Patients with chronic ailments breathe a sigh of relief at the onset of this period. This "island" between attacks of the disease is called remission. People suffering from certain diseases strive to have such a condition last as long as possible. Let's see what remission is, what happens, when does it occur and how long does it last?

A bit from the encyclopedia
In medical language, remission is a reduction or complete disappearance of signs of a disease. There are ailments that cannot be completely cured. They last for years, exhausting a physically and mentally ill person. And there seems to be no end to it. However, the body fights, and for a while the disease subsides. And then we can say that the remission of the disease has come - the disease has “lowered its head.”
There are three types of silence:
- In the first case, there is no need to talk about a complete recovery, just a short “temporary respite” occurs.
- Another outcome - the disease can be blocked sothat he stops bothering for a long time.
- The third variant of calm is incomplete recovery, when the disease returns for one reason or another.

Partial and complete remission in cancer
When a patient takes treatment, even in the absence of visible manifestations of the disease, improvement may occur. This is called drug remission. The disease exists, but it can be controlled.
For people suffering from oncological or hematological diseases, two conditions are distinguished. Partial remission - when the symptoms of the disease persist in one way or another. There are happy cases in which the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, its signs, which are determined in the course of standard laboratory tests. Then we can talk about complete remission. The patient may be considered he althy or out of risk.
The following types of remissions are typical for leukemia:
- Clinical and hematological. The composition of the blood is normalized. There are no foci of disease beyond the bone marrow and beyond.
- Cytogenetic. A condition when, against the background of clinical and hematological remission, a certain analysis is done, and tumor cells are not detected.
- Molecular. We can talk about this remission when, with the help of a rather sensitive study, it is not possible to fix the presence of tumor cells in the body.

Medicated remission for alcoholism
People who stopped drinking strong drinks,several types of this state can be distinguished:
- drug remission;
- motivational;
- spontaneous.
And there is quite a noticeable difference between them. Although a person may not drink for various reasons, and the future results are different.
Motivational remission is considered the most stable, often lifelong, and therefore complete. A person simply decides for himself not to drink alcohol. And this is his will. In order not to break loose, the patient finds various activities, hobbies, immerses himself in caring for others. There can be a lot of options. A person sometimes does not fully understand what remission is, but as a result - a complete rejection of alcohol.
Drug treatment gives quite tangible and prolonged results. It should always be supplemented by psychotherapeutic help and psychological support of the patient's relatives. With high patient motivation, the result is a stable remission. In the absence of support of the patient by close people, he may experience a breakdown. This is characterized as an unstable remission or no result at all.
In the third stage of alcoholism (with complete exhaustion of the body), there may come a period when the patient stops drinking alcohol. This period of remission is called spontaneous and usually lasts for several months. During this time, the body is restored and strengthened. Then the craving for alcohol awakens with a new, even greater force. And, compensating for the period of sobriety, a person begins to drink even more.
Another reason to refusestrong drinks can become alcohol poisoning. In such cases, the addict can stop drinking himself in order to find out for himself what remission is. He succeeds. But when the body is cleansed of toxins, everything will return, and the lover of too much will begin to compensate for what he “missed” with renewed vigor.

Terms of remission
Periods of abstinence from alcohol can be long or very short. With a full course of treatment, high motivation for recovery, the chance for a long-term remission increases. If an alcohol addict abstains and does not drink for five years, then we can talk about a stable remission.
But, for example, in the case of malaria, we are talking about cyclicity. Remission occurs between attacks, has a long period, although there is no need to talk about a complete recovery.
As a rule, a cancer patient is considered recovered after five years with complete remission. This means that a relapse can occur with the same probability as in a completely he althy, previously not ill person.
With a full understanding of what remission is, what an alcohol addict and his relatives need to know is a reduction in the symptoms of the disease for some, sometimes indefinite time. It means that the disease or addiction still exists. Even if the obvious signs and evidence of addiction have disappeared. You should not wait for spontaneous remission, you should seek help from a narcologist. After all, drunkenness is a disease not only of the body, but alsosouls.