Methods of treating myopia at home and in hospital

Methods of treating myopia at home and in hospital
Methods of treating myopia at home and in hospital

Myopia is a violation of the refraction of the eye, that is, the image is formed in front of the retina (normally, this should occur on it). This deviation is also called myopia.

Characteristic features: objects near are clearly visible, far away - blurry. It is possible to cure this vision pathology. These can be: a set of exercises, laser therapy, hardware treatment, folk methods.


How marvelous the human being is - his body, internal systems, as well as the brain, heart, sense organs. Including the visual apparatus - the eyes.

After all, thanks to them, you can observe the physical world, other people, natural phenomena, objects, animals, birds. Also, with the help of vision, a person can read, work at a computer, watch movies or TV shows, draw, and so on.

When all organs and systems work perfectly, it becomes habitual. And does not surprise, does not please some people.

But there are those who from birth (or lost during their lifetime for any reason)unable to see. Or it happens that vision is not normal, and everything around is already seen in a distorted, blurry version…

Scientists involved in research in this area claim that myopia is the problem of the current civilization. This is the most common deviation in the work of the visual apparatus in more than half of people suffering from eye diseases.

Myopia (scientific myopia) is a violation in the perception of the image of external objects. It is formed not on the retina (as it should be in the norm), but in front of it. And as a result, a person sees blurry contours and outlines of distant objects.

Treatment of myopia in children
Treatment of myopia in children

Causes of myopia

Distinguish between physiological and social.

The first are:

  • heredity (if both parents suffer from this disease, then the probability that children will also develop myopia is 50%; if only one of them, and the second has normal vision, then the probability is reduced to 8%);
  • congenital pathology of the eye muscle (the ciliary muscle is not able to accommodate for a long time, which leads to an increase in the eyeball and the occurrence of myopia);
  • impaired blood supply to the eyes;
  • general body condition.

The second includes the following reasons:

  • large loads on the visual apparatus (more often observed in schoolchildren and students who fall ill with myopia by graduation);
  • reading and other visual activities (for example, close proximity to a bookregarding the eyes, lack of lighting);
  • watching TV at close range;
  • gadgets, computer load (long work without interruption every 40 minutes);
  • climatic conditions;
  • racial features in the structure of the eyes and so on.

This disease is observed in both adults and children (especially 5-12 years old).

Treatment for myopia helps improve vision, even up to 100%.

Also indicative are preventive actions aimed at maintaining the visual apparatus. These are vitamins, eye exercises, physiotherapy techniques.

vision prevention
vision prevention

Myopia in children

Treatment, correction and prevention of visual impairment for a child under 18 standard:

  • appointment of glasses with optical lenses or contact lenses;
  • use of the vitamin complex, proper nutrition;
  • limited (by time) viewing of TV, gadgets (including games on the computer);
  • correct workplace lighting;
  • acceptable loads when reading, writing;
  • physiotherapy treatments;
  • exercises for vision (according to Zhdanov, Avetisov and others).

It is natural that sometimes all these rules, restrictions and exercises are not at all a joy for children, because they have to wear hated glasses, drink pills, practically do not watch cartoons and limit themselves to computer games. And also do stupid exercises and periodically go through all sorts ofhardware procedures.

But still, a serious approach is needed in this matter (primarily on the part of parents), since the support (or restoration) of vision from childhood will be the key to he alth in adulthood.

But it is important not to go too far when treating myopia in children, because if there is excessive pressure on the child, he may generally begin to sharply resist all good intentions on the part of the parents, refusing to comply with all the prescriptions of the optometrist.

In general, children love it when a game form is applied to them. Especially up to 6-7 years. Although schoolchildren will also believe in good, inspiring beliefs more than in dry orders that everything is done for the good of the child.

Treatment methods

In the modern world, there are enough ways to eliminate or prevent this visual impairment. Some of them are suitable for children.

