All modern parents should know how to strengthen the child's immunity. As soon as it gets cold outside, the child immediately falls ill - coughing begins, the throat hurts, the nose does not breathe. Similar problems accompany the beginning of the school year or going to kindergarten - in a word, any contact with the world outside the home. In order for the body of a baby (and not only a baby) to effectively resist harmful microbes, you should help him using harmless pharmaceutical products and proven folk remedies.
Kindergarten: problem and solution
Very often, children with weak immunity get into the garden. These not only get sick themselves, but soon infect everyone around them, especially their peers. The incidence rate, as doctors say, is determined by the activity of infectious agents (higher during the change of seasons) and the resistance of a particular organism. The task of parents is to prevent the child from being in places where the risk of infection is higher (metro, markets, shopping centers during the epidemic), to use reliable and proven traditional and traditional medicine on the child to stimulate the body's natural defenses. The second, perhaps, is even more important than the first, because a garden, a school are areas of social interaction that cannot be avoided, but the risk of meeting a sick person is extremely high. It remains only to strengthen the baby's immune system so that he can successfully cope with threats from outside.

Doctors, telling how to strengthen the child's immunity, explain that there are two ways - the development of specific resistance to a particular infection and an increase in the body's defenses as a whole. The first option includes a variety of vaccines. The second approach is comprehensive prevention aimed at activating the natural capabilities of the child's body.
Prevention is better than cure
In order not to have to fight the disease, you need to take measures to prevent it in advance. In particular, when preparing for the kindergarten period, schools should spend time not only in rest, but also in strengthening the body. Telling how to strengthen the immunity of a child, doctors recommend giving him the opportunity to run more often, play in the fresh air, in pure nature, swim in the river, the sea. It is worth encouraging the baby's love to run barefoot, but make sure that this happens in safe places with a clean surface of the earth. When going on a summer vacation, you need to take your child with you. If a vacation is not planned, it is reasonable to send the baby to the village to his grandmother - to relax, sunbathe and gain strength before the cold season. At least once a week in the warm season, you should go to nature, to the river, the sea, to the forest.
Another approach to how to strengthen a child's immunity is to fill the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, and not store-bought, but "straight from the garden." Seasonal products are the richest in useful components. They allow you to enrich the body with vitamins, trace elements. It is safe, natural substances are absorbed better than pharmaceutical vitamin complexes, they will not be a source of overdose, poisoning or side effects. Plus, it's delicious.
What else will help?
The risk of infection is minimal for a child who communicates with other people all year round. This is not only useful for social skills, but also trains defenses - the immune system deals with various dangerous agents of the external environment, accumulates experience in identifying and eliminating them. The less time a child spends with others, the higher the likelihood of catching the disease as soon as the school year begins.
An indispensable, effective, universal recipe for immunity for children - proper, balanced nutrition. The diet should include vegetables and fruits. It is important that the child receives the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins. The most useful are products that grow in the climatic zone where the family lives. From drinks it is worth giving preference to compote, juice, tea. The child should drink clean water every day.

Hardening for he alth
It often happens that at a pediatrician's appointment parents verbosely complain about a serious problem - the child is often sick. How to strengthen immunity in such a situation? The doctor may advise hardening. This is a simple tool that does not require an impressive time investment or financial investment, but only a little will and strength. Success will be achieved only if such measures are systematic. Begin the course when the child is completely he althy. If the child is sick, hardening is stopped. You can not carry out procedures by force if the child does not like them. The best result is achievable if you organize the process in the form of a game, captivate the baby. At first they use water at an acceptable temperature, but from day to day they imperceptibly make it colder. Step - no more than a couple of degrees.
Analyzing various folk remedies for immunity to children, one can understand that hardening has been known for a long time, they are recommended to be done by both certified doctors and traditional healers, healers. True, parents should remember that if the course has already begun, but followed by a five-day (or more) break, they will have to resume the program from the very beginning, gradually lowering the temperature again.
How to do it right?
When understanding how to raise the immunity of a one-year-old child, you must remember that at this age it is best to treat only the face at first. From the age of two, you can start by washing your face and hands up to the elbow, as well as the upper half of the chest. The water temperature at first - 20 degrees, gradually decreases to 16 degrees. When babygets used to it, you can expand the procedure to the whole body, pouring water over the child first, heated to 35 degrees, then more and more cool - up to 18 degrees.

