems falling asleep. But even in this situation, it is impossible to refuse further treatment. It is advisable to contact your doctor with a request to change the scheme of therapy. For example, your doctor may recommend that you take your prescribed medications at lunchtime and in the morning.
Side effects
Acceptance of any medications, including antidepressants, can lead to side effects. Drugs in this group, according to reviews, can often cause a slight feeling of nausea along with problems with falling asleep. Very rarely, they lead to violations in the sexual life. As practice shows, all of the listed side effects are observed in the first few days of admission, and then they disappear on their own, and no additional treatment is required. The attending physician usually advises antidepressants with a minimum of side effects.
Most of today's anti-depression medications have little to no interaction with other medications they take. But in the event that a person buys antidepressants without a prescription and takes any other drugs, including dietary supplements, it is certainly important to consult with a specialist about the safety of joint use.

The side effects of the antidepressant Fluoxetine abound. The drug is also knownunder the name Prozac. It is important to note that it can be highly addictive. "Fluoxetine" has an extremely negative effect on the central nervous system. With prolonged uncontrolled intake, this leads to:
- dizziness and headaches;
- nightmares;
- euphoria;
- anxiety;
- psychomotor agitation;
- neuroses;
- disordered thinking;
- loss of coordination;
- attention disorder;
- lethargy.
Also, there is a risk of drug overdose.
It is impossible to completely exclude any complications even against the background of the use of psychotropic drugs with a sparing effect. The greatest likelihood of side effects as a result of the use of antidepressants occurs among patients suffering from somatic diseases, in addition, in the elderly, who have an increased sensitivity to psychotropic drugs.
The most common side effects of tricyclic antidepressants include anticholinergic disorders along with disorders of the nervous system. Plus, there may be malfunctions in the work of the heart and blood vessels, in addition, sometimes there are complications in the hematopoietic organs, as well as metabolic and endocrine changes associated with weight gain and allergic reactions.

Side effects and complications from antidepressants tend tomanifest themselves in the initial stages of admission in the first couple of weeks. They sometimes persist for one month of therapy, after which they undergo reverse development. Against the background of persistent and at the same time overly pronounced disorders, it is advisable to reduce the dose, and if necessary, a complete cessation and refusal of therapy is required. So, among the main side effects that can develop against the background of the use of antidepressants, the following conditions are most often observed in patients:
- Appearance of nausea.
- Feeling of dry mouth.
- Decrease or complete lack of appetite.
- Presence of vomiting.
- Development of diarrhea or constipation.
- Frequent dizziness.
- Insomnia along with headaches.
- Increase feelings of anxiety.
- The appearance of nervousness along with a sense of inner tension.
Under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to choose an antidepressant without side effects for your body.
Many people are very wary of antidepressant treatment, as they believe that these drugs can deprive them of all human emotions, thereby turning them into soulless robots. In fact, this is completely true. According to reviews, antidepressants minimize feelings of fear, longing, and anxiety. They have absolutely no effect on any other emotions.
Another equally common myth about antidepressants is that once started treatment with these drugs, a person will have to continue to use them all the time.the rest of your life. In fact, antidepressants do not cause any physical addiction, let alone mental dependence. Just for the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to prescribe them to patients for long courses.
Antidepressants with minimal side effects
Available over the counter with minimal side effects:
- Tetracyclic group - "Maprotiline" ("Ladiomil").
- Tricyclic group - Paxil (Adepress, Pleasil, Cyrestill, Pleasil).
- Selective inhibitors - "Prozac" ("Prodel", "Fluoxetine", "Profluzak").
- If you need to give up long-term bad habits, such as smoking - "Zyban" ("NoSmok", "Wellbutrin").
- Herbal preparations - "Persen", "Deprim", "Novo-Passit".
Antidepressants and exercise
Against the background of sports training in the human body, hormones of joy begin to be intensively produced, which are scientifically called endorphins. They do an excellent job of reducing the severity of depression, improving mood. For this reason, regular exercise is ideally combined with antidepressant therapy, reducing the duration of courses and reducing the dosage of drugs used.
Thus, if you have mild depression, it's best to go to the pool or the gym instead of buying antidepressants from the pharmacy withoutmedical prescription. So a person will be able not only to improve his condition without the use of medicines, but it will also bring many benefits to the whole organism as a whole.
Completion of antidepressant therapy
In the event that a person has started a course of treatment with antidepressants, then you should never stop it on your own without the permission of a doctor. This is because any withdrawal of antidepressants must be done slowly and gradually. Against the background of a sharp refusal of further therapy, depressive symptoms will almost immediately return again. In addition, the symptoms may become even stronger than they were before the start of the course of treatment. That is why the abolition of antidepressants should occur strictly according to the indicated scheme, which was recommended by the attending physician.

Now let's find out what ordinary people who have been treated with these drugs think about the use of antidepressants.
Reviews about the side effects of antidepressants
People have different opinions about antidepressants, but in general they are satisfied with the effect that can be achieved by taking them. In particular, it is reported that taking these medications actually helps change your life for the better when depression sets in and everything starts to seem so bad that you don’t even want to live.
Almost all the comments that people leave on the Internet about certain antidepressants are accompanied by words and phrases such as "helps","rescues", "manages to get out" and so on.
There is a wide variety of information about the speed of obtaining the result. So, some write that they were able to notice the effect after the first few days of taking it, while others report the result only after one month.
Among dissatisfied reviews, there is often a statement that antidepressant withdrawal is extremely difficult for patients. On this basis, apathy and depression overcome a person in full. In addition, they talk about the appearance of uncontrollable anger. Therefore, many say that they began to feel even worse than before taking the medication. As part of the commentary on such reviews, it should be recalled that antidepressants, including those with the least side effects, are not a toy at all, and they should be taken only as directed by a doctor.
Not infrequently, people talk about such a side effect as insomnia. On top of that, for some, taking pills is accompanied by a decrease in libido. Some talk about how they did not tolerate the course in general, and also that antidepressants increase blood pressure.

People are also dissatisfied with the fact that it takes too long to take such pills in order to achieve and maintain a positive effect. Quite often there are complaints about the cost of antidepressants, which for some drugs can reach up to two thousand rubles per package.
So, in conclusion, let's name the main advantages thatpeople who used antidepressants say:
- Drugs change lives for the better, helping to get out of difficult situations.
- Relieve feelings of depression, tearfulness, anxiety, irritability and so on.
The following disadvantages are given as disadvantages:
- High cost.
- Development of side effects. Most often it is insomnia and decreased libido.
- Need for long-term use.
- Depression worsens for some.
- Withdrawal.

Thus, today antidepressants are a good solution in case of depression. In most reviews of antidepressants and side effects, people report their effectiveness. But it is extremely important to take a course of treatment with these drugs only in accordance with medical recommendations, because otherwise, with self-therapy, your condition can only aggravate.
The side effects of antidepressants and tranquilizers are very similar. But the main difference is that the former are addictive, while the latter are not.