Children are truly the flowers of life. They bring so much joy and happiness to those who are ready to receive them! In life, different situations happen, it happens that there are many children in dysfunctional families, they wander the streets, and such “flowers” themselves are unhappy, and parents are not particularly happy with their existence. But there are couples who are waiting for the miracle of the birth of a baby, but it does not happen … Previously, this problem had no solution. But in recent years, medicine has been able to find a way that makes it possible for a family to raise their baby. This is IVF - in vitro fertilization. Such infertility treatment is carried out by specially equipped clinics, one of which is "Ava-Peter" (St. Petersburg).
History of occurrence

The urgency of the problem of infertility among young couples led to the emergence of the clinic "Ava-Peter". Since 1996, in partnership with Finnish colleagues, a clinic for the treatment of male and female infertility has been opened in St. Petersburg. Duringwork "Ava-Peter" (St. Petersburg) has earned numerous thanks and appreciation from married couples, for whom she has become the last hope for the birth and upbringing of their child.
Branches of the clinic throughout its existence were opened in several cities of the country. It is the base of the Department of Women's Reproductive He alth of the MAPO. This indicates the dynamics of the study of reproductive problems of men and women, studies of new methods of treating infertility. The latest technology developments are being tested to overcome the problem of not being pregnant with multiple IVF attempts.
Diagnosis in clinic

Treatment at the clinic "Ava-Peter" (St. Petersburg) always begins with a preliminary conversation. For a fertility doctor, it is important to understand what the spouses did to conceive a child. In this case, questions of the following nature are asked:
- How much time was spent trying to get pregnant?
- Did the couple receive any treatment?
- What diagnosis has already been made?
- According to spouses, what are the causes of infertility?
- Has the couple's inability to conceive affected other areas of a man's and woman's life?
- How does each spouse feel about adoption or guardianship?
For a full diagnosis, a specialist will need confirmation of previous diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Reproductologist of the clinic "Ava-Peter" (St. Petersburg) explainsa couple of possible causes of infertility, prescribes additional consultations of narrow specialists, then a separate examination is carried out for women (ultrasound, tests for hormone levels, assessment of patency of the fallopian tubes, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy) and men (ultrasound of the testicles, appendages, prostate gland, spermogram, sperm examination for antisperm antibodies, hormone levels).
Oncology and reproductive functions

This is a very important direction in the work of the clinic. The diagnosis "cancer" often deprives people of any hope for life and procreation. But thanks to the latest developments in medicine and technology, as well as the high professionalism of the clinic staff, it became possible to preserve the patient's biological material for procreation.
Cryopreservation of eggs, ovarian tissues, spermatozoa is practiced at the Ava-Peter clinic (St. Petersburg). This is done in order to suspend the patient's biological clock until the moment of his functional ability to conceive a child. By defrosting biological material, specialists maintain its viability, thereby increasing the likelihood of pregnancy, its preservation and the birth of he althy children.
This service is very important for cancer patients. After all, chemotherapy affects the human reproductive system. The patient can donate his biomaterial to the cryobank and calmly take care of his he alth by performing various medical manipulations. But for freezing, it is necessary to donate biomaterial before the start of chemotherapy courses.
Methods of treatmentinfertility

It takes a lot of time, effort and patience to defeat this disease. The clinic "Ava-Peter" (St. Petersburg), the reviews confirm this, successfully helps people overcome problems with the inability to conceive a child. To do this, different methods and methods are used here.
Depending on the causes of infertility, specific manipulations are applied to help a woman feel the joy of motherhood, and a man to feel like a significant and responsible father.
Hormonal therapy is used for endocrine infertility. This is one of the easy ways to achieve the desired result, but it is also not 100% predictable.
Artificial insemination is used if a man has problems with sperm quality or antisperm bodies. In addition, there is also a "black hole" in reproduction - this is 10% infertility due to unidentified reasons. In this case, the specified treatment method is also applied.
Infertility treatment is also effective with IVF. Reproductologists use this method if the function of passing the egg through the fallopian tubes is impaired or the man has a low quality of spermatozoa. Also, this manipulation is successful when different forms of infertility are combined or if other methods of conceiving a child have not brought the desired result.
The complex method of injecting sperm into the egg is necessary for male infertility. After fertilization, the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity and takes root there.
Also usedsurrogate motherhood, when a woman cannot bear a pregnancy for medical reasons. The reason for such indications may be the absence of the uterus or a disease that prohibits such stress for the body.
LLC "Ava-Peter" - monitoring of pregnancy in women

After the performed manipulations, the woman is more reverent about her condition. If the attempt to get pregnant was successful, then it is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding the daily regimen, nutrition, physical activity. All risks of losing a baby should be minimized. To do this, you need to come to scheduled examinations and monitor your condition. The doctors of the clinic "Ava-Peter" on Gagarin (reviews of women confirm this) are very attentive to the complaints of patients. If necessary, additional examination and treatment is prescribed.
Specialists understand how much moral, physical and material work the woman got her pregnancy, therefore, at the first complaints, they are ready to help the expectant mother.
Studying the genetic characteristics of the patient

If attempts to get pregnant are not successful, the doctors of the Ava-Peter clinic on Nevsky Prospekt and in other branches conduct a genetic examination. They analyze whether there are any mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene, conduct a thorough chromosomal study in men and women. Also, the fetus is not left without attention, in case of an undeveloped pregnancy. A cytogenetic study is underwaycells to identify the causes of miscarriage. With the help of genetic examinations, in each repeated case of fertilization, the likelihood of continuing to bear a child and maintaining his he alth increases.
Genetics counseling is necessary for a couple in some cases:
- if the marriage is between relatives;
- in the presence of hereditary diseases;
- if the spouse has been exposed to radiation;
- if there are deviations from the norm of the screening;
- if there are malformations of the child according to the results of ultrasound.
Team of employees

The staff of the clinic are highly experienced and highly professional. Many of them trained in European IVF clinics. Candidates of Sciences, doctors of the highest category often speak and participate in international conferences, adopting the experience of world specialists: reproductive specialists, gynecologists, geneticists and other scientists.
Clinic branches
The Russian-Finnish clinic "Ava-Peter" has spread across the country in some cities. In St. Petersburg, it is located along Nevsky Prospekt, 22-24. The Moscow branch is located at: 24/1 Gagarin Ave. Also relatively recently opened branches in Vologda and Kazan. All branch doctors have special training, so it’s not scary to trust them with the life of your future baby.
Reviews of patients of the clinic
Patients note good conditions, an individual approach to everyone, modern devices and methods of treatment. Unfortunately, not every attemptgetting pregnant is crowned with success. Those who managed to do it immediately or after some effort rejoice and thank the whole team. Patients who try to get the desired pregnancy, but it does not occur, are upset and blame the whole world for this. The specialists of the clinic do their best to fulfill the dream of every couple, so do not despair if you cannot conceive a child right away.