Every modern person should know the essence of depression. Many people are used to thinking that under this term there is a meaningless blues, a temporary upset due to the dull winter sky and the lack of sunlight. But doctors have long recognized depression as a mental disorder that requires specific treatment. True, it is important to understand that in this sense the word is not “sadness-longing”, but a serious situation. The person who got into it needs third-party help.
General view
Signs of depression - this is the so-called depressive triad. It includes a decrease in mood, distorted thinking, inhibition of movements. Mental disturbances deserve special disclosure. This phenomenon includes negativity of reasoning, pessimism. Sick people cannot feel joy. Often, with such a mental deviation, a person suffers from low self-esteem, cannot feel pleasant impressions from life, even if everyday life is accompanied by positive events. Completely lost interest in the usual tasks, events.
Know howgetting out of depression is important, since the deterioration of the condition of many pushes them onto various paths of self-destruction. The most common option is alcohol abuse. Some develop addiction to other psychotropic substances.
Relevance of the problem
Regardless of public opinion, stereotypes nestled in the minds of many people, and reviews, depression is a pathology, a mental disorder, and therefore needs to be corrected, treated. Many believe that this is not even a disease at all, but only a bad character, laziness, a pessimistic attitude, selfishness. Psychologists, psychiatrists assure: depression is much deeper than people used to think about it. The disease in many cases is psychosomatic in nature, which means that it can be de alt with only with the assistance of professional doctors. The best prognosis is for those who managed to make a diagnosis on time and start adequate treatment. Otherwise, the development of the disease can lead to various difficult situations, including death.

Doctors are not bad, although they do not fully know what depression is, how it manifests itself and how such a mental deviation can be cured. Currently, this problem is characteristic of all ages and sexes, does not play a role of social belonging, nationality, race. As revealed in the course of specialized studies, 10% of all persons 40 years of age suffer from manifestations of this disorder (of varying severity). Only a third of this number are men. But among 65-year-oldsthe percentage of patients with depression triples. Up to 5% of children and adolescents are also susceptible to this phenomenon. Among young people, rough estimates are 40%. It is for this age category that a suicidal way of thinking is more characteristic.
Historical summary
Many believe that only modern people know what depression is, but in the old days this problem was not known to anyone. Such an opinion is a delusion, just a stereotype. As is known from the information that has been preserved since ancient times, even in antiquity depression was assessed as a disease, described by doctors of that era. For example, Hippocrates paid special attention to melancholia, gave it a characteristic similar to the disease that psychiatrists, psychotherapists of our time treat.
Hippocrates suggested treating melancholy with enemas and baths, mineral waters, massages, and also recommended having more fun. Even then, a strong influence on a person was noticed by the change of seasons and weather. For many, the condition became better after a sleepless night. Doctors of those times thought for a long time about how to get rid of depression. It was at that moment that sleep deprivation began to be practiced for the first time. Of course, the term itself did not exist then, but modern doctors know its essence well and actively use this approach in practice.
Where did the trouble come from?
It is extremely difficult to list all the causes of depression, there are too many of them. Often, such a situation leads to dramatic experiences caused by personal loss - a person, work, status, position. Depression under the influencesuch a factor is called reactive, that is, it is a response to stress, an external influence on the individual.
What depression is is known to many people who have experienced nervous breakdowns. This term refers exclusively to a stressful moment, provoked by mental, social, physiological factors. Social reasons are most often caused by too fast pace of life, increased competition in society, stressful conditions in which the individual lives. Many say that they are not sure about their future, they have a too unstable position in society, they are constantly forced to struggle with economic difficulties.

