Acute inflammation of the sinuses most often occurs during an exacerbation of diseases such as rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza, measles and other infections. Everyone who is familiar with this ailment asks: is it possible to completely cure sinusitis quickly and without further complications? After all, this disease worsens the state of he alth in general, brings unpleasant and painful sensations that you want to eliminate as soon as possible. You can get rid of sinusitis, and quite quickly, if the treatment begins in a timely manner and the process has not gone far.
Symptoms of disease
It is extremely important for the successful treatment of sinusitis at home to identify the symptoms of the disease as early as possible and eliminate them with the help of inexpensive and simple means. The main signs of acute sinusitis are a feeling of pressure in the area of the wings of the nose, pain in the frontal part of the head, temples, fork region. With sinusitis, breathing through the nose is difficult and the sense of smell is disturbed, intense pain is often observedwhen moving jaws. Sometimes it can give pain in the teeth, interfering with the correct diagnosis.

Signs of sinusitis include:
- thick, copious yellow-green discharge from nasal passages;
- congestion in one of the sinuses or both;
- a feeling of throbbing pain near the nose, eyes or above the eyebrows;
- body temperature remains normal, and high more often occurs with a severe course of the disease;
- not feeling well, weakness.
Given the signs of sinusitis, home treatment is aimed at eliminating these symptoms. At the same time, only an otolaryngologist can make a correct diagnosis, because completely different ailments can be hidden under such signs. And only after that you can start treating sinusitis at home. Be sure to check with your doctor about this.
Often, doctors advise inhaling herbs to fight a chronic disease. Today, pharmacies sell a variety of devices for inhalation in the form of inhalers and nebulizers. But you can do without them by resorting to the help of a steam bath. This method of treating sinusitis at home can be easily applied on your own.

Effective remedy against sinusitis are inhalations from eucalyptus, menthol, lemon balm, propolis, boiled potatoes. All these products are steamed or boiled, then removed from the fire and breathed over the healing steam. Cope with illnessKombucha will help too. On a red brick heated in a cauldron, you need to pour an infusion of kombucha and breathe over the outgoing steam. To enhance the effect, you should cover yourself with a towel, this will allow you to better warm up the maxillary sinuses. During steam inhalation, the temperature of the steam should be regulated, moving away from the source to a safe distance so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the nose.
Some recipes for the treatment of sinusitis at home in adults:
- Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is successfully eliminated with the help of horseradish. To prepare a remedy, the horseradish root is peeled from the top layer and ground with a grater. A third cup of grated raw materials is combined with the squeezed juice of 2 lemons. You will get a rather dense mass of sour cream density, it is consumed in 0.5 tsp. half an hour after eating every morning. You need to take 3-4 months. After 2 weeks of break take the next course. Such treatment must be performed during the period of catarrhal exacerbations - in spring or autumn, preventing the transition of the disease to an acute stage. After 2 years, sinusitis recedes completely.
- Chew 1 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before eating honeycombs for 9 months. Take a break for 3 months, then continue by reducing the number of combs to 1 tsp, and chew for a quarter of an hour before eating.

