Connective tissue massage: description, methods and reviews

Connective tissue massage: description, methods and reviews
Connective tissue massage: description, methods and reviews

Connective tissue massage refers to non-traditional therapy. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the specialist irritates the patient's reflexogenic points with his fingers.

Procedure description

The main technique of connective tissue massage is that the skin and its subcutaneous part are stroked. When stroking is done, there is some displacement of the skin. Thus, tension occurs.

connective tissue massage
connective tissue massage

Then the intercellular tissue is irritated. Due to this type of massage, there is a positive effect on the internal organs of a person. This effect is achieved due to the reflex effect on certain zones.

History of the origin of the method

If you look at the history of this type of massage, it is worth saying that it appeared in Germany. Elisabeth Dikke is considered its founder. The author of connective tissue massage was a specialist in therapeutic gymnastics. Elizabeth's years of life: 1885-1952. The reason for the emergence of this direction in massage was the pain in the back of the girl, which was acute. She is an expert inmedicine, drew attention to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe back, where pain is present, tenses up and fluid accumulates there. When a massage was done there with stretching of the skin, tension was relieved.

Besides, as a result of the massage, Elizabeth's blood circulation began to improve in her leg. The fact is that she had a threat to be left without her. Over time, Dicke created a massage system based on her personal pain and healing process. Later, the effectiveness of this method was confirmed by the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg.

Using this technique

When is it recommended to use connective tissue massage? It is usually prescribed for such ailments that are rheumatic in nature. Namely:

  1. Lumbago.
  2. Polyarthritis.
  3. Muscle pain.
  4. Various inflammatory processes that can occur in the joints.
what is connective tissue massage
what is connective tissue massage

In addition to the above diseases, this massage also has a beneficial healing effect in the following pathologies:

  1. Violation of the functions of the respiratory system of the human body, for example, bronchial asthma.
  2. Failures in the digestive tract.
  3. Liver disease.
  4. Gallbladder ailments.
  5. Problems with the kidneys and renal pelvis.

Let's look at the physiological effects of connective tissue massage:

  • he removes pain in the head;
  • massage improves circulation;
  • helps reduce varicose veins;
  • cures orthopedic and neurological diseases.

Contraindications for this therapy

Does connective tissue massage have any contraindications? Typically, this therapy is prescribed to relieve tension in certain areas. These areas of a person have the character of compaction. You should know that this procedure is not particularly pleasant for the perception of the patient, but, on the contrary, is quite painful. At the places of seals, traces of massage may appear in the form of red or white spots. Before prescribing a massage, the doctor examines the patient.

author of connective tissue massage
author of connective tissue massage

If he has any acute forms of illness, then this type of massage is not prescribed. Also, even if there are no serious diseases, the doctor makes an assessment of the patient's condition. Only after that he gives permission for the procedure.

What is connective tissue massage, what is its principle?

First of all, massage works locally on tissues. There is an improvement in blood circulation in the body. Visually, this can be seen by the reddening of the skin. There is an expansion of blood vessels, the patient has a feeling of warmth. In those places where massage is carried out, there is an acceleration of metabolism. This type of massage has a restorative effect on the connective tissue. And this leads to an improvement in the functioning of internal organs.

How is this procedure done?

How is connective tissue massage performed? Shouldknow that the procedure can be performed in a supine or sitting position. If the patient needs to lie down, then he is located on his stomach. The massage begins from the sacrum. When the procedure is performed on the back, the specialist conducts it from the bottom up.

connective tissue massage techniques
connective tissue massage techniques

For the limbs, movements are made from the torso towards the arms and legs. It is customary to start this type of massage from he althy areas. Then move on to areas where pain is present. The movements of the massage therapist at the beginning of the procedure are light, but then they turn into deep ones.

Connective tissue massage is done with the fingertips. The specialist uses three or four fingers. There is a special technique that consists in stretching the fabric. Due to the fact that the massage is carried out with the fingertips, the patient may have the feeling that nails are being run over him.

