Cancer is a very complex disease that requires long and expensive treatment. There are many factors that contribute to its emergence and development. However, to reduce the risk of the disease, cancer prevention is performed. Naturally, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from harmful influences, but, of course, you can reduce their intensity.
What causes disease?

To know how to prevent the disease, you should deal with the causes that most often cause it:
- bad habits (smoking, alcohol, fast food);
- ecological pollution of the harmful environment;
- excessive influence of the electromagnetic field;
- infectious or viral diseases (may trigger the development of cancer);
- malnutrition and excessive consumption of fat, as well as foods that contain carcinogenic components;
- lack of physical activity;
- heredity.
Of course, there are many other factors, but it is impossible to list them all. But cancer prevention involves taking some steps to help protect your body from malignant diseases.cells.
What types of preventive measures are there?
Measures to prevent malignant disease are primary and secondary. The first type of action involves weight control, adjusting the diet to exclude potentially dangerous ingredients. Naturally, you need to give up cigarettes, as well as alcoholic beverages. Try to do the simplest physical exercises.
As for secondary measures, in this case, cancer prevention provides for the timely examination of persons who are suspected of having a pathology. It is necessary to pass such checks, especially if you fall into a risk group. Usually, the examination is carried out every six months or a year.
Can I protect myself from illness at home?
Most cancer prevention is done at home, with the exception of examinations using ultrasound and other equipment. A person can independently adjust his diet, force himself to exercise, limit the consumption of fats and other harmful products.
In order to quit smoking and drinking, there is no need to go to the hospital and take chemicals. Just pull yourself together. And try to consume as much clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Exclude from the diet or limit the amount of smoked sausages, canned food. Try to treat any infection in the body in time, watch your teeth, the condition of internal organs. Get tested from time to time.
How can a man protect himself from prostate cancer?

The male population does not really like to go to the doctors, especially when it comes to his intimate sphere. Therefore, malignant diseases of the prostate gland are detected already in the later stages, in which chemotherapy and surgery do not always help. It should also be noted that male strength also depends on her he alth, so it is advisable for a man to periodically be examined by a urologist. At the same time, it should be carried out at the first sensations of discomfort.
Prevention of prostate cancer involves an annual check-up that men over 40 should have. From time to time, you need to take a venous blood test. Particular attention should be paid to the examination of those men who are overweight. The increased risk of disease should be considered for those people who work with pesticides who have high levels of androgens. Remember that a man should try to eat moderately fatty foods. For prevention, you can use soy, green tea, tomatoes or tomato juice, garlic. And keep an active lifestyle.
Features of the prevention of cancer of the anus and rectum

People who sit for a long time, eat poorly, have hemorrhoids, are more at risk of developing malignant pathologies of the rectum. Naturally, in order to prevent the development of the disease, certain precautionary measures must be taken.
Prevention of colorectal cancerinvolves a change in lifestyle and diet. For example, try not to sit for long periods of time. If you are forced to do this because of work, then periodically perform simple physical exercises. As for food, it should not be excessively high in calories, the diet must contain the optimal amount of liquid, fruits and vegetables. Give up smoking and alcohol.
It is very important to treat hemorrhoids in time, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. Diabetics are susceptible to this pathology. Try to see a doctor at the slightest discomfort in the anus: inflammation, wounds, cracks, blood-streaked feces, frequent constipation. Do not be ashamed to see a proctologist from time to time, especially if you have the above problems.
How can a woman protect herself from breast cancer?

Malignant tumors in the mammary glands today are found very often. In order for the situation not to get out of control, a woman should undergo an annual examination by a mammologist. In addition, the prevention of breast cancer involves monthly self-palpation of the glands. Regular sex life, which promotes the production of female hormones, as well as the first birth before the age of 25-28, will also help protect against the disease.
Don't give up on breastfeeding your baby. Prevention of breast cancer also includes physical activity, that is, performing simple exercises that will not only improve he alth, but also fillbody with energy. Give up bad habits associated with tobacco and alcohol. Try to avoid nervous shocks, depression, adjust the regimen and diet. Let it contain all the elements, vitamins and minerals necessary for normal operation.
Those women who are at risk should be examined every 6 months. It includes not only an examination by a specialist, but also ultrasound and mammography.
Stomach cancer: how to avoid?

Diseases such as gastritis, ulcers or other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can trigger the development of malignant cells. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take certain measures that will help protect yourself from a terrible disease. Stomach cancer prevention includes:
- proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and other essential substances;
- drinking the optimal amount of water;
- tobacco and alcohol withdrawal;
- timely detection and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
- intermittent ultrasound.
What measures should be taken to prevent cervical cancer?

Erosive processes in the cervix contribute to the appearance of harmful cells and their development. However, this situation can be avoided. For example, preventing cervical cancer involves drinking plenty of fluids, vegetables, and fruits. You also need to watch your weight. Try to avoidpromiscuity with different men.
Naturally, it is necessary to give up bad habits, taking oral contraceptives. Numerous pregnancies can lead to the appearance of the disease, especially if the birth was difficult. Get rid of or avoid infection with various sexually transmitted infections in time. Every woman should periodically undergo an examination by a gynecologist, as well as conduct a cytological examination of the cells of the cervix. If the patient is suspected of having a disease, then specialists should conduct a detailed examination, which includes a histological analysis of tissues, morphological and molecular research methods.
Through timely prevention, women can reduce their risk by 95%. In addition, vaccinations against this pathology are already being made.

How to protect yourself from lung cancer?
Malignant processes in the lungs are in first place among oncological pathologies. The most important cause of the appearance of pathology is smoking. Therefore, the prevention of lung cancer involves the immediate cessation of tobacco. In addition, special measures should be taken by those people who work in hazardous industries (this is the manufacture of aluminum, pesticides, coal, alcohol, rubber). They must wear protective masks and sometimes gas masks.
Also, try not to be around people who smoke. The fact is that passive smoke is no less harmful than a tobacco puff. For timelyPrevention should be done every year fluorography of the lungs. Pay attention to the first symptoms that may indicate a malignant organ lesion: persistent cough, weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss and others.
Besides, live a full active life, exercise and eat right. Stay he althy!