Conditions and reactions
Modern people know very well what depression is, as our society forces us to adapt, imposes rules and values on a single person. All this stimulates a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, one's actions, opportunities, forces, decisions. The cult of endless improvement is practiced without limits (psyche, physical form, economic status), strength, well-being.
Failing to adapt to the imposed community, a person is faced with symptoms of depression. Many are worried, numerous personal problems arise, people face failures. However, in some cases, the causes are assessed as somatic. A doctor can identify them at the reception. If the doctor decides in favor of just such an option, the diagnosis will sound like endogenous depression.
What is it about?
Ifendogenous depression is established, what to do, the doctor will tell at the reception. This form of the disease is diagnosed if there is a lack of amines in the body: serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, which should normally be produced by special structures.
Another option is seasonal mental disorders due to lack of sunlight. People have the hardest time in winter, in autumn, when the sky is covered with heavy clouds. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced in human skin, the lack of which, with a lack of light, becomes one of the factors in the formation of an oppressed psychological status.
What else is possible?
Sometimes symptoms of depression are observed while taking a number of specific medications. Often this effect is caused by corticosteroids used to stop inflammatory processes. A similar side effect can provoke benzodiazepines. When the therapeutic course comes to an end, the negative effects associated with it disappear on their own, the psychological state returns to normal. There is a possibility of initiating depression with antipsychotics. This condition can last up to one and a half years, it is characterized by a vital character. Sleeping pills, sedatives, mental stimulants, alcohol - all this can initiate depressive disorders.
It is known that the symptoms of depression are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis affecting the brain. Similar manifestations are observed with head injuries, influenza.
How to suspect?
Depression alreadymore than once it has become the object of research by specialists from leading clinics, scientific institutes from various countries of the world. As it was found out, in terms of frequency, a mental disorder competes with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels - and this is the most common ailment on the planet. A rough estimate of the number of patients at present is several million, but it is not possible to calculate more precisely. Manifestations of pathology vary significantly, much depends on individual characteristics, the nature of the disease, the living conditions of a person.

It is customary to single out the physiological symptoms of depression (in women, men are quite common), behavioral, as well as those associated with emotions and way of thinking. The public is best acquainted with emotional manifestations: despair, longing. It is about them that they remember when they talk about depression. Patients are characterized by a depressed state, anxiety, tension, insecurity, a tendency to get irritated, feel guilty, dissatisfied with themselves. Many worry too much - not so much for themselves, but for loved ones, while others completely cease to feel emotions.
Physiology and behavior
Physiological symptoms of depression:
- loss of appetite;
- inhibition of libido;
- fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy;
- sleep problems;
- impaired intestinal functionality;
- muscle pain.
Behavioral symptoms of depression include careful exclusion from your purposeful life.activity. Patients are passive, they are not interested in events, people. Many try to spend time in solitude, completely refuse any fun, recreational activities. With depression, people tend to abuse alcohol, psychotropic compounds.
Depression and thinking
Symptoms of depression can be seen in the difficulty of concentrating. It is not easy for the patient to concentrate, to put all his strength into one thing, not to be distracted from it for a long time. Decision making is extremely problematic, and thinking in general is somewhat slower than usual.
Many patients note that their thoughts are mostly negative, heavy, gloomy, and the future is seen exclusively in a pessimistic light. It is extremely difficult to imagine positive prospects. Crush thoughts of meaninglessness, uselessness. In this state, many tend to have suicidal thoughts, leading to suicidal attempts. Explaining their behavior, patients use evidence of their insignificance to the public, helplessness and uselessness as arguments.
Official Approach
Depression in women and men has long been the object of attention of specialists, and the pathology itself was officially recognized, included in the ICD-10 classification. It follows that the symptomatology is the main and additional. An official diagnosis can be made if the patient has two typical manifestations or three from the list that complete the picture. Among the typical ones are the depression of the state, not corrected by external factors, lasting14 days or longer period, as well as chronic fatigue, disturbing for at least a month. ICD-10 also contains a mention of anhedonia, when the patient loses interest in what previously brought him joy.