Main treatments for myopia:

  1. Drug treatment.
  2. Hardware treatment or physiotherapy methods.
  3. Surgical (laser correction, lens replacement, lens implantation, radial keratotomy).
  4. Folk.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Surgical treatment of myopia
Surgical treatment of myopia

Hardware treatment

This method is suitable for both children and adults. This technique does not cure myopia, but helps to stop its development and is preventive in normal vision.

The hardware treatment of myopia is well combined with the implementationspecial sets of exercises, taking vitamins and other drugs that also help to improve or maintain the functioning of the eye apparatus.

Some of them:

  1. Computer program for myopia correction is an innovation that is actively used in modern ophthalmology. It is used to treat illness in children, evaluates the speed of visual search, develops attention. You can work separately with the left or right eye, as well as with both. The most famous interactive program is "Flower". The bottom line is this: the patient is offered tasks of the same type, but with complications, where it is necessary to find a symbol among several. The size changes (from largest to smallest), speed, and so on. All results are recorded and reviewed by the attending physician.
  2. Light-emitting simulator is a fairly effective and harmless treatment that is used even for babies. The essence: the patient puts on glasses, and the doctor directs light of different colors (also the amplitude is different), which affects the nervous system of the affected eye.
  3. Electrophoresis is a completely painless treatment method that is also applicable to young children and adults. With the help of direct or pulsed current, special preparations are introduced into the human body through the mucous membranes, which help to improve the condition of the organs of vision.
  4. Infrared laser is a method, the essence of which is that the eye is exposed to a red beam, due to which the axis is aligned (in the visual apparatus).
  5. Magnetotherapy is indicated for childrenjunior and middle age. Correction of vision through exposure to the eyes with magnets, which are placed on tightly covered eyelids.
  6. Synoptofor - a set of training exercises on a special electronic device, in which 2 pictures are combined into one. This method trains the capabilities of the visual apparatus, increases the mobility of the eyeballs.
  7. Massage is an important part of the overall treatment of myopia. Most of all, manual massage of the collar area has a beneficial effect.

Folk methods

Myopia can also be treated at home. Of course, it may not be possible to restore vision to 100%, but it is quite possible to maintain it or prevent deterioration.

First of all, sets of exercises - according to Norbekov, Zhdanov, Avetisov. More on this in the next section of the article.

Berry cocktail is an indispensable remedy for the folk treatment of myopia (for prevention and at the initial stage). You can make it from blackcurrant, blueberries, honey and aloe. Visual acuity gradually returns, blood supply to the eyeballs normalizes.

Treatment with folk methods
Treatment with folk methods

Beetroot infusion - made from beet tops and water. Grind the leaves and pour cold water, thermally process on the stove - 20 minutes. Use cotton pads to make compresses. Relaxes eye muscles, normalizes blood pressure.

Decoction of berry leaves is prepared on the basis of green currants, viburnum, gooseberries. Also make compresses for the eyes.

Complex of exercises

Exercisesfor vision
Exercisesfor vision

This is an excellent tool for the prevention of myopia, as well as for early diagnosis. Although there are cases when moderate myopia (from 3 to 6 diopters), due to the performance of exercises for vision, was transferred to the category of weak (within 3 diopters).

All currently existing complexes aimed at preventing or improving the condition of the eye apparatus (treatment for myopia, hyperopia) come down to the following basic exercises:

  1. Blinking both eyes for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Move your eyes: up-down, left-right, diagonally - 10 times each.
  3. Rotate the eyes - clockwise and vice versa - 10 times.
  4. Strong closing and opening of the eyelids - 10 times.
  5. Focus on a distant object (figure) and on a near one - 10 times.
  6. Press with four fingers on the closed eyelids of the eyes - 4 times.
  7. Massage of the upper eyelids (with closed eyes) - clockwise - 1-2 minutes.

For kids, all these positions can be offered in a playful way: with the help of a favorite toy (which also “does exercises for vision”), throwing balls into a basket, watching people, trees, birds from the window.

Whatever doctors say, but this method of treating myopia without surgery also has its positive results.

Medicated treatment

With this method, the malfunction of the eye apparatus is not fully restored, but it is likely to prevent an even greater decrease in vision. Also medicinesand vitamins can be combined with hardware treatment of myopia and a set of exercises.

