Allergic rash in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatments

Allergic rash in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatments
Allergic rash in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatments

If a baby has rashes on his face, red spots, peeling of the skin, most likely it is an allergic reaction. The imperfect immune system of babies is not able to cope with the effects of external factors and irritants. One of the manifestations of the pathological reaction of the body is an allergic rash. It is much less common in breastfed newborns than in formula fed babies.

Allergy Causes

In fact, an allergy is a defensive reaction of the body directed against itself. The cause of the pathological immune response is the influence of an allergen, which can be hygiene products, food, household dust, washing powder, etc. As a result of exposure to an irritant, immunity produces immunoglobulin E, a protein that, when combined with an allergen, manifests itselfrash.

In newborns and children of the first year of life, this unpleasant symptom may be of food or non-food origin. An important role in the development of allergies in children is played by the factor of hereditary predisposition. If at least one of the parents of the baby is allergic, the likelihood of developing pathology in the child becomes several times higher.

red rash in newborn
red rash in newborn

Lactose as a cause of allergies

In infants, lactose, a protein found in cow's milk, is a common cause of an immune response. It is present in some formula milks. Some children tolerate it without problems, while others develop stool disorders, frequent spitting up or an allergic rash.

In newborns, the cause of rashes may be the wrong diet of the mother, who abuses allergenic foods. Also, the risk of developing allergies increases if a woman did not follow a diet during pregnancy, smoked or had a serious infectious disease.

Skin contact with irritant

The cause of allergies in a newborn on the face is often the negative impact of household chemicals, medicinal ointments. In addition, allergens such as:

  • household dust;
  • blood-sucking parasites (mites, bedbugs);
  • blooming houseplants;
  • cosmetics and perfumes used by parents.

It is not uncommon for a child to be allergic to plastic toys. The kid needs to buy only those things, quality andthe safety of which is confirmed by certificates. The same applies to clothing. When choosing a wardrobe for a newborn, however, like an older child, preference should be given to things made from natural materials, without bright dyes. Especially if these clothes will have direct contact with the baby's skin.

allergy in newborns treatment
allergy in newborns treatment

Drugs as the cause of allergies

Sometimes, an allergic rash in a newborn with breastfeeding can occur after a routine vaccination. Redness on the skin is often the result of long-term treatment of colds with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. The cause of the rash may be aromatic additives or dyes in the composition of medicines. Also, not all babies easily tolerate the intake of vitamins or dill water.

Pediatricians believe that diathesis in newborns on the face can be the cause of the late start of breastfeeding against the background of the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. The thing is that in children who are fed with an artificial mixture, the process of formation of beneficial intestinal microflora is disrupted.

How allergies manifest in newborns, symptoms

In order to help the baby in time and prevent the occurrence of allergy episodes in the future, you need to know about the features of the clinical picture. In most children, the skin is affected. The rash can have a different appearance, localization, severity. Most often it occurs on the face, neck, forearms, buttocks, inguinal and popliteal folds. Because of the constant itching, the child becomes restless,sleeps badly, constantly acting up.

allergy in a newborn on the face
allergy in a newborn on the face

In parallel with rashes, a child may experience a breakdown in the digestive processes, which are manifested by intense regurgitation after feeding, colic, constipation or diarrhea. If the allergen is in the air, the typical red rash in a newborn may not be present. Instead, respiratory symptoms will appear in the form of laryngeal edema, dry cough, nasal congestion. Sometimes these symptoms are often confused with a cold, but unlike it, an allergy does not come with an increase in body temperature.

Varieties of rashes

Skin lesions can be of different types. An allergic rash in an infant is most often manifested by:

  • exudative diathesis - usually occurs on the cheeks, the skin becomes red, dry, flaky and itchy, crusts, scales form in the scalp;
  • milky scab (small weeping red plaques in the forehead, cheeks, chest, buttocks, abdomen are accompanied by itching);
  • seborrhea of the scalp and eyebrows;
  • diaper rash behind the ears, in the groin, armpits.

It should be borne in mind that a rash in infants does not always mean that the child's body has been exposed to an allergen. Similarly, symptoms of flowering in newborns and prickly heat appear.

How to tell an allergy from another skin rash

During the so-called flowering period, which lasts for 1-3 months, the child may develop small reddish-pink millet spotsshades with white blotches. Such a rash is hormonal in nature, since it is provoked by estrogen, the female sex hormone that enters the child's body through milk. Estrogen contributes to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, which ultimately manifests itself in rashes on the face. Such a rash may not cover a specific area, as with allergies, but almost the entire body.

loratadine instructions for use for children
loratadine instructions for use for children

Also, many confuse allergies in a newborn on the face, neck, scalp with prickly heat. However, it is important to remember that prickly heat occurs only in places where the skin is in contact with clothing or in the area of \u200b\u200bfolds on the skin. At the same time, very often it does not appear as pimples, but as red spots resembling diaper rash.

