Hairy leukoplakia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hairy leukoplakia: causes, symptoms and treatment
Hairy leukoplakia: causes, symptoms and treatment

A sharp decrease in immunity can provoke the development of serious diseases that require immediate treatment. One of them is hairy leukoplakia. What is it, what factors contribute to the onset of the disease and what treatment options are provided - we will consider all this in the article.

Definition and forms of the disease

man at the dentist
man at the dentist

Hairy leukoplakia is a pathological condition of the mucous membranes caused by exposure to the Epstein-Barr virus. Pathology can affect the mucous membrane of the esophagus, cervix, genitals, larynx and bladder. But the most common leukoplakia of the oral cavity and tongue. It got its name because of the clinical picture - the affected areas are covered with white or grayish small villi. Hairy leukoplakia in most cases appears in smokers after 40 years, but the likelihood of pathology in the elderly and children cannot be ruled out. In he althy people, this disease is very rare.

Hairy leukoplakia can occur in the following forms:

  • Simple. Appears as whitish spots that cannot be removed.
  • Verrucous. Warts or plaques appear on previously whitish spots.
  • Erosive. Ulcers appear on the affected areas, which can develop into a malignant form.

Photo of hairy leukoplakia is shown below.

hairy leukoplakia
hairy leukoplakia

Causes of occurrence

Currently, the Epstein-Barr virus is considered the main cause of the development of the disease. There is an opinion that the majority of the world's population are carriers of this virus. And if in a he althy person its reproduction and activity is restrained by T-lymphocytes, then in diseases accompanied by a strong decrease in immunity, the virus begins to multiply actively, provoking dangerous conditions. Consider the most common causes of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue.

  • HIV, AIDS and other diseases that can greatly depress the immune system.
  • Acute leukemia.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Long-term smoking.
  • Oncological processes of the oral cavity.
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the mouth area.
  • Permanent traumatization of soft tissues in the mouth (for example, metal prostheses).
  • Inadequate or lack of oral hygiene.
  • Work in hazardous production.
  • Taking immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Vitamin B deficiency.
  • Hairy leukoplakia may develop into postoperativeperiod.
  • Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hormonal failures.


tongue cleaning
tongue cleaning

The most common symptoms of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue are:

  • Appearance of white plaque at the base of the tongue and on its lateral surfaces.
  • Sensation of extreme dryness of the tongue.
  • Change in taste.
  • On the affected areas of the tongue, the doctor detects small villi.
  • The foci of the disease look like transparent or whitish warts, the length of which, as a rule, does not exceed 1 centimeter.
  • Inhomogeneous mucosal surface.
  • The appearance of erosion and cracks that may disappear, but then reappear.
  • When palpation of the affected area does not cause pain.
  • Whitish plaque cannot be removed with a brush or even a special spatula.
  • In more advanced stages of the disease, itching and shortness of breath occur.
  • If left untreated, a complete change in the epithelium of the tongue is observed.


scraping from the tongue
scraping from the tongue

If you suspect a disease, you should contact your dentist or immunologist. The doctor can make a primary diagnosis already at the time of the examination. But to confirm it and identify the cause of the occurrence, a set of diagnostic measures is required, which includes laboratory and instrumental examinations. Consider their list in more detail.

  • Expandedblood test to determine the patient's immune status.
  • Taking a smear to determine the cellular composition in the affected area.
  • Biopsy. It is the most important diagnostic method for detecting the Epstein-Barr virus.
  • Histology. This is a mandatory analysis that excludes or confirms the development of an oncological process.
  • X-ray examination of the jaw. This is necessary in order to study the condition of hard tissues in the area of the affected areas.

Since hairy leukoplakia occurs quite often in HIV, testing for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus is a mandatory diagnostic measure. These include:

  • PCR diagnostics.
  • Immune status study.
  • IFA.
  • Immune blotting.

Treatment of disease

taking pills
taking pills

Treatment of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue begins only after receiving the results of all examinations. As a rule, complex therapy is prescribed, which includes drug treatment and compliance with certain rules of personal hygiene. In some cases, surgery may be indicated. Let's take a closer look at treatment options.

  • First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease. For example, if tests reveal the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus, antiviral drugs are prescribed. These include "Acyclovir", "Zidovudine" and others. When joining a fungal infection, they are prescribedantifungal drugs (for example, "Fluconazole"). In most cases, after a course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease disappear, but with a repeated decrease in immunity, a relapse is possible.
  • If there is a constant irritant, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. For example, if there is a permanent injury to the tongue and oral cavity, the cause should be eliminated as soon as possible. These can be sharp edges of the filling, an incorrectly installed prosthesis, and more. After eliminating the problem, the oral cavity is sanitized.
  • In especially advanced cases, surgical treatment may be recommended, in which the affected areas are removed using a laser or cryodestruction. Sometimes excision of altered tissues is performed with a scalpel.
  • It is also very important to get rid of bad habits and eat right, not eating too cold or hot food.
  • Brush your teeth and tongue daily with a soft toothbrush.
  • Rinse your mouth with antibacterial solutions.

HIV Treatment

HIV as a cause of hairy leukoplakia
HIV as a cause of hairy leukoplakia

The most common occurrence of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue in HIV. With this disease, there is a high risk of developing lymphoma, so HIV-infected people are prescribed radiation therapy or chemotherapy, in which mutated cells are destroyed in the affected areas of the oral cavity. It is worth remembering that in HIV-positive patients without anticancer therapy, hairy leukoplakia in the vast majority of cases degenerates intomalignant form.

Traditional medicine

It is worth noting that hairy leukoplakia cannot be cured with the help of traditional medicine, but they can be used as a prophylactic or as an auxiliary treatment in the main therapy. In this case, the effect of the use of folk remedies will be aimed at getting rid of the accompanying symptoms. Let's take a closer look.

To eliminate damage in the form of cracks and ulcers, it is possible to use mouth rinses with decoctions of medicinal plants or local application of these funds to the affected areas. Propolis, chamomile, strawberry leaves, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark and others have proven themselves well. It is important to remember that the use of any traditional medicine must be agreed with the attending physician.


quit smoking
quit smoking

Following a series of preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of developing the disease.

  • First of all, it is necessary to systematically visit the dentist and treat all emerging problems in a timely manner (for example, caries or chips on fillings).
  • Give up bad habits. This is especially true for smoking.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Do not abuse the use of spices in the diet.
  • Timely treat all diseases, preventing their transition to the chronic stage.
  • Support strong immunity.
  • Prevent HIV and STDs.


For people who do not have diseases that depressimmune system, in most cases the prognosis is positive. Despite the high risk of relapse, with constant medical supervision after recovery, as well as when taking preventive measures, the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease is minimized.

In HIV-positive patients, the prognosis for recovery is not very favorable. Therefore, when diagnosing a disease, it is necessary to start anti-cancer therapy as soon as possible in order to eliminate the risk of degeneration of the affected areas.


Hairy leukoplakia is a dangerous disease that can lead to the development of an oncological process. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your he alth and, at the first signs of the development of a pathological process, contact a specialist who will prescribe diagnostic measures, and based on their results, the most effective treatment.

It is not recommended to self-medicate, as it can aggravate the situation. The use of traditional medicine is possible only after consulting a doctor, as some recipes can only do harm.
