Gastroenteritis is a disease that occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine. Causes include bacteria, viruses and foods.

How is the illness progressing?
In acute intestinal infection, diarrhea occurs from 3 to 15 r / day, depending on the severity, vomiting from a single to 15 r / day, abdominal pain, temperature from normal to 40 degrees.
Moderate to severe gastroenteritis causes thirst, dry mouth, infrequent urination, palpitations, dehydration, weight loss.
In the most severe cases, pallor, cyanosis of the fingertips, nose, earlobes, dizziness, convulsions, fainting, impaired consciousness are noticeable.
Rotavirus gastroenteritis is common and is treated on an outpatient basis.
Chronic gastroenteritis is a change in the gastrointestinal mucosa leading to permanent absorption problems. The patient periodically experiences nausea, diarrhea, heaviness in the stomach, difficult and painful digestion. Which leads, as a result, to weakness, fatigue, weight loss, irritability, disorderssleep.
Symptoms of gastroenteritis in adults and children
Depending on the cause of gastroenteritis, the following symptoms are distinguished:
- Viral gastroenteritis, in addition to general indigestion in acute intestinal infections, causes symptoms of SARS: runny nose, discomfort in the throat, dry cough.
- In bacterial inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the onset is usually acute with a sharp rise in temperature.
- There is also nausea and repeated vomiting, cramping pain in the navel area, frequent loose stools with mucus and greens.
- Toxic gastroenteritis causes stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, frequent blood-streaked or tar-black stools.
- Helminthic gastroenteritis tends to be milder than others. Manifested by nausea, dizziness, loose stools, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen. Appetite increased or, conversely, absent.
- With allergic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain on the left, rumbling, frequent copious stools are observed. Temperature normal.
- With alimentary gastroenteritis - complaints of pain in the stomach, in the upper abdomen, around the navel, which intensifies before a stool, nausea, refusal to eat.

Types of gastroenteritis according to the form of manifestation
According to the form of manifestation of gastroenteritis, they are distinguished:
- Acute gastroenteritis, the treatment is diet (acute intestinal infection - AII) - acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. There are mild, moderate and severe degrees.
- Chronic: persistent symptomsdyspepsia at normal temperature, impaired general well-being.
Types of gastroenteritis. Reasons
Due to the cause of gastroenteritis is divided into:
- Viral - caused by viruses. More often in winter. Incubation - 1-3 days. It is typical for children from 3 months to 3 years. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and fecal-oral. Lasts 1-3 days. The virus comes out with feces for another month after recovery. Immunity is developed. Re-going easier.
- Bacterial - from bacteria and their toxins. For example, cholera and salmonellosis. They get sick more in summer-autumn, when bacteria actively multiply. Transmission with food, water, contact. Meat and dairy products, dirty greens and vegetables are especially dangerous. Incubation - 2-24 hours. All categories of the population are ill, but it is especially dangerous for children and the elderly, since they have lower enzyme activity. Lasts 5-10 days.
- Toxic - develops with the use of toxins: alcohol, NSAID drugs, herbs, household chemicals, heavy metal s alts, x-ray preparations. Manifestations - within 48 hours from hit. Passes in 2-5 days.
- Helminthic - worms disrupt the mucosa of the small intestine. The number of infections is higher in summer-autumn. Source - eggs and larvae of helminths from humans and animals.
- Eosinophilic. Caused by an allergy to exotic food. In the digestive organs, vesicles are formed with a large number of eosinophils (a type of leukocyte). Lasts 1-3 days with the complete exclusion of the allergen from food.
- Alimentary. The reason is excessive consumption of fatty or spicy foods, alcohol, irritating mucous organsdigestion. Lasts 1-3 days on a diet.

