What is gonorrhea in women. Signs of the disease

What is gonorrhea in women. Signs of the disease
What is gonorrhea in women. Signs of the disease

Gonorrhea is an infection caused by the bacteria gonococcus. This disease is one of the five most common diseases transmitted through unprotected sex.

Gonorrhea in women: signs

The incubation period for women is usually 4-16 days, the average is a week. In almost 80% of cases, a woman does not even go to the doctor, not suspecting the presence of gonococci in the body, because there are almost no signs of the disease.

gonorrhea symptoms in women
gonorrhea symptoms in women

Gonorrhea in women can show its signs even after the end of menstruation. And they consist in an unpleasant itch and yellow discharge from the vagina. Pain in the perineum may be disturbing, but this is extremely rare. A woman begins to often run to the toilet "in a small way." If the disease concerns the rectum, then gonorrhea in women can also have signs in the form of abdominal pain and itching during stool. The disease that has passed to the uterus can show signs of intoxication in the form of menstrual irregularities, fever and pain.

Gonorrhea in women may have signs of complications in the form of an inflammatory process in the uterus, appendages or rectum. AtThis will multiply gonococci during each menstruation. The presence of an intrauterine device only increases the risk of infection.

first signs of gonorrhea in women
first signs of gonorrhea in women

Summarizing, it should be repeated that the first signs of gonorrhea in women are often simply impossible to notice. But in the end result, the patient can get adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which makes them impassable. Thus, a neglected form of the disease can lead a woman to infertility. If there is an accumulation of pus in the uterus or tubes, a disease such as peritonitis develops. For a pregnant woman, the disease can result in fetal malformations or miscarriage. In general, complications occur much more often in women than in men.

Gonorrheal pharyngitis

It is possible to infect one partner with another and through oral contact. In such cases, gonorrheal pharyngitis or stomatitis develops. The first, as a rule, is asymptomatic, only sometimes profuse salivation and sore throat are possible.

Gonorrheal pharyngitis is characterized by pain, sometimes mild, sometimes severe. The tonsils and the throat itself may turn red. There is also a purulent plaque, swelling of the palatine uvula and palatine arches.

signs of gonorrhea in women photo
signs of gonorrhea in women photo


Signs of gonorrhea in women (the photo above gives an idea of what the causative agent of the disease looks like) may become more pronounced with the development of gonorrheal proctitis. Inflammation of the rectum may not necessarily begin after anal sex, there are cases when itdevelops during normal sexual contact. It's just that infected discharge can flow from the vagina, and then the parasite affects not only the genitourinary system, but also the rectum.

Gonorrheal proctitis can occur either without symptoms at all, or the patient observes discharge from the anus, feels pain and itching.


There may be cases of gonococcal damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes - blennorrhea. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane and strong purulent discharge.

Gonorrhea can also cause damage to the heart, joints and many other organs. Negligence towards the disease provokes the transition of the usual form of the disease into a chronic one literally a few weeks after infection.
