Despite the huge pace of industrial development, in particular the production of contraceptives, and education in developed countries, the topic of unwanted pregnancy remains relevant, especially among adolescents and young people. This delicate problem is solved, as a rule, by means of medical or surgical termination of pregnancy (folk ones are not considered due to their inefficiency and insecurity). Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, surgical abortion is possible for up to 12 weeks (at a later time if there are serious medical indications), in a hospital, by a doctor, using appropriate equipment and pharmaceuticals. As with any other operation, and this is an operation, before it is carried out, it is required to undergo an examination and pass a number of tests: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood and urine tests.
Surgical abortion is performed exclusively under anesthesia. At the request of the patient, both general and local anesthesia can be used, however, according to experts, local is preferable.

The mechanism of the operation is as follows: a curette (loopwith sharp edges). With the help of this tool, the mechanical destruction of the embryo occurs, the fragments of which are brought out, the inner surface of the uterine mucosa is scraped. The damaged area of the uterus, in the place of which the embryo was implanted, cannot be restored. The operation is carried out under ultrasound control in order to avoid accidental trauma to the uterus. Surgical abortion usually takes 15-30 minutes.
Like any other operation, surgical abortion has a number of contraindications:
- Allergic reactions to drugs used for anesthesia.
- Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
- Infectious diseases.
- Blood clotting disorders.
In addition to contraindications, there are a fairly large number of consequences, including: mechanical damage to the uterus with subsequent adhesive processes, allergies, bleeding, in 1-2% of cases there is a need for repeated curettage, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, hormonal disruptions, infertility, as well as mental disorders.
Despite all of the above, among all gynecological operations, surgical abortion is in the first position, reviews of which are very unflattering. So, in 15% of cases after an abortion, there are serious violations of the monthly cycle, in 20% - inflammatory diseases with a lot of consequences, in 100% of cases there is a decrease in immunity, disruption of the endocrine system, nervous disorders, in 25% - secondary infection of the uterine cavity, the use during the operation of the Hegar dilatorleads to damage to the muscles of the cervix, often irreversible, which subsequently provokes a miscarriage in late pregnancy (25-30 weeks). In addition, after an abortion, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion and oncological diseases of the female reproductive system. So, we see that surgical abortion, the cost of which is lower than medical abortion, has a lot of very serious consequences and is a huge stress for the woman's body: it is strongly not recommended for nulliparous patients due to the high probability of infertility or miscarriage.

To avoid all of the above, take care of yourself, choose your partner and contraceptive methods responsibly, and remember that abortion is not the solution to the problem, but only the beginning of them.