Today we invite you to talk about what atrial tachycardia is. In addition, we will analyze many issues: classification, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and so on.
Before we get to the heart of the matter, I would like to note the following fact: PT (atrial tachycardia) is observed in people with heart problems, but often this ailment is noticed in absolutely he althy people.
Despite the fact that in most cases the disease is mild, unpleasant symptoms require drug therapy (we will also talk about this later).
As the name implies (atrial tachycardia), the source of the disease is the atrium. The causes of the disease are numerous: from smoking and being overweight to atrial surgery and chronic diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system.
What is this?

Let's start with the fact thatatrial tachycardia has a focus (a small area where the disease occurs). It is in the focus that stimulation of faster contractions of the heart occurs by generating electrical impulses. So the heartbeat of a person quickens.
As a rule, the generation of these pulses is not constant, they do not occur so often. In this case, the disease is called "paroxysmal atrial tachycardia." However, there are cases when this happens constantly for several days or months. It is worth noting that there may be more than one focus, which is seen in the elderly or those suffering from heart failure.
Besides this, we will note atrial tachycardia with AV block, this is a rather serious disease, which is a type of arrhythmia. Localization - atrium. The disease may not manifest itself for a very long time, but then its manifestations become quite frequent and stable. Heart disease is a bad joke, for example, this problem can cause instant death or syncope. We will immediately introduce an explanation of the last term - a short-term fainting state. Recognizing an attack is quite simple - the heart begins to beat faster, from 140 to 190 beats per minute.
The constant manifestations of rapid heart muscle work is a serious reason to visit a cardiologist, because the disease depletes your heart.
There are three types of atrial tachycardia:
- With blockade.
- Monofocal (from 100 to 250 heart muscle contractions per minute with a constant rhythm).
- Multifocal (a distinctive feature is an irregular rhythm).
Besides this, it is worth noting that atrial tachycardia can have one source or several. Based on this, all types can be divided:
- on monofocus (one focus);
- multifocal (several foci).

Now we will classify this disease according to several criteria. The first one is the localization of the site of impulse formation. There are three types in total:
- sinoatrial reciprocal (localization - sinoatrial area);
- reciprocal (localization - atrial myocardium);
- polymorphic atrial tachycardia (may have one or more foci).
The next sign of classification is the course of the disease. For more convenience, we have provided a table.
Variety | Course of illness |
Atrial tachycardia paroxysm | A distinctive feature is the presence of seizures that begin and stop suddenly. The attacks may vary in time, but you can notice the regularity of the rhythm in them |
Non-paroxysmal tachycardia |
This variety has subspecies:
It is also important to know that non-paroxysmal tachycardia is quite rare |
The last sign of classification is the mechanism that affectsappearance of an impulse. As in the previous version, a table is provided for convenience.
Variety | Reason |
Reciprocal |
There could be several reasons for this:
At the same time, the heart rate varies between 90-120 beats per minute |
Automatic | Often seen in young people. The cause of automatic atrial tachycardia is physical overexertion. This type does not require treatment |
Trigger |
Here we see the opposite picture. Trigger tachycardia is more common in the elderly. The reason may be:
Polytopic | This variety may appear as a result of a severe lung disease. In addition, polytopic tachycardia may accompany a disease called heart failure |
Let's try to analyze the causes of atrial tachycardia. This disease can occur for many reasons, including heart disease, valve malfunction, heart damage or weakening. The causes of the latter factor may be a previous heart attack or inflammation.

In addition, at risk - drug addicts and alcoholics, people with metabolic disorders. The latter is possible if the activity of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands is increased.
Immediately it is worth mentioning: in most patients, the true cause of the disease has not been established. If the doctor suspected atrial tachycardia, then he will definitely prescribe several studies:
- blood test;
- electrocardiogram of the heart (easier - ECG);
- electrophysical research.
This is all you need to find out the cause of tachycardia. But it is worth setting yourself up in advance that the true origins of the disease will not be established for sure. This is especially true for the elderly. Attacks of atrial tachycardia in them are a frequent occurrence. So it is accepted to consider this already the norm.
So, let's list a few more causes of atrial tachycardia:
- excess weight, which is the source of many diseases (especially the human cardiovascular system);
- high blood pressure;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- chronic lung disease;
- taking certain medications and so on.

Symptoms include:
- rapid contraction of the heart muscle;
- dyspnea;
- dizziness;
- chest pain;
- appearance of feelings of anxiety and fear;
- blackout eyes;
- appearancefeeling short of breath.
We note right away that not everyone has the same symptoms, someone can feel the whole of the above complex, and someone will not notice how the attack will pass. Most have no symptoms at all or only notice a rapid heartbeat.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that young people can notice the signs more often than the elderly, since in the latter case, an increase in heart muscle contractions, as a rule, goes unnoticed.
If you notice signs of atrial tachycardia, you should contact a cardiologist. The doctor is obliged to refer you to a number of studies:
- UAC;
- OAM;
- biochemical analysis;
- ECG (Holter);
- Echocardiography;
- ultrasound of the heart;
- blood test for hormones.
But still, the only way to diagnose the disease is to conduct an ECG at the time the attack begins. If you describe the symptoms to the doctor, then he can conduct an ECG using the Holter method (tracking the patient's heart for 24 or 48 hours). If this option is not possible, then the cardiologist may provoke an attack during the EP procedure.
Differential Diagnosis

You can see what atrial tachycardia looks like on an ECG in the photo of this section of the article. Distinctive Features:
- correct rhythm;
- palpitations;
- interval R-Rnot the same;
- P wave is either negative or on the same level as T.
It is mandatory to exclude:
- sinus tachycardia (features: heart rate up to 160 per minute, gradual development and decline);
- sinus-atrial paroxysmal tachycardia (features: the P configuration is normal, the course is mild, it is stopped by antiarrhythmic drugs).
Is the disease dangerous?
Before we move on to the treatment of atrial tachycardia, we will find out if it is life-threatening. Despite the possible unpleasant symptoms of this disease, the disease does not pose a serious threat to life.
If you do not have a constantly rapid heartbeat, then the heart muscle can easily cope with attacks. It is also important to note that these same attacks do not entail any other heart problems. An exception is the presence of complications (for example, angina pectoris). As mentioned earlier, the presence of rare attacks is not dangerous, but what if the heart is forced to work hard for a long amount of time (days or even weeks)? Constant acceleration of the heart muscle leads to its weakening. To avoid this, treatment is needed.
There is no risk of blood clots or stroke, so there is no need to take blood thinners (anticoagulants). The only doctor's recommendation is to take Aspirin or stronger analogues, such as Warfarin. The need to take the last drug is when the patient has otherheart problems (for example, atrial fibrillation, which is characterized by abnormal heart rhythm).

Treatment is selected by an experienced specialist on an individual basis. We can say that the selection of medicines is done by trial and error. As a rule, atrial tachycardia is asymptomatic, so treatment is not necessary here.
Medical therapy or catheter ablation is necessary in two cases:
- presence of unpleasant symptoms;
- frequent seizures threaten heart enlargement.
Atrial tachycardia with AV block requires urgent withdrawal of glycosides (if the patient is taking them). A solution of potassium chloride, or rather its intravenous drip infusion, helps to stop the attack. In addition, phenytoin is used.
Forecasts and prevention

Prevention measures include:
- active lifestyle;
- proper nutrition;
- he althy sleep (at least 8 hours);
- maintaining a he althy lifestyle (refusal of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and so on).
It is necessary to avoid overwork and stressful situations. The prognosis for this disease is favorable. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, then atrial tachycardia does not pose a serious danger to a person's life.