- Cherry leaf tea, which contains anti-inflammatory substances, is very beneficial.
- With advanced non-purulent forms, doctors suggest the patient take an infusion of St. John's wort, brewing 1 tsp.dried plant in 200 ml of boiling water. It relieves inflammation well, strengthens the protective properties of leukocytes, and accelerates tissue regeneration. No wonder it is popularly called a natural antibiotic.
- Other home remedies also offer a decoction of bay leaf for the treatment of sinusitis, it is excellent at fighting bacteria in the nasopharynx, and it can be used as an additional remedy. But the bay leaf in acute sinusitis will not cope with a large concentration of pathogens. In this case, one cannot do without antibiotics, otherwise the acute form will easily develop into a chronic one, the treatment of which will be much more difficult and lengthy.
- 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort should be poured into a thermos in the evening and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to infuse. Drink 2 cups of strained infusion in small portions over the next day. Use another glass at night for compress.
- Recommended frequent drinking with a high content of vitamins - compotes and fruit drinks from currants, raspberries, cranberries. They are all natural antibiotics.
Nose rinse
The simplest and most effective method of dealing with sinusitis is to wash the nose with water with the addition of sea, kitchen s alt or a few drops of iodine.
Effective treatment of sinusitis at home is guaranteed by the following recipes:
- Squeeze the juice from 5-6 cloves of garlic and combine it with 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil. For sinusitis, drip 1-2 drops into the nasal passages 10-12 times a day.
- For the treatment of the disease, take 5 g of eucalyptus,diluted in half a liter of hot water, add 1 tsp. s alt and honey. The mixture should cool, then strain it. Add the squeezed juice from the golden mustache leaf. Rinse the nose with the prepared remedy twice a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
- Another effective recipe for the treatment of sinusitis at home. Take 10 drops of lemon juice and aloe, combine with mint decoction (50 g). Peel 3-4 cloves of garlic, chop and combine with a mixture of juices. After insisting for about 1 hour, inject 2-3 drops into the nose several times a day.
- After a day, inject 5 drops into each nasal passage such a remedy: aloe tincture - 4 g, sea buckthorn oil - 20 g, eucalyptus oil - 10 g, calendula tincture - 6 g.

Using therapeutic compresses and ointments
For the treatment of sinusitis at home, quickly warm up the area of the maxillary cavities with hot compresses:
- Wrap hard-boiled hot eggs in a cloth, hold near the wings of the nose until cool. Such a compress should be done before going to bed.
- You can also apply a dough of honey, camphor oil and flour to the nasal wings.
- It is useful to keep a pinch of candied honey in each nasal passage until it dissolves. In this case, purulent discharge will come out. Norm - 1 tsp. honey three times a day.
How to eliminate sinusitis folk treatment at home? One of the means that helps to cure the disease with folk methods is an ointment. To prepare it, you should take 1 tsp. juicecyclamen root, which can be bought at any flower shop. To it should be added 1 tsp. juice of Kalanchoe, aloe or onion. Combine all components with 1 tsp. Vishnevsky ointments. Moisten ear sticks with the resulting composition and insert into each nostril for half an hour. This procedure must be done several times.

Another ointment is often used in the treatment. To prepare it, you will need Kalanchoe, honey, onion juice and Vishnevsky ointment. All components must be combined and applied with a cotton swab into each nostril for about half an hour. Repeat the procedure for 20 days.
Prepare a decoction of bay leaves, moisten a napkin in it and hold it in the nasal cavity. Put a compress three times a day all week.
Soften the clay with water to a dough state and put a compress on the nose for about half an hour. Then rinse off.
In the treatment of sinusitis in adults at home, garlic helps very well. It can be combined with various diaphoretics and vasoconstrictors, various warming and inhalations are effective.
Grind peeled 3-4 cloves of garlic, combine the resulting slurry with 50 g of petroleum jelly. With the finished ointment, lubricate the nose area on both sides, as well as inside the nasal passages. Breathe through the nose for about 1 hour, then remove the remnants of the ointment with a dry cloth.
Prepare equal volumes of milk, onion juice, vegetable oil, alcohol and honey. Add shavings from laundry soap. Place the mixture in a water bath and stir until the soapdissolve, after which the mass must be allowed to thicken. After cooling, you will get a healing ointment. With a cotton swab, insert it into the nasal passages. Scheme of application of the ointment: 20 days to be treated, then take a break for 10 days, then repeat the course.
Treatment of exacerbation
In the acute phase of sinusitis, treatment is prescribed based on the symptoms. If the patient's body temperature has risen to 38 ° C, it is necessary to prescribe an antipyretic or analgesic. For example, aspirin three times a day, 0.5 g, amidopyrine together with analgin three times a day, 0.25 g, or paracetamol. As a rule, with such therapy, relief occurs in the first two days. The state of he alth improves noticeably and the fever is removed.
How to cure sinusitis in a child?
Rubbing will be the most useful here. Babies can't stand being treated - dripping their nose or sitting with a cotton swab in their nose. You should rub the skin with a clove of garlic over the place where the pain is most felt, and then rub the mass prepared by mixing burdock root juice with birch charcoal. Wash off this mixture after half an hour. It is advisable to do two or three sessions. Treat sinusitis in a child at home effectively and by washing the nose. This method will also be useful for adults. The nasal cavity is washed with warm water, to which you need to add a little potassium permanganate or iodine.