Diagnosis of gastroenteritis in adults and children
Diagnosis of the disease, both adults and children, is handled by a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist.
First stage: examination by a doctor and appointment of the necessary tests. Symptoms may not always correctly indicate the diagnosis, so it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study. To establish the correct diagnosis and proper treatment, an in-depth study of the state of the patient's body is necessary. An external examination takes into account the condition of the liver and appendix, as well as the condition of the skin.
When diagnosing, the doctor takes into account all, even, sometimes, minor factors. For example, the state of the sanitary situation in the area, similar cases in the environment of the patient, a change in the usual diet, and he also studies the medical history. All this is necessary for the most correct treatment. And also tries to identify the causes of the disease in order to avoid recurrence in a short time.
Laboratory methods include: serological blood test, coprogram, clinical blood test, microscopic and bacteriological examination.
Instrumental: intragastric pH-metry, abdominal ultrasound, esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Medicated treatment
Treatment of gastroenteritis in children and adults can be carried out not only within the walls of the clinic under the supervision of a doctor, but also at home. At the same time, consultation withthey get a specialist, but they take suitable drugs, tinctures at home, on their own. To improve the patient's condition, it is necessary to achieve:
- normalize the balance of water and s alt in the body;
- for the first time after an attack, manifestations of pain, refuse food, after some time continue to eat only the food that strictly corresponds to the diet for patients with gastroenteritis;
- take drugs that will stop the development of diarrhea, vomiting;
- in a difficult situation, take an antibiotic (for severe pain in the stomach).
Treatment of gastroenteritis with folk remedies has the direction of restoring the gastric mucosa. Also, with the help of various decoctions and tinctures, the amount of fluid in the body is replenished. Of the methods of physiotherapy, a warm compress, inductothermia, and paraffin application are good for healing inflammation.
All types of treatment have one target task: to restore the gastric mucosa, to completely remove inflammation. When treatment fails, gastroenteritis causes ulcers to develop.
Folk treatment
The treatment of gastroenteritis with folk remedies is quite attractive, since the natural composition of these medicines avoids many of the undesirable side effects that pharmacological preparations have. Folk remedies for gastroenteritis are a variety of herbal infusions and decoctions to combat the disease. We present here some of them. So, treatment of gastroenteritis in adults:
- Mint tincture - mint leaves(glass) brew hot water (glass) and leave for 30 minutes so that mint gives healing properties to water. Then strain and drink 60 ml at a time. It relieves negative symptoms well.
- Oatmeal flakes - pour boiling water over the flakes, insist that they completely absorb the liquid and a he althy breakfast for the stomach is ready for every day. Has an enveloping effect.
- Cranberries - add 1.5 liters of boiling water to 20 g of berries. Boil over low heat or simply leave for 15 minutes and strain. 80 ml for 4 doses per day. A slightly sour infusion is beneficial in reducing inflammation and fever.
- Orchid jelly - 5-10 g of tubers grind (you can use a coffee grinder), pour a glass of hot milk and stir until jelly. Take 50 g per day.
- Chernogolovka - 1 tsp. chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water insist in a thermos for 2.5 hours. Before taking, strain and take 2 tsp. up to 5 times a day before meals. Helps stop diarrhea and provides anti-inflammatory effects
- Oak bark, tansy, wormwood root, lungwort, bird cherry berries and blackberry leaves are brewed in the same way.
Prevention of gastroenteritis in adults and children
Prevention of gastroenteritis is a series of rules that allow you to protect yourself or your child and stay he althy. What is the treatment of gastroenteritis in children:
- Hand cleanliness - teach your child to wash their hands with soap and water before eating, after walking on the street, after visiting crowded places and the toilet.
- Expiration date - check the expiration date of purchasedfood.
- Cooked food - eat food or products that have undergone sufficient heat treatment (this applies to meat, eggs, fish).
- Water - do not drink raw water, it is advisable to use boiled or purchased water.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables - be sure to wash with warm water and dry with paper towels before eating.
- Isolation - during the period of illness, isolate a sick family member (adult or child), it is necessary to limit communication with him, provide separate dishes and a towel, wear a mask in close contact.
- Product quality - properly sort food in the refrigerator - raw separately from cooked, perishable products (dairy, confectionery) should not be stored on the table or bought at the market.
- Disinfection - during the epidemic, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment more often and carry out wet cleaning, it is better to wash dishes and door handles with soda solution.
- Medical help - when the first symptoms of gastroenteritis appear, it is better to contact your local doctor and get specialist advice.

Gastroenteritis in dogs
A disease such as gastroenteritis in dogs is manifested by a sharp deterioration in digestion, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, high fever, blood in the stool and weight loss. In addition, the disease also affects the mood of the pet: the dog becomes lethargic, begins to whine. Gastroenteritis primarily affects the lining of the stomach and intestines.
The reasons for this unpleasantphenomena favor various factors:
- Bad food, poor quality or spicy or greasy food.
- Irregular feeding.
- Viral or bacterial infection, parasitic infestation.
- Foreign objects.
- Food allergy.
- Medication taking.
When gastroenteritis is detected in dogs, treatment should be followed immediately, otherwise complications, up to and including death, will occur.

Types of gastroenteritis in animals
Types of gastroenteritis in animals:
- Purulent.
- Phlegmonous.
- Diphtheria.
- Muco-membranous.
- Mixed.
- Hemorrhagic or, as it is also called, coronovirus gastroenteritis, the treatment of which depends on the form.
- Croupous.
Proceeds in three stages: primary, secondary and chronic. Symptoms and treatment of gastroenteritis in dogs depend on the cause, type and stage of the disease - treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. At home, to combat dehydration, rehydron solution is poured into the oral cavity.
In order not to face such a problem, first of all, it is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the animal, it must be balanced, with a sufficient content of vitamins and microelements, and vaccinated. In addition, it is worth keeping an eye on the animal, walking on a leash, after feeding it, so that the dog does not have a desire to grab spoiled food on the street.

Gastroenteritis in cats
Cats have a lot of diseases, and if you do not start treatment in time, this will lead to the death of your beloved pet. Gastroenteritis appears as a result of malnutrition, overeating, or feed that is not natural and of poor quality. Food with a small amount of vitamins does not affect the cat as it should, and this leads to poisoning. Sometimes you can see that the pet does not touch the food. If he eats, then vomiting and diarrhea begin. The disease affects the outer structure of the skin. Cats are shedding hair and getting dandruff. But secondary gastroenteritis appears as a result of various diseases. If it is clear that the pet is unwell, in this case, you need to take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. After a thorough examination, he will make the necessary diagnosis and prescribe the treatment of gastroenteritis in cats. The owners must comply with the measures and prescriptions of the doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then in this case, in no case should you often feed your pet. Also, drugs are added to the food that will help cure the pet. A few days later, the pet is watered with decoctions or serum.

All types of treatment have one target task: to restore the gastric mucosa, to completely remove inflammation. When treatment fails, gastroenteritis causes ulcers to develop.