Depression should be treated if the patient has at least three of the symptoms identified as additional. These include pessimism, guilt, fear, uselessness, anxiety. ICD-10 contains a mention of the difficulty of making decisions, problems with concentration, low self-esteem. Minor symptoms include thoughts of death and suicide, anorexia, sleep problems. To form an accurate diagnosis, the patient's condition should be observed for two weeks or more. With the preservation of anxiety symptoms, a depressive disorder is officially established.
Important Features
Sometimes there is no need to wait two weeks for an accurate diagnosis. If the symptoms are severe, depression can be established much faster. Much remains at the discretion of the treating doctor. It is up to him to choose how to cope with depression if the case is difficult.
Depression deserves special attention if such a mental disorder develops in a child. On average, the likelihood of a situation occurring is lower than in an adult, but the consequences can be more severe. You can suspect a problem by a violation of appetite, alienation. Some children become aggressive, fall behind in school.
Features of violation
BIn medicine, it is customary to distinguish unipolar, bipolar disorders. In the first case, the mood is constantly lowered, does not depart from this pole. The second option is an affective disorder, in which the patient's mood jumps sharply from a positive status to a negative pole. Such transitions are completely unpredictable. Possible manic episodes, mixed episodes. Sometimes depressive deviations are due to cyclothymia.
Modern doctors distinguish such forms of unipolar disorders: clinical (major), resistant, minor. Known atypical cases, postpartum depression, autumn. Finally, there is dysthymia.
Special occasion
Some experts describe vital depression - a life pathology characterized by anxiety, melancholy, pursuing at the physical level (for example, near the solar plexus). It is customary to think that this form is cyclical, not due to external factors, for the patient himself has no reasons and explanation. Most often, vital depression is bipolar. Possible with the endogenous nature of the disease.

The most narrow interpretation of the term "vital depression" suggests a dreary form of the disease, coupled with a state of despair. Pathology is quite difficult, but the prognosis for it when interacting with doctors is favorable. Special preparations have been developed to stabilize the patient's condition. In combination with psychological assistance courses, this allows mental he alth to return to normal over time.
Like everyone elsehappening?
At first, depression shows only weak signals - sleep problems begin, irritability sets in, it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with daily duties. Over time, the symptoms become stronger. Usually it takes up to two weeks to develop, full manifestation is observed after two months, sometimes later. One-time attacks, relapses are possible. The lack of correct therapy can cause suicidal attempts, the rejection of functions associated with the normal life of a person. Often depression provokes the breakup of families.
What to do?
The most effective option is to seek medical help in a timely manner. Many are used to thinking that it is enough to keep emotions under control, and depression is just whims. Such an opinion is erroneous. There are cases when people do not seek help, fearing public condemnation, job loss, family breakup. As practice shows, ignoring the problem over time is more likely to lead to such consequences than timely treatment, which others will learn about.
In the past few decades, there have been several research activities aimed at identifying the most effective approaches to therapy. The very first thing to achieve is the exclusion of a negative way of thinking, the creation of an adequate, friendly environment. It is easier to overcome depression if a person can count on the help and support of relatives, friends, and relatives. If possible, it is necessary to avoid conflict situations, condemnation, and also to exclude people from the circle of communication, dialogue withwhich is reduced only to such content.

Special approach
In a relatively small percentage of cases, the course of the disease is quite severe, so hospitalization of the patient is required, much more often an outpatient course is enough. The doctor selects pharmaceutical preparations, directs to a course of psychological and social therapy. A complex effect on the patient allows you to achieve really worthy results in a short time.
As shown by numerous cases, the effectiveness of therapy is high only when the patient is ready to trust the doctor and understands that the specialist works for the benefit of the client. The doctor prescribes certain drugs, methods, procedures, and gives other recommendations. Only careful, consistent observance of everything established can guarantee the success of the therapeutic course. It is important to visit the doctor regularly, even if you don’t have the strength or the mood to do so. If a doctor prescribes antidepressants, taking such drugs is most often accompanied by negative effects, often quite strong. You should consult a specialist and continue therapy if the doctor insists. Abandoning treatment due to unpleasant impressions, the patient will only worsen his situation.

Pharmacological approach
There is a fairly large variety of items on the drugstore shelves designed to treat depression. Most Popular:
- "Fluoxetine";
- Clomipramine;
- "Paroxetine".
It is strictly forbidden to use them on your own, without medical supervision - all of these funds can provoke severe negative reactions, including addiction, withdrawal syndrome when the drug is abandoned. The choice of medication is based on a complete examination of the patient. The doctor prescribes specific tests to identify the characteristics of disorders in the body and, based on this, chooses the optimal pharmaceutical product that is useful in the current situation.