Older children attending kindergarten should wash their face, neck, chest, arms up to the elbow, gradually cooling the water to 14 degrees, and with a general douche - up to 24 degrees. You can pour on your feet. They start from 37 degrees, gradually cool the water to 20. Boiled chilled water is used to gargle. First, they take it heated to 37 degrees, gradually reduce the temperature to 10 degrees.
If we get sick, we get treated right away
When choosing what to give a child for immunity, you need to remember - if there are foci of inflammation, chronic lesions of the body, no drugs for the immune system will be fully effective. The main task of parents is not just to know what and how the child is sick, but to take timely measures to eliminate any pathologies. If there is an infectious focus, a wound, or other damage, it is necessary to disinfect the area, treat it with means until it is completely healed. At least twice a year, the baby is taken to the dentist to check the teeth and treat if the doctor detects caries. You should not hope that everything will “go away on its own”, such an approach can provoke complications. From childhood, a child should be taught to brush their teeth twice daily.
To activate the natural defenses, you can give children vitamins. Ascorbic acid, iodine and calciferol are especially useful for immunity. Not at all necessaryto purchase the most expensive goods presented on the pharmacy shelves. You can, for example, drink a three-week course of wild rose broth, pamper your baby with the usual Askorbinka. The natural source of iodine is walnuts. To strengthen the body, you should introduce a he althy delicacy into the menu - a mixture of nuts, honey, raisins and dried apricots. All solid foods are processed with a meat grinder, mixed with honey and used as food in the morning in a dessert spoon. The duration of the course is at least a month.

He althy Substances
Choosing which vitamins to give children for immunity, you should pay special attention to calciferol. It is necessary for development, growth, positively affects the immune system, mental abilities, mental development of the baby. Normally, this vitamin is produced in the human body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but in the northern regions the summer season is too short, and daylight hours are not long, so it is important to ensure a constant supply of vitamin D from food.

On the shelves in pharmacies there are many options for the release of this vitamin in the form of solutions in water or oil. For a short course, oil formulations are recommended, and for a long course, water formulations are more suitable, which are considered somewhat less toxic. From food, vitamin D comes primarily with milk, cottage cheese, kefir. Recently, dairy products enriched with this compound have appeared on the market. If possible, she should be givenpreference.
What else to try?
If you ask a doctor what immunomodulatory drugs should be taken, it is quite possible that a specialist will advise Polyoxidonium for immunity. Children can use this composition in the form of tablets, and candles have also been developed for adults. True, you should not prescribe "Polyoxidonium" to your baby on your own - an allergic reaction may appear, there is a risk of side effects. But if the doctor, having examined the child, considered that the medicine would be useful, then it is worth drinking the course.

When using immunomodulators, it is very important to follow the instructions, not to use drugs in high dosages, as this can cause fever, weakening of the body, and a feverish state. More often, such medicines are recommended to be taken during the period of colds, when the risk of infection is high, but in the summer, when the child's own immunity is strong enough, you should not use industrial preparations.
Natural & Effective
To increase the body's defenses, you can include medicinal herbs in the form of infusions in the child's diet. It is not necessary to prepare them yourself; pharmacies sell tinctures of Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, and Ginseng. These funds belong to the category of adaptogens, increase their own strength, improve mood, increase efficiency. True, many pharmacy products are unsweetened, but there are also immunity syrups for children. They cost a little more, but you don’t have to persuade the child for a long time to drink a spoonful of the drug. Usually adaptogensuse courses, the average duration is a month. The best result shows the course taken at the end of summer, shortly before kindergarten, school.
When a child comes home from a public place, rinse the throat, nose with a weak solution of s alt or preparations made on such s alts. One of the reliable medicines is Aquamaris. This is especially important during an epidemic. If the first signs of infection are observed, it is necessary to smear oxolin ointment under the nose. It is believed that homeopathic remedies for immunity for children can prevent colds. Perhaps the most popular remedy is Aflubin. The drug is also recommended for taking a course during a period when the risk of infection is high.

No tears
It is known that a strong influence on the general condition of the child has his mood. If the baby does not want to go to kindergarten, school, bursts into tears and begs to stay at home, it is highly likely that the child will fall ill soon - this is a protective reaction of the body to a stressful situation, no immunity syrups for children will help block it. To cope with the problem, you need to find out why the child does not want to go to a public place, what frightens him, upsets him there, and carry out psychological work. It is important not to put pressure on the baby, but together with him to find moments that would please him in the kindergarten. The task of parents is to treat the child with understanding, to make efforts so that attending kindergarten brings joy.
Theoretical aspects
Immunity is a gift from naturethe human body's ability to resist infectious agents that provoke a variety of diseases. Immunity depends on the quality of the functioning of the immune system, it is formed when the cells of the body come into contact with foreign life forms, fragments of microbes. Childhood is a period when the immune system is rather weak, there is no information about possible dangerous agents that surround a person in the world.
Recently, cases of immunodeficiency in a child have become more frequent. This condition can be provoked by stressful situations, insufficiency, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and chronic pathologies. To make your he alth stronger, you should take a comprehensive approach to the problem, improve the diet, normalize the rhythm of life, introduce useful substances into the menu, and gymnastics and hardening into everyday habits.
Specific immunity
This term is used to denote the body's ability to resist such infectious agents with which the cells have already met. The form is developed if the child has had a disease or received a vaccine, so one of the methods to strengthen children's immunity is the timely passage of all required vaccinations. Currently, those who wish to approach the season of colds can get a flu shot, and vaccination against measles and other serious pathologies in childhood is mandatory.