The following article examines in as much detail as possible the causes of situations when teeth hurt and gums bleed. The above methods for eliminating the disease have been tested by many users. Some are even approved by doctors. But at the same time, if this problem brings prolonged and regular discomfort, then you should stop looking for a solution on your own, and turn to specialists.
Causes of disease

First, let's take a quick look at some of the main triggers that cause gums to ache and bleed. Treatment will be described later. Here is a list of them now:
- violation of dental care rules;
- physically damaging the gums;
- appearance and development of various diseases of the oral cavity;
- gums hurt and bleed during pregnancy due tohormonal shifts;
- lack of essential nutrients in diet;
- other non-dental diseases;
- use of various medications that can harm the body, in particular, gums and teeth;
- improperly performed dental procedures;
- presence of blood diseases.
Initial symptoms of the disease

So, the gums hurt and bleed. The reasons have been stated above. Now it's time to look at the symptoms to look out for:
- gums begin to bleed when performing standard oral hygiene procedures;
- hard and soft types of plaque begin to accumulate around the teeth;
- despite following all the rules for caring for the oral cavity, an unpleasant odor is present and does not go away;
- pain when eating and brushing teeth;
- gums begin to swell, redden and even turn blue.
Now it is worth considering the diseases that can occur when the gums hurt and bleed. How to treat them, you should find out already from dentists, and not rely on various recipes. Otherwise, the results may be irreversible.
Common diseases
Inflammatory processes that occur in the oral cavity are signs of several diseases. In the event that all the symptoms (as indicated earlier) or some of them regularly appear when performing standard oral care procedures, then you should urgently contactspecialist.
Appears as a result of the development of inflammatory processes in the dental ligament, which contains many blood vessels. When this disease occurs, in addition to the fact that the gums hurt and bleed, loosening of the teeth can also occur.
In addition to everything, the distribution of the chewing load on the teeth is updated. This leads to the fact that the latter begin to be strongly erased. This, in turn, injures the gums. During the onset of periodontitis, inflammation of the tissues around the teeth occurs. This can lead to the gradual destruction of the alveolar process of the jaw.
Another unpleasant symptom is the appearance of gum pockets. Plaque and pus accumulating there lead to the exposure of the neck of the tooth and its loosening. In the absence of timely treatment, the divergence of the dentition begins, followed by their falling out.
The next reason that the gum is swollen, sore and bleeding. The first signs are the appearance of swelling of that part of the oral cavity, which was affected by this process. The appearance of soft and hard plaque on the teeth also begins. This is where bacteria accumulate.
The main reasons for the development of this disease are violations of the rules for oral care. Most common among those who smoke a lot. This habit leads to a decrease in the level of vitamin C in the body, and also worsens the condition of the oral mucosa.
The disease can be "caught" with tuberculosis, tonsillitis,flu, etc. Less commonly, gingivitis can occur as a result of regular damage from braces or fillings. By type, this disease is divided into:
- fungal;
- viral;
- bacterial.
If the gum between the teeth hurts and bleeds, and on a regular basis, then you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may be a sign of a rather serious disease called "periodontal disease". In the course of its development, loosening of the teeth also occurs. It can grow stronger over a long period of time. Diagnosis is possible only at the dentist.
Now let's take a look at the common reasons why the gums hurt and bleed, and how to treat such an ailment.
Violation of care rules

As one option, gums may bleed because a brush that is too hard has been chosen for standard oral hygiene procedures. It can also occur after trauma to the gums with a toothpick or other object used to remove food debris.
Gums ache and bleed from an unhe althy habit of picking teeth. Frequent repetition of such actions leads to the appearance of pockets in which plaque and pus are deposited. Another reason is irregular brushing of teeth in violation of the rules of the process itself. As a result, tartar formation can occur, which leads to spaces between the tooth and the gum, which provokesbleeding.
Medication use
Teeth ache and gums bleed when using drugs. What to do? Most often, the problem under consideration is indicated in the list of side effects. Aspirin can also lead to the fact that the gums hurt and bleed. In addition, Warfarin, Heparin, Clopidogrel and some other drugs can be attributed to this drug.
This side effect disappears after the course of medication is stopped.
Blood diseases
They can also cause bleeding gums. Most often we are talking about pathologies such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia and vitamin K deficiency. Additionally, this symptom can be a sign of leukemia or leukemia, which lead to a deterioration in the oral mucosa.
Pregnancy period