In a little hot water in the amount of 100 g, pour 5 drops of iodine, mix. Soak a cotton swab in water and place in one nostril, do the same with the other nostril. Hold the sticks in your nose for about 5 minutes,then remove and thoroughly clean the nose. During the day, carry out this procedure 2-3 more times. An excellent result after this procedure is the instillation of Pinosol and Xylitol nasal drops. They eliminate puffiness and inflammation, which also favor healing. Use them according to the instructions.
Warming up
Warming up the nose helps a lot in the fight against sinusitis. Warm up with an ultraviolet lamp or a bag of heated s alt. This method of treatment is possible only when there is no purulent discharge.
In chronic sinusitis, heat s alt to 60 degrees, add 3-4 chopped garlic cloves to it, place the mixture in a canvas bag and apply to the maxillary sinus until the compress cools down. Warming up is required every evening. It should be done in conjunction with other procedures. Warming up the nasal cavities at home can be done with a boiled egg - place a hot chicken egg in a cotton handkerchief (so as not to damage the skin) and warm up the sinuses. Or sew small bags, fill them with s alt, then, heating them in the microwave or on a radiator, warm the nasal sinuses daily.
Blow your nose often to speed up the healing process. Treatment should begin when the first symptoms of sinusitis or a prolonged runny nose appear. Therapeutic procedures must be performed until complete recovery from sinusitis. If you follow all these recommendations, the symptoms of sinusitis usually pass quickly enough, if the situation is not neglected.
Properties of hydrogen peroxide
Treatment of sinusitis at home with hydrogen peroxide is one of the effective remedies. This substance has a disinfecting property, thereby killing any pathogenic microbes. Using peroxide, you can quickly and completely remove purulent masses that have accumulated in the nasal cavities. Treatment of sinusitis at home is quickly possible by washing the nose. A solution of hydrogen peroxide purchased at a pharmacy is diluted with slightly cooled boiled water: 2 tbsp. l. water add 3 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Introduce liquid into the sinuses of the nose 1 pipette. Accumulated pus and mucus will immediately begin to stand out, from which the nose is thoroughly cleaned. After these manipulations, you should refrain from eating or drinking for 15 minutes. This method is the fastest way to treat sinusitis at home.
Folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis at home can and should be used, but when using one or another method of treatment, it must be borne in mind that any herbs are very strong allergens for people prone to this. Don't forget an important rule.
Before being treated with folk remedies, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor. This is due to the fact that many components from traditional medicine quite often cause allergic reactions. And nowadays, every second person is allergic to various substances, and it is not known how the nasopharyngeal mucosa will behave during such procedures. To get rid of sinusitis without punctures and strongmedicines that often give side effects, you can try to cure it with home remedies. It is imperative to take into account the individual tolerance of the components and the preferences of the patient in order to select the most effective medicine for each to fight the disease.
From the reviews on the treatment of sinusitis at home, it is clear that this or that recipe does not always help in every case. Serious side effects can sometimes occur, so it's important to check with your doctor first.
During an exacerbation of a chronic disease, it is strictly forbidden to heat the sinus area with s alt, a hot egg or other home remedies. This creates additional conditions for the accumulation of pus and aggravation of the inflammatory process. These methods can be used if there is no exacerbation, and only after consulting a doctor.

A wide variety of treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies at home indicates that it is not necessary to take potent drugs and make a painful puncture for this disease. Contact your doctor. Perhaps he will advise how to cure the disease with the help of folk recipes.
We have analyzed the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis at home. The photo shows folk remedies to combat the disease. It is only necessary to carefully and purposefully use the help and power of nature, as well as centuries-old folk experience to cure ailments.