The main sinus of the nose: location, structure, functions and diseases of the sinuses

The main sinus of the nose: location, structure, functions and diseases of the sinuses
The main sinus of the nose: location, structure, functions and diseases of the sinuses

The human respiratory system is a very delicate and complex mechanism that performs a variety of functions. This is not only providing the body with oxygen, but also humidifying the air, cleaning it from dust and fine fractions, as well as the ability to distinguish odors. The main sinus of the nose is the maxillary sinus. A person has two of them: to the left and to the right of the nose; and any pathology in this organ can lead to serious consequences.

Types of sinuses

where is the main sinus located
where is the main sinus located

The main sinus is not the only one. There are a number of air ducts in the front of the skull, which have their own name and function:

  1. Frontal sinus - located in the frontal lobe, between the eyebrows.
  2. Ethmoid sinus - to the left and right of the top of the bridge of the nose.
  3. Nasal cavity.
  4. Sphenoid sinus - located near the temporal part of the skull.
  5. Pharynx - also applies to nasalsinuses.

The inside of the sinuses is lined with a network of fine blood vessels and mucous membranes.

Highmore's sinus

nasal sinus polyp
nasal sinus polyp

Where is the main sinus located? In the upper jaw, to the right and left of the nose, it is a tetrahedral irregular cavity. On average, in an adult, it occupies a volume of up to 17-18 cm3.

The maxillary sinus is a complex structure consisting of the medial, facial, ophthalmic, posterior and inferior walls. In other words, very important human organs are located around the main sinus of the nose: eyes, teeth, pharynx.

Performed functions

The complex structure and size of the main sinus suggests that it has a lot of both internal and external functions:

  1. Protection against harmful and dangerous microorganisms, which is achieved due to the presence of a mucous membrane on the walls of the sinus.
  2. Cavities in the upper jaw allow a person to form speech sounds.
  3. The sinuses are involved in olfactory processes.
  4. Under their influence, the pressure in the front of the skull is regulated.
  5. The presence of sinuses in the upper jaw significantly reduces its weight - compared to the lower jaw, it is much lighter.
  6. Internal functions include air exchange and fluid removal. This feature allows for the outflow of mucus into the nasopharynx through the mouth in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Any violation of air exchange or outflow of fluids leads to their stagnation in the sinuses and, therefore,to the development of various anomalies. The proximity of such important organs as the eyes and brain increases the risk of inflammation for human life.

Causes of sinusitis

main sinus
main sinus

Inflammation of the main sinus is called sinusitis. It is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane, overlapping of the mouth, followed by obstruction of the outflow of fluids and accumulation of pus in the sinuses.

With improper air exchange, when the air stream is directed to one place by a narrowed sinus, neoplasms appear, one of which is a cyst of the main sinus of the nose.

Sinusitis can develop for a variety of reasons:

  1. Inadequate cure for the common cold.
  2. The appearance in the nasopharynx of viruses or bacteria brought there by air.
  3. Acute respiratory viral disease: influenza, colds.
  4. Fracture or contusion of the periosteum of the upper jaw.
  5. Ingression into the sinuses of small particles of industrial dust harmful to he alth, accompanying the presence of a person in hazardous production (cement plant, chemical or metallurgical plant, etc.).
  6. Human living in conditions with dry, hot air.
  7. Lack of the habit of brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth after eating.
  8. Smoking cigarettes, using tobacco in other ways.
  9. Severe hypothermia.
  10. Weakening of the body's immune system.
  11. Allergy to dust, pollen, benzenes and other pathogens.
  12. Presence of adenoids or polyps in the sinuses.
  13. Development of tumors of various etiologies in the sinuses.

One of the reasons for the development of sinusitis is the long-term and unsystematic use of drugs that narrow the vessels of the mucous membrane. Long-term use of nasal sprays and drops cause thickening of the mucous membrane to such a state that it completely blocks the sinuses and other airways in the upper jaw. Thus, the main paranasal sinuses are destroyed by the person himself.

What diseases are in the sinuses

sinus cyst treatment
sinus cyst treatment

The complexity and diversity of the sinuses lead to dangerous diseases. Most often, a person suffers from sinusitis, but there is also sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, a polyp of the main sinus of the nose (is the result of an overgrowth of the mucosa, is practically not sensitive to touch, but can provoke the pathologies listed here), and, of course, the well-known rhinitis. By the way, it becomes the cause of addiction to the mentioned drugs, which narrow the vessels of the mucous membrane.

