The appearance of a rash around the mouth always brings a lot of dissatisfaction in terms of he alth and beauty. After all, trying to quickly get rid of pustules, you risk not only injuring the skin, but also causing a serious infection. Masking these flaws even with the most expensive tonal means, you still cannot hide the aesthetic problem.

What kind of rash do you get?
Skin rashes can be primary or secondary. The first are blisters, blisters, spots, nodules in the mouth that appear on certain areas of the skin. Secondary - ulcerative lesions that occur due to the evolution of primary rashes.
Depending on clinical manifestations, aesthetic problems are divided into types:
- Bubbles that are located in the epidermis or under it are filled with white content. Rashes are the result of many diseases, such as chickenpox or herpes.
- Deep and superficial pustules,filled with predominantly cloudy contents.
- Blisters, the main feature of which is the absence of a cavity. They appear for a short time. The main causes of a rash around the mouth are insect bites or even allergies. Literally in all cases are accompanied by strong itchy sensations.
- Spots - a changed color of the skin. There are pigmented, inflammatory and non-inflammatory.
- Nodules are located mainly under the epidermis. Only in some diseases do they grow and connect, for example, with candidiasis.
- An ulcer is the evolution of a rash around the mouth. It occurs mainly with severe chickenpox, lupus erythematosus or purulent infectious diseases of the skin.
Features of rashes on the face
Most often this pathology occurs in women for the following reasons:
- hormonal failure;
- frequent stressful situations;
- uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs, creams, ointments;
- daily use of fluoride toothpaste;
- diseases of the female reproductive system;
- chronic inflammatory processes that occur in the body.
If you ignore the pathology or do not start treatment on time, complications appear, such as pigmentation, premature wrinkles, and in severe cases, a small rash around the mouth, which leads to demodicosis.

Other causes of rashes around the mouth
Red rash around the mouth and on the chin appears asallergic reaction to:
- cosmetics;
- cold;
- animal hair.
This pathology also speaks of problems with digestion, that is, a malfunction in the work of any part of the intestine. Organ problems occur due to a weakened nervous system, a long course of antibiotic treatment and as a result of eating junk food.
Rashes around the mouth of an inflammatory nature indicate blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the skin. Reason for this:
- hormonal failure;
- stress (the skin produces a large amount of fat);
- overweight and malnutrition;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- intoxication of the body (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, harmful chemicals).

Before a dermatologist makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment, a diagnosis is mandatory. It includes a visual examination by a therapist, as well as passing medical tests.
Dermatologist or physician should present the results of blood tests for hormones, which are given in the morning on an empty stomach (5-7 days after menstruation for women). You will also need to conduct a biochemical blood test, thanks to which you can determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.
If the rash around the mouth looks like a scattering of small red pimples, due to which the skin will take on a pink-red tint, then the doctor may putdiagnosis of perioral dermatitis. With this disease, a symmetrical pattern is formed, but a free strip of he althy skin remains around the lips.

Symptomatic accompanying rashes
To facilitate the search for the nature of the pathology and making an accurate diagnosis, doctors pay attention to the disease and the state of the body at the time of the appearance of unpleasant and painful rashes. Associated symptoms of a rash around the mouth:
- Fever, which indicates an infectious lesion.
- The patient has lethargy, weakness, severe headaches, decreased performance.
- There is a strong burning sensation and thirst.
- Pain, swelling, hyperemia of the oral mucosa are direct signs of inflammatory processes.
- Weight loss combined with an increase in lymph nodes is a sign of cancer.
- At the same time as fever, there is a significant increase in lymph nodes, which indicates the development of inflammation.

Treatment methods
If a painful rash appears on the face around the mouth, then further actions directly depend on the state of he alth of an adult or a child and the reasons that provoked this reaction. Folk remedies and medications can be used to treat rashes.
Usually, many are in no hurry to use medicines without special reason and recommendations from the attending physician. In this situation, traditional medicine methods will come to the rescue, whichare used to treat rashes around the mouth and nose that occur without complications. Such folk remedies include washing with a decoction of celandine, chamomile and linden (1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with a liter of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled and filtered).
If rashes are the result of bacterial and fungal diseases, then antibiotics will help in this situation. However, it is worth remembering that an incorrectly prescribed drug can provoke a relapse.
If the rash appeared due to irritation on the skin under the influence of external factors, then heated vegetable oil is used. They need to lubricate the inflamed skin areas three times a day. If we talk about drugs, then Bepanten is well suited, which will help you quickly get rid of allergy symptoms.

Additional treatments and skin care
How to remove a rash around the mouth without the use of drugs, a qualified cosmetologist will tell you. To even out the tone of the skin, doctors will offer various procedures and cosmetics. But if scars and scars have already appeared on the skin, then they cannot be removed with masks and creams. It is necessary to use the methods of hardware cosmetology, namely, laser resurfacing.
During the treatment of the skin, it is best to stop eating spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, sweets and daily use of decorative cosmetics. Tip: be sure to wash off all cosmetics from your face at night, cleanse and moisturize your skin well. Buying new tonesproducts, masks and scrubs, pay attention to their composition and ability to clog pores.