The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that drops and preparations improve blood circulation in the eyeballs, nourish the internal visual structures (for example, the eye sclera), and maintain the current state of the eyes.

But before deciding on this method of treatment, it is necessary to consult with the attending ophthalmologist, since the development of myopia in each patient is individual (with its own nuances).

Most popular drugs:

Medical treatment of myopia
Medical treatment of myopia
  1. B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and calcium gluconate help relieve eye muscle spasm and strengthen the eye sclera (ascorbic acid).
  2. 0, Atropine 5% solution is effective, but rarely used in ophthalmology, because it has some side effects for the body.
  3. "Tropicamide" helps to relax the eye muscles, stops the focus of the visual organs.
  4. "Taufon" - a solution that is instilled in the eyes at night, improves metabolism in the retina.
  5. "Trental" is a drug to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the eyeballs.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is by far the most effective method of getting rid of myopia. Of course, there is still a chance of an unexpected result (negative) but the percentage of a positive outcome (complete restoration of vision) is high (9 out of 10 patients are cured).

Laser correction

Laser vision correction
Laser vision correction

The most effective correction of myopia is laser treatment. The operation lasts a minimum amount of time, does not imply any pain or other discomfort, the patient recovers quickly after it.

Laser myopia is treated with a beam that acts on the cornea, normalizing the shape of the lens.

For such an operation, the appropriate conditions are necessary:

  • sterility;
  • humidity;
  • temperature;
  • impact depth.

Otherwise, the laser equipment will stop working.

This correction is shown to people aged 18 and older. Sometimes, with the consent of the attending ophthalmologist, they are done to children from the age of 14.

Implantation of a new lens

This way of treating myopia is fairly new. Subdivided into these operational methods:

  1. The living lens is replaced by an artificial one (intraocular lens). It is indicative of a high degree of myopia in people aged 40 and older. Normalization of the work of the visual apparatus lasts several days.
  2. An implant is placed on the living lens of the patient. The method is suitable for adults aged 25-45 years, if the ability of the eyes to accommodate is still present.

In any case, if you decide to treat myopia with surgery (inpatient), you need the advice of the attending ophthalmologist.


The simplest and most affordable prevention for everyonemyopia - for both children and adults - is to follow a few easy recommendations:

  • When reading a book, the distance from the eyes to the page should be 35 centimeters.
  • Try to read less when lying down (also keep an eye on the lighting in case of reading in bed) and in transport (where there are constant vibrations).
  • Work in bright light, correct table lamp position (left).
  • He althy lifestyle (regular exercise, normal exercise, proper and systemic nutrition, drinking enough fluid per day, giving up bad habits).
  • Performing a set of exercises for vision - from 2 times a day (standing or sitting).


About the treatment of myopia (hardware, medication, folk, surgical) there is feedback from the parents of children who are registered with ophthalmologists, as well as adults who have been treated.

Drug treatment and eye exercises help restore vision from -1.5 diopters (both eyes) to 100% (drops, training glasses, exercises).

Advantages of laser vision correction for adults: the ability to undergo diagnostics and treatment on the same day, the operation itself lasts 7 minutes, without pain (short discomfort, but tolerable), vision is restored up to 100%. The recovery process after the operation, according to reviews, is very fast (several days). Patients report that vision has been at 100% for more than 2 years (without any additional procedures,vitamins and exercise).


Condition of the eyeball in myopia
Condition of the eyeball in myopia

As has been repeatedly noted above, with myopia, the light rays (forming the image) are focused not on the retina itself, but in front of it.

And the task of any correction (glasses, lenses, exercises, surgery, drops, vitamins, and so on) is to direct these light rays in the right direction so that they intersect where they are supposed to (that is, on the retina of the eye).

In general, the eye apparatus is a very complex “device”. The visible part of it is the eyes. But behind them are the optic nerves, interconnected with the cerebral cortex, in which the image perceived by the eyes is processed. This whole mechanism is called vision.

And it is better to take care of it from a young age!