In this time period, one of the main reasons why the gums hurt and bleed is a hormonal shift. Most often, treatment is not required, since immediately after childbirth the symptoms are eliminated, with proper care, the oral cavity returns to normal. The main thing is to be careful.
However, if you are planning a pregnancy, then it is worth visiting the dentist in advance to be sure that bleeding gums are a standard shift, and not the development of any of the previously mentioned diseases. To reduce the activity of this process, it is worth starting to follow the following recommendations in advance:
- stick to a he althy diet without resorting to any diets;
- after each meal, brush your teeth, remove leftover food with dental floss;
- perform regular mouthwash;
- switch to toothpastes that fight inflammation.
Dentist's office visit

Another reason why the gums hurt and bleed is the performance of various procedures at the dentist's office. It could be:
- tooth extraction;
- implant placement;
- wrong construction;
- her wrong size;
- professional teeth cleaning;
- In rare cases, the installation of a seal.
All of these can cause physical damage to the gums, causing them to bleed.
Inadequate intake of essential vitamins

This reason has a strong effect on the he alth of teeth and gums. Most often, bleeding occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamins B, K, C, E. This can be caused by following various diets. The lack of substances with a reduction in nutrition can lead to the development of scurvy. Its signs are also bruises with swelling. Treatment occurs by taking special vitamins prescribed by the doctor.
Other diseases
The development of third-party diseases that are not related to the oral cavity can also affect the he alth of teeth and gums. The most commonthe causes are various vascular pathologies. Among them are:
- anemia;
- leukemia;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hemophilia.
Restoring diet
What should I do if my gums hurt and bleed? For starters, you should try balancing your own diet:
- Start eating enough foods that contain vitamin C. This helps protect the oral mucosa, strengthen blood vessels, and will also lead to a reduction in the severity of various inflammatory processes. Among the useful products that contain ascorbic acid in large quantities, cabbage, raspberries, potatoes, currants, citrus fruits, tomatoes and many others can be noted.
- Eating enough vitamin B helps in strengthening teeth and gums. It also helps prevent the occurrence of cracks and sores that develop in the oral cavity. Essentials include apples, buckwheat, beef, oatmeal, rye flour, eggs and dairy products.
- You also need to get enough vitamin K in your diet. It helps blood clot better. Found in cucumbers, spinach, bananas and soybeans.
- Vitamin E is considered extremely useful. If its level is normal, then there will be a rapid healing of the oral mucosa, a decrease in the sensitivity of the gums. To do this, add more bread, cod, corn and legumes to your diet.
- Drinking fresh juices also helps reduce bleeding gums. The best option would be carrots and beets. They must be consumed strictly before breakfast. You can also mix both of these juices and consume throughout the day.
Help of traditional medicine

To treat these symptoms at home, it will not be superfluous to use one of the tips that are suggested below. However, remember that it is better to consult a doctor, since you cannot know for sure what the consequences of using this or that method of eliminating bleeding and gum pain will be. The following is a list of some common decoctions that are used in a specific situation:
- For five minutes, boil a tablespoon of oak bark in 200 milliliters of water. Rinse your mouth with decoction in the morning and evening. You can also change the recipe and prepare a medicine from two parts of oak bark and one part of lime blossom.
- Pour a tablespoon of sage with 200 grams of boiling water. After that, let it brew for thirty minutes. Apply the prepared decoction twice a day.
- Chamomile infusion is prepared in the same way. But it must be used strictly after each meal. Chamomile tea is allowed.
- Pour half a liter of fresh boiled water into two teaspoons of marigold inflorescences. Leave for five minutes. Use several times a day.
- Mix two tablespoons of blackberry leaves and the same amount of St. John's wort. Pour everything with 100 milliliters of alcohol, close the lid and leave in a dry place for five days. The decoction is used to wipe the gums with a cotton pad.
- Connecttogether two tablespoons of aloe and onion juice. Just like in the previous recipe, apply the mixture on a cotton pad and wipe the gums with it twice a day, performing the procedure slowly, for several minutes;
- Grate fresh potatoes, then hold them in your mouth for five or ten minutes.
- A tablespoon of walnut leaves pour 400 milliliters of fresh boiled water. Let the mixture stand for about 60 minutes. Then you can use it to rinse your mouth twice a day.
- Rinse your mouth with sunflower oil before brushing your teeth.
If you have frequent bleeding gums or toothache, you should use medicines and specialized toothpastes. Among them are:
- Various antiseptics for sanitation of the oral cavity. You can use Lugol's solution, "Chlorhexidine", "Corsodil", "Miramistin" and other drugs. It is worth bearing in mind that they are applied by courses.
- It is recommended to use a variety of rinse solutions such as Forest Balsam.
- Toothpaste "Paradontax" or "Lacalut".
- Lozenges. Among them are Septolete, Faringosept, Grammidin and others.