Signs of sinusitis

main paranasal sinuses
main paranasal sinuses

Symptoms of sinusitis affect the general well-being of a person and affect various body systems:

  1. First of all, the patient has nasal discharge. They have an unpleasant putrid odor and a green-yellow color. But this is only in the severe stage of the disease - at the initial stage, the mucus is transparent, with small green impurities.
  2. There is severe pain in the front of the face, namely around the nose. Pain worsens if the person tilts their head forward.
  3. Air exchange is disturbed on the right or left side of the nose. This condition is called congestion.
  4. In the acute form of the disease, body temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius.
  5. Pain and lack of oxygen cause sleep loss and memory impairment.
  6. The general condition of a person is accompanied by apathy, disability, weakness in all members.
  7. With the development of the disease, the pain in the head becomes comprehensive, it covers not only the face, but the entire skull. Filling the maxillary cavity with pus and mucus gives a person’s voice a characteristic timbre - it becomes “nasal”.

When the pain is severe, the discharge from the nose becomes profuse, sometimes blood appears in them. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since self-medication at this stage is not effective and even life-threatening.

Drug therapy for sinusitis

nasal sinus cyst
nasal sinus cyst

The main diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses are allergic, rhinogenic, polyposis sinusitis, as well as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and a number of other similar pathologies. Treatment for almost all of these types of diseases is about the same. Preparations and procedures are prescribed individually and only by a specialist, depending on the general condition of the person. It is very important to follow the dosage and the scheme of application of the prescribed drugs.

Sulbacin, Unazin or Amoxiclav are used to combat bacterial infection. Also prescribed drugs containing amoxicillin. The swelling of the mucous membrane is stoppedwith Phenylephrine, Oxymetazoline, Leconil or Nazol.

If rhinitis is of allergic origin, then the patient is prescribed a course of Loratadine, Kestin or another antihistamine.

In order to cure a person of a disease that caused sinusitis, such as a cold or flu, he needs to take Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol, or another similar remedy.

To speed up the release of mucus from the sinuses, the treatment complex includes drugs such as Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine, Licorice Root Syrup. They belong to the so-called mucolytic agents.


Surgical treatment is often recommended for sinusitis. In this case, a long needle is inserted into the maxillary sinus through the nostrils and pus and stagnant mucus are sucked out. The procedure is painful and unpleasant, but it is performed only when the patient is conscious.

Treatment of a cyst of the main sinus rarely ends after taking medication. Most often, the formation is removed surgically. In addition, this type of therapy is used in situations where the mucous membrane has undergone a change during the long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs. The surgeon simply cuts off the thick outer layer of the shell. Unfortunately, it may grow back quite soon. Polyps and adenoids are also surgically removed.

Helpful tips

diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses
diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses

During the treatment of sinusitis, the patient is advised to drink more fluids to speed up the outflow of mucus infected with the infection. You should also carry out inhalation with essential oils. This also helps fight the virus.

For the entire duration of treatment, the patient is placed in isolation or quarantine. He should not walk the streets and to work. In a special room, a comfortable air temperature is maintained, as well as its humidity. Dry air causes irritation of the mucous membrane.

The sinuses are cleared of mucus by regular blowing. In young children, this procedure is performed using a special suction or enema.

Doctors recommend washing the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses with special solutions. Usually it is "Miramistin", "Furacilin" or another antiseptic. The procedure is performed by an ENT doctor in his office. Several sessions are usually scheduled, depending on the severity of the disease.

Prevention measures

Sinusitis can lead to chronic migraine, visual and hearing impairment, orbital abscess, cellulitis, intracranial abscess and meningitis. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the disease only under the supervision of specialists.

It is best to prevent disease from occurring. To do this, you need to follow a number of preventive recommendations. First of all, you should protect the body from hypothermia. To do this, you need to dress adequately for the weather, especially in the winter season.

For flu and colds to runquickly and without complications, doctors recommend not to ignore the annual vaccination. During the treatment of a cold, it is necessary to undergo a full course of therapy, despite the improvement in well-being. By the way, this is the main mistake of all patients: they stop drinking the prescribed pills and syrups as soon as they feel better.

To strengthen the immune system, you need to exercise regularly and temper your body. You need to get rid of bad habits. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol weaken the body as a whole, and especially the respiratory system and immunity.