Where to start treatment: eliminate the allergen

Correction of the diet will be the first step in the treatment of an allergic rash in a newborn. What can be done to save the child from skin lesions and improve his well-being? The main task is to eliminate the allergen. To find the product that is the culprit of the allergy, it is necessary to completely revise the diet of the child if he is bottle-fed, and the mother if the baby is breast-fed.

In the first case, the provocateur is often lactose or its synthetic analogue lactulose. If the child does not use anything but the mixture, it must be changed, and make sure that the new one does not contain the indicated components. If the child eats exclusively mother's milk, then the allergen must beeliminate from her diet. Most often it turns out to be:

  • whole cow's milk;
  • gluten found in pasta, semolina, wheat porridge, white bread, oatmeal, sweet pastries;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • honey;
  • cocoa;
  • red vegetables and fruits.

Complementary foods for children prone to allergies can be introduced no earlier than seven months. At the same time, you can start with green vegetables (zucchini, broccoli) and cereals that do not contain gluten. It is also important to ensure that the child does not overeat and drink enough fluids. More than necessary, children who are on artificial nutrition eat. If there is a shortage of fluid in the body, then toxins and decay products will not be able to leave it with urine, so they will start looking for other ways - for example, through the skin.

types of allergic rash
types of allergic rash

Bathing and hygiene

In this matter, the most important thing is the use of boiled water. Often the cause of dermatitis, which serves as a favorable background for the development of allergies, is bathing a child in tap water. In addition, a weak solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water: potassium permanganate is an excellent disinfectant and antiseptic.

You can use soap when bathing a baby or other hygiene products no more than once a week. As for washing children's clothes, it is better to use hypoallergenic powders for children. For hand washing, it is more convenient to use baby laundry soap.

Other recommendations

If the childAllergy symptoms have arisen, you need to pay attention to the frequency and quality of the baby's stool. With a delay in fecal masses, intoxication of the body occurs. If he has a tendency to constipation, mom needs to reconsider her diet or change the mixture. The strengthening effect is most often provided by boiled meat, rice and semolina, eggs, persimmon, quince, green bananas. Irregular stools can also indicate that the baby is not eating enough.

In the room for permanent residence of the newborn, it is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate and cleanliness. If the room is hot, the baby will sweat more, and sweat tends to irritate the skin. Wet cleaning should be done regularly in the room, since household dust on the floor, in carpets, on curtains can provoke allergies.

How does allergy manifest in newborns?
How does allergy manifest in newborns?

Antihistamines for babies

In the treatment of allergies in newborns and older children, the use of antiallergic drugs is of particular importance. Babies are prescribed drugs in the form of injections, drops, suspensions. It is impossible to give an antihistamine to a child on its own, it must be prescribed by a doctor. Most drugs are prohibited at an early age, which is confirmed by the instructions for use.

  • "Loratadine". For children under two years of age, this remedy cannot be used - as stated in the annotation. However, in practice, pediatricians prescribe it to babies from the first months of life. Considering that in the instructions for the use of Loratadin, children from two years old are given half a tablet, babies should be given a quarter, notmore.
  • "Fenistil". Can be given to children older than one month. The drug is available in a convenient drip form, has a sweetish aftertaste, besides, "Fenistil" can be added to a bottle with a mixture or water.
  • Zodak. According to the official instructions, Zodak drops should not be given to children under 6 months old, but despite this, it is often prescribed to infants at a younger age.

Children older than 6 months can also be given Zirtek, Claritin, Hismanal, Erius. Some of them are effective not only for allergic rashes, but also for mucosal edema, rhinitis, conjunctivitis. Along with antihistamines, doctors recommend giving children adsorbents that will speed up the cleansing of the body of toxins (Smekta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Atoxil).

Ointments and creams for allergic rashes

All preparations for external use can be divided into two groups - those that contain hormones and non-steroidal ones. Preparations are available in the form of creams, gels, ointments.

Hormonal drugs have many contraindications for use, especially in children under one year old, so they are not prescribed to newborns. Children older than one month with an allergic rash are prescribed non-hormonal drugs:

  • "Bepanten";
  • Fenistil;
  • Emolium.

These are universal drugs that are suitable not only for eliminating rashes, but also for the treatment of diaper rash, prickly heat, diathesis. Without a doctor's prescription, you can use "Bepanten" and "Emolium". Allergy cream in newborns relieves itching, moisturizes the skin, eliminating peeling, andstart the regeneration process. "Fenistil" is also used for allergic rashes of any etiology, including insect bites, diathesis, etc.

How to prevent allergies

emolium cream for newborns for allergies
emolium cream for newborns for allergies

To prevent the manifestation of allergies in infants, you must:

  • carefully approach the issue of compiling the maternal diet;
  • introduce new products to the menu of a nursing mother no earlier than a month after the birth of the baby, and this must be done consistently, observing the reaction of the child;
  • refuse to use potentially dangerous allergens for the entire period of breastfeeding (honey, chocolate, peanuts, seafood, etc.);
  • do your best to keep lactating and breastfeed your baby for as long as possible;
  • minimize baby's exposure to allergens;
  • stay off medication unless absolutely necessary.

These simple rules will help protect your baby's skin from allergic rashes and various complications.