What are the periods for a massage?

The full course is 6 sessions. Massage is carried out two or three times a week. After the patient has done everything, he needs to see a doctor to assess his condition.

If the massage gives a positive result, but the expected effect has not yet been achieved, the doctor prescribes additional procedures. The time of one session is short and is about 20 minutes.

Which specialists perform the procedure?

As a rule, this massage technique is carried out by professional massage therapists who own this technique, or specialists whose occupation is associated with therapeutic exercises. They can also carry outthis type of massage doctors who have received appropriate training.

It should be remembered that if a person has acute illnesses, then such therapy should be abandoned and physiotherapy should be carried out.

What technology is used for connective tissue massage. Tricks

The principle must be understood first. The technique of connective tissue massage is that human tissues are shifted in relation to his muscles, tendons and bones. To do this, use the thumb and index finger. They make it easier to grab tissue. The duration of the procedure can vary from 5 to 20 minutes.

description of a session of connective tissue massage
description of a session of connective tissue massage

Let's look at the description of a session of connective tissue massage. Massage begins with areas of the body that are not subject to pain. Further, the specialist gradually approaches the places where pain is present. At first, the movements of the massage therapist are superficial. Further, when the tension subsides, the massage becomes deep.

The specialist who performs the procedure moves along the tendons, namely along their edge, along the muscle fibers, also in places where muscles, fascia and joint capsules are attached.

When the chest or back is massaged, the doctor's movements are directed towards the spine. When performing a massage of the hands and feet, the specialist moves to the departments, which are called proximal.

The massage procedure starts from the sacrum. What it is? The sacrum is the paravertebral zone of the back. Further movements are directed upward and reachcervical region. The next step in the procedure is massaging the hips and legs. And then the doctor goes to the shoulder section.

When the patient's pain zones are massaged, the specialist should monitor the patient's condition. It is necessary to ensure that the person does not become ill or there is no deterioration in his condition. Also, to prevent any complications, the massage therapist moves along the border of the reflexogenic zones.

Session Features

Let's look at the basic method of connective tissue massage for certain diseases. There are some recommendations for such therapy for certain diseases

Features of connective tissue massage:

connective tissue massage technique
connective tissue massage technique
  1. If the patient is worried about headaches, then it is necessary to massage the occipital area. Also pay attention to the area between the shoulder blades and the muscles of the forearm.
  2. When a person has back pain, it is recommended to have an impact on the lumbar region. Then you need to move on to the cervical region. The transition should be smooth.
  3. In the case when a person suffers from lumbago, the massage begins with the lower back and sacrum. And then move on to the area behind the ilium.
  4. If the patient has such an ailment as sciatica, then the massage also begins with the lumbar zone. Then it goes into the crease between the buttocks. Further movements go to the hole under the knee, then to the thigh, namely to its back and then to the calf muscle.
  5. When a patient has an ailment in the areashoulder or shoulder joint, then massage movements should be carried out in the area that is located between the spinal column and the shoulder blade. Next, you need to move on to the ribs and the elbow bend. Movements are completed in the forearm and wrist joint.
  6. For such ailments that occur in the hip joint or thighs, massage begins with the buttocks. Then it goes into the gluteal folds, groin and directly to the hip joint.
  7. When a person is worried about the knees, the massage session begins with the buttocks. Then it passes into the folds, the groin, the hip joint and the popliteal fossa. The same procedure is carried out when a person has pain in the lower leg.

Small conclusion

Thus, it becomes approximately clear how connective tissue massage occurs. Its beneficial properties have been confirmed by many patients.

basic method of connective tissue massage
basic method of connective tissue massage

Doubt its positive effect on the human body is not worth it. Therefore, if a person does not have any contraindications, you should definitely use this method of healing, as it allows you to get the effect of curing a person from many diseases at the expense of the body's resources. The main thing is to undergo the necessary examination by the attending physician. And then, after several sessions, look at the dynamics of recovery.
