Location and structure of the ovary

Location and structure of the ovary
Location and structure of the ovary

Every girl and woman just needs to know how her body works. Moreover, he has simply magical powers, namely, the ability to reproduce a person into the world.

ovary structure
ovary structure

We propose in this paper to consider the structure of the ovary, uterus, and their functions. We will also talk about some of the problems that the fair sex may face. Let's start with the fact that the ovaries are paired glands for sexual purposes. The ovaries perform two main functions: generative and endocrine. We will definitely talk about this a little later. We suggest starting with the structure of these gonads.

Structure of the ovaries

As we have already said, the ovaries are paired organs, which are the sex glands of the female body. It is there that the formation of eggs and their maturation takes place. Before we consider the structure of the ovary, we will determine how it is located relative to other female organs. The ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus. Each of them is located near the side wall of the small pelvis.

structure and function of the ovaries
structure and function of the ovaries

They have a pale bluish color, the surface is bumpy, theythe ovaries are oval and slightly flattened. The structure of the ovary is actually a very difficult question. Their surfaces are distinguished:

  • medial;
  • lateral.


  • mesenteric;
  • free.

Two ends:

  • trumpet;
  • uterine.

Now a little about the parameters. In a mature girl, the ovaries can reach the following sizes, of course, age and individual characteristics must be taken into account:

Parameter Norms
Length 2.5 to 5cm
Width 1.5 to 3cm
Thickness 0.5 to 1.5 cm
Mass 5 to 8g

Each ovary has a coating in the form of a tunic, they are connected with the abdominal part only through the fusion of the peritoneum and the mesenteric edge. Under the albuginea there is also a cortical coating, which is much stronger than the first one, and the glandular tissue is also located there. In the very center is the so-called medulla, which is distinguished by the presence of many vessels and its loose consistency, which is needed as a connective tissue.

We also note that the cortical substance contains follicles, which are divided into types:

  • primary;
  • vesicular.

The first ones on our list are not mature follicles, the second ones are already completelymature and contain follicular fluid. It is in them that the main sex cells, the eggs, are formed. The mature follicle and egg are involved in the process of ovulation. The first one bursts, the egg moves with the help of the fringe into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube. Sometimes it happens that the follicle begins to dissolve, and has not completed its maturation.

The structure of the uterus

Consider the following question - the structure of the uterus and ovaries. These two organs are directly linked. It is their joint work that makes it possible to reproduce offspring and continue the human race. The uterus has the shape of a pear, its weight is normal - from 40 to 60 grams. In its structure, they distinguish:

  • body;
  • neck;
  • isthmus.

It is also important to note that the uterus is a hollow organ, that is, there is a free cavity inside. Its walls are in contact, which is why this cavity looks like a gap.

multifollicular structure of the ovaries
multifollicular structure of the ovaries

Select the layers of the walls:

  • endometrium, or mucous membrane, is the inner layer;
  • myometrium, or muscular, is the middle layer of the uterine wall;
  • The serosa and peritoneum are the last, outer layer of the uterus.

Each layer undergoes some changes in the life of a woman. The endometrium can be from one to three millimeters thick (it all depends on the phase of the cycle). There are no changes in the myometrium until pregnancy and childbirth, its thickness varies from three to ten millimeters. The last layer covers all women'sorgans.

We propose to briefly highlight the main functions and purposes of this body:

  • infection protection;
  • self-cleaning;
  • sperm transport;
  • implantation;
  • creating conditions for the embryo;
  • fetal expulsion (during childbirth);
  • strengthening the pelvic floor.

Ovarian functions

We examined such genital organs as the uterus and ovaries, their structure. And ovarian function is our next question. We mentioned at the very beginning of this article that the ovaries perform two main functions:

  • generative;
  • endocrine.

The first function is the formation of germ cells. We offer a brief overview of the process of oogenesis. It differs from the process of spermatogenesis, it has three stages in total:

  • reproduction;
  • growth;
  • ripening.

During the first stage, oogonia reproduce, which in most cases occurs during intrauterine development. This process stops when the cell enters meiosis. At this stage, development stops until puberty. The growth stage takes place already in the mature ovary, which is functioning. The last stage begins with the formation of second-order oocytes, and this process ends with the release as a result of ovulation.

The main difference from spermatogenesis is the absence of a formation stage.

We mentioned another function of the ovaries - the endocrine function. Granuloses, whose functions are regulated to a greater extent by lutropin, producehormones:

  • estradiol, derived from testosterone precursor;
  • estrone, it helps the formation of estriol in the liver and placenta;
  • progesterone, which is essential for ovulation.

Ovarian Development

We examined the structure of a woman's ovary, now we propose to talk very briefly about its development.

It is worth noting that the formation of this organ begins in fetal development. Already in the fifth month, girls have fully developed gonads that have follicles. After which they atrophy. The ovaries will be fully formed in girls at the age of two years.


female ovary structure
female ovary structure

We have considered the question of the structure of the ovaries, tubes, egg. But what happens in the female body during pregnancy? The ovaries play a decisive role, namely the production of the necessary hormones. It is also a cradle for maturing eggs. During fertilization of the egg, a corpus luteum forms in one of the two ovaries. It is necessary for increased production of progesterone. The corpus luteum helps the placenta to fully form, at the twelfth week it begins to die, since its main function has been completed.

You should also know that during pregnancy, a woman's ovaries go into "hibernation" so that another ovulation does not occur.


We have already considered the internal structure of the ovary, but did not talk about the fact that their depletion happens. What it is? This disease is briefly called OIS (Ovarian Wasting Syndrome). SIA includes a whole range of symptoms:

  • amenorrhea;
  • violations in the vegetovascular system;
  • infertility before a woman reaches 40.

This diagnosis can be made by doctors, provided that the woman has not previously experienced difficulties with menstrual and reproductive function. Despite such a complex of symptoms, this disease is quite treatable.


structure of the uterus and ovaries
structure of the uterus and ovaries

The multifollicular structure of the ovaries is almost no different from the structure of a he althy one, the only difference is that eight or more follicles simultaneously exist in the ovaries. The norm is from 4 to 7, only one of them reaches full maturity, less often two. Multifollicularity can be detected using ultrasound (ultrasound), while the picture is as follows: in the ovaries there are more than seven follicles in the ripening stage.

It is also important to note that it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis with the help of ultrasound, because multifollicularity can strongly resemble polycystic disease. If they saw a threat, then they appoint a consultation with a gynecologist and an analysis to determine the hormonal background.


structures of the ovarian tubes
structures of the ovarian tubes

In some cases, the ovaries can be removed. Consider briefly the options for when they are subject to removal:

  • hormone dependent breast tumor;
  • cyst;
  • cancer;
  • inflamed pelvic organs.

Ovaries, the structural features of which we examined,are often removed along with the fallopian tubes. After the removal of two ovaries, you can no longer talk about the possibility of becoming pregnant. First, the process of ovulation stops and the menstrual cycle stops. Further, a lack of estrogens is noticed in the body, as a result of which the uterine mucosa atrophies.

internal structure of the ovary
internal structure of the ovary

We examined the structure of the ovary, listed some diseases. Remember that women's he alth is very important to protect, because the ability to have